The market has become a dumping ground - page 8

Alexey Viktorov:

"You" is even friendlier.

This is when they have been in touch long enough and a relationship of trust develops. But not when you are being "hit on". Here, no one sees the other person, so it is important to communicate correctly.

Aleksey Ivanov:

(2) It's a question of upbringing here, personally I'm disgusted when people poke me. And when I taught mathematics at the institute, I even addressed all students as 'You'.

Wow, Alexey, you and I are... I'm on the other side of the barricades - I've been tutoring and writing student papers for more than 10 years...

I think "you" should only refer to seriously older people and ladies. And I consider all the regulars here to be quite close acquaintances... That's how I address them...

But it will be interesting to see the results of bot working on complex maths, and compare it with the simplest League TC bots. By the way, I'll post the next week's report tomorrow.

Лига Торговых Систем. Продолжаем работу.
Лига Торговых Систем. Продолжаем работу.
  • 2018.08.27
Всех приветствую. Если кто забыл - Лига Торговых Систем - это набор простых советников, которые постоянно торгуют на демо-счете...
Georgiy Merts:

Wow, Alexey, you and I are... But I'm on the other side of the barricades - I've been tutoring and writing students' papers for over 10 years...

I used to write diplomas for students when there was no Anti-Plagiarism Agency. Although, in the humanities, because my first degree in law. I earned decent money)

Evgeniy Zhdan:

I used to write diplomas for students too, when there was no Anti-Plagiarism. I used to write diplomas for students in the humanities, because my first degree was in law. I earned decent money).

I was not afraid of anti-plagiarism - I wrote my works honestly. Diplomas did not like - with the payment is always tight, you can not take it in advance, and when the diploma - to give people the money does not like. But the essays, examinations, courses - the very "what the doctor prescribed. Can freely do without fear that they will bail on payment, and to take payment only after delivery - all understand that it will be necessary to apply again, and the payment is never bilked.

But I liked tutoring high school students more. It's really nice to see a student beginning to understand something they didn't understand before. Although, sometimes it is not easy to explain mathematics to "pure humanities" students. Another thing that surprised me about the current generation of high school students is that it is now considered lame to study without a tutor. Once I asked my son (who is now studying at the university), when he was preparing for his USE, and complained that he did not have a tutor, and I was "not quotable, as a father" - like, if you tell your friends that you have understood the subject yourself - would it not be "cool"? He said, "no, it wouldn't. If you've figured it out on your own, then you're a pauper who can't afford a tutor, and that's lame." I was quite surprised... "In my day there were tutors too, however, admitting you went to a tutor was like signing off on your stupidity. And now - woah, it turns out to be 'cool'.

Georgiy Merts:

I was not afraid of anti-plagiarism, I wrote my work honestly. Diplomas did not like - with the payment is always tight, you can not take it in advance, and when the diploma - people do not like to give money. But the essays, tests, term papers - the most "what the doctor prescribed. You can freely do not fear that they will bail on payment, and to take payment only after delivery - all understand that it will need to ask more, and the payment is never bilked.

But I liked tutoring high school students better. It's really nice to see when a pupil starts to understand something he or she didn't understand before. Although, sometimes it is quite difficult to explain mathematics to "pure humanitarians". Another thing that surprised me about the current generation of high school students is that it is now considered lame to study without a tutor. Once I asked my son (who is now studying at the university), when he was preparing for his USE, and complained that he did not have a tutor, and I was "not quotable, as a father" - like, if you tell your friends that you have understood the subject yourself - would it not be "cool"? He said, "no, it wouldn't. If you've figured it out on your own, then you're a pauper who can't afford a tutor, and that's lame." I was quite surprised... "In my day there were tutors too, however, admitting you went to a tutor was like signing off on your stupidity. And now - there, it turns out to be 'cool'.

You should have taught your son how to count money. My daughter over there, a student, is thrifty. Instead of tutors before the USE on YouTube studied - for free. And not because I'm stingy, but because she doesn't like to waste money. She has my nature).

And passed the USE well enough. She is studying to be a dentist now, 4th year. And I'd rather give the money to her for her needs than feed her tutors.

Evgeniy Zhdan:

You should have taught your son how to count money. My daughter over there, a student, is frugal. Instead of tutors before the USE, she studied on YouTube for free. And not because I'm stingy, but because she doesn't like to waste money. She has my temper).

No, she doesn't. Life has taught him how to count money. I'm a retired pauper... And I couldn't provide him with a big financial injection. And he didn't have a tutor - I tutored him and explained and prepared him... But he hid this from his friends, and said that he 'went to a tutor' because 'it's a shame not to have a tutor'.

Ivan Butko:
Bought, I think.

I don't get the product because the moderator doesn't like my avatar for it, and I've tried changing it a couple of times. No way. I open the market - all sorts of gibberish, they put anything on avatars, not even the meaning, not metaphor or imagery. But no, they hang, and I already have no desire to redraw in photoshop to not like it again.

Post it here, it's interesting and we'll check it out.

Alexandr Saprykin:
Manipulations on real accounts with deposits/withdrawals are also cheating in order to gain %profit.

It's all perfectly visible.

And when an EA fucks up by two pips on a demo account, many people don't realise that they will lose on a real account.

Boris Gulikov:

You can see everything very well.

And when an EA fucks up two pips on the demo, many people don't realise that they will lose money on the real market.

Even though we can see it, but not everyone understands it.
Boris Gulikov:

You can see everything very well.

And when an EA fucks up two pips on the demo, many people don't realise that they will lose money on the real market.

Yes, 1 pip and 1 second of deal life is a classic grail - only some people manage to show it in real trading on monitoring, of course 100500 thousand percent and no withdrawals, it looks so comforting like stories from the past