The signal is not copied - page 8

Alexandr Saprykin:
That's right. He opened the trades manually. Showed the log. And the closing trades aren't in the log. TS is expecting the manually copied trades to be closed automatically as a result of copying. But it may not be.
Are you reading at an angle? I opened manually after seeing that the signal did not work. I think I have described everything in detail.
I was waiting for trades opened by the signal to close automatically. It closed them. It didn't close for me. I saw that it closed on the signal page. I closed them manually. We rested for 24 hours. I waited. It opened again, but I got nothing. I duplicated it manually. Now for the purity of the experiment I have to wait for him to close. I'll close too, only by myself. Then I have to reinstall the terminal, clean the registry and re-sync. This is on the advice of DC.
Maybe it makes sense now?
I'm glad you're trying to help, but writing the same thing on every page is tedious. Sorry if it seems rude.
Are you reading at an angle? I opened manually after I saw that the signal did not work. I seem to have described everything in detail.
I was waiting for trades opened by the signal to close automatically. It closed them. It didn't close for me. I saw that it closed on the signal page. I closed them manually. We rested for 24 hours. I waited. It opened again, but I got nothing. I duplicated it manually. Now for the purity of the experiment I have to wait for him to close. I'll close too, only by myself. Then I have to reinstall the terminal, clean the registry and re-sync. This is on the advice of DC.
Maybe it makes sense now?
I'm glad you're trying to help, but writing the same thing on every page is tedious. Sorry if it seems rude.

The problem is in any case on the side of either the terminal (most likely) or the broker. In the cloud server and in the signals everything is working fine with others.

Roman Vashchilin:

The problem is either on the terminal side (most likely) or the broker side. In the cloud server and in the signals everything is working fine for others.

I don't think so. I tried it on three different PCs. All of them reconnect every five minutes. No luck on any of them. And one has never had a terminal on it.
Well, it all worked itself out. On Sunday I switched on the terminal, the signal reported a successful synchronisation and opened the actual trades at that time, after the trading session had started. I did not pay attention to my manual trades. Here I sit now and wonder. When it starts collecting its trades opened last week the margin will be doubled. Such nonsense ))))
Well, everything was solved by itself. I turned on my terminal on Sunday and the signal showed successful synchronization and opened deals after the trading session had started. I did not pay attention to my manual trades. Here I sit now and wonder. When it starts collecting its trades opened last week, the margin will be doubled. Such nonsense ))))

So the reason

0       21:21:26.013    '710073488': Signal - connecting to signal server
0       21:26:26.027    '710073488': Signal - connecting to signal server
0       21:31:25.995    '710073488': Signal - connecting to signal server
0       21:36:26.025    '710073488': Signal - connecting to signal server
0       21:41:26.011    '710073488': Signal - connecting to signal server
0       21:46:26.037    '710073488': Signal - connecting to signal server
0       21:51:26.034    '710073488': Signal - connecting to signal server
0       21:56:26.023    '710073488': Signal - connecting to signal server
0       22:01:26.020    '710073488': Signal - connecting to signal server

remains unsolved? Maybe it helped to contact the technical support of the brokerage company and they fixed their problem?

Vladimir Karputov:

So the reason

remains unsolved? Maybe contacting the DC technical support helped and they fixed their problem?

I don't even know. There is one nuance I disabled "synchronize positions without confirmation" on Friday. On Sunday, after startup, the log showed a "connect...blah, blah, blah, blah" followed by a successful sync report. And then a window warning about open positions at the signaler. Unfortunately, since I woke up, I did not screenshot it. But probably many are familiar with it. Somewhere in the faqs I saw it already. Who is to blame, why, remains unclear. I do not want to blame DC, I have been with them for a long time. And I've got normal signal from June till August 13th. It all started with vpc. I think I messed up something there. I did it on Saturday. May this be the reason? I could not synchronize correctly at the beginning of trading session. I don't know.)

Vladimir Karputov:

Vladimir, I need your advice. I want to run the terminal with the signal on another PC. Is it possible to do this in parallel? I.e. they will have to work simultaneously at some point. It will not affect synchronization in any way?

Запуск платформы - Для продвинутых пользователей - MetaTrader 5
Запуск платформы - Для продвинутых пользователей - MetaTrader 5
По завершении установки в меню "Пуск" создается группа программ торговой платформы, а на рабочем столе дополнительно помещается ярлык программы. Используйте их для запуска. Нельзя запускать одновременно две копии платформы из одной директории. Чтобы одновременно запустить несколько копий, установите соответствующее количество программ в разные...

Vladimir, I need your advice. I want to run the terminal with the signal on another PC. Is it possible to do this in parallel? I.e. they will have to work simultaneously at some point. It will not affect synchronization in any way?

I do not understand anything. Describe it in detail. The more accurate the question, the more accurate the answer (I'm not kidding, in your current question you can think of 6 different events).

  1. What is Terminal 1 and what is Terminal 2 (type, build, operating system, trading account number)?
  2. What is Signal on PC #1 and what is Signal on PC #2 (signal number)

Vladimir Karputov:

Nothing is clear. Describe it in detail. The more precise the question, the more precise the answer (I'm not kidding, in your current question it is possible to assume 6 different events).

  1. What is Terminal 1 and what is Terminal 2 (type, build, operating system, trading account number)?
  2. What is the Signal on PC №1 and what is the signal on PC №2 (signal number)

Terminal 1-mt4 from brokerage company. OS WIN 10 PRO
Terminal 2 mt4 from dts. OS win 7
The signal is the same for both. The signal settings are the same on both. The account is the same in both cases. I will be able to specify the build only after installation on the second computer, which is a seven. In the future, during the day, one will be disconnected from the signal and will be used only for monitoring.
Terminal 1-mt4 from brokerage company. OS WIN 10 PRO
Terminal 2 - mt4 from dts. OS win 7
The signal is the same for both terminals. Signal settings are the same on both. The account is the same in both. I will be able to specify the build only after installation on the second computer, which is a seven. In the future, during the day, one will be disconnected from the signal and will only be used for control.

Yeah, if you need control, you can: connect to a trading account which has a subscription to the signal in any way:

  • from any other terminal for desktop Windows version (but in this case the terminal used for controlling MUST have its subscription turned OFF in its settings - this is done NOT to DELETE COPY-UPPOSITION).
  • from any mobile terminal.