You have a technical mind, don't you? - page 14

Ivan Butko:

So the point is that if a mathematical model contradicts physics, then it has nothing to do with physical phenomena.) Hence, no mole norms exist in principle.

No, the point is only that your personal model construction of models does not correspond to the nature of logic of generally accepted methods of logical model construction of the nature of logic)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

No, it's just that your personal model of model building does not conform to the nature of logic of generally accepted methods of logical model building)


I happened to watch a programme the other day (at lunchtime) and it said that a billionth of a second after the big bang, the universe expanded to the size of several solar systems. So I figure that's a lot faster than the speed of light. But if there is superluminal motion, then all space warping/time dilation/TO is scrapped, isn't it?
I happened to watch a programme the other day (during lunch) and it said that some billionth of a second after the big bang, the universe expanded to the size of several solar systems. So I figure that's a lot faster than the speed of light. But if there is superluminal motion, then all space warping/time dilation/TO is scrapped, isn't it?

They contradict themselves, starting with "the emergence of everything from nothing". There is a genre called science fiction) The universe has always existed, and it is expanding and contracting locally, in the part visible to the telescope.


468 page 2 of Douglas Dancolly's physics textbook (Green two-volume book) last paragraph:

"Einstein's special theory of relativity required a rejection of common sense notions of space and time..."

And my high school physics teacher once wondered - "Why do you get straight A's in Algebra and Geometry, and F's in my physics?!...!"


I happened to watch a programme the other day (at lunchtime) and it said that a billionth of a second after the big bang, the universe expanded to the size of several solar systems. So I figure that's a lot faster than the speed of light. But if there is superluminal motion, then all manner of space warping/time dilation/TO is scrapped, isn't it?
Superluminal motion in space is impossible. But the motion of space itself is possible
Maxim Romanov:
FTL movement in space is impossible. But the movement of space itself is possible.

This is a logical fallacy.

A material object moves. An intangible cannot move. Matter is one concept. Space is another concept. If space moves, then it is material. Hence space=matter. We get two identical concepts, it is not absurd, it is a logical error.

Space does not have material properties (temperature, rigidity, pressure and so on), it is matter that has those properties. Therefore it is correct to say "Matter in space" rather than "Matter is space".

Hence, space has only one property - freedom of motion for matter, the same property - absence of restriction of motion, because only other(!) matter (collision, repulsion) restricts matter in motion. Space gives us extended quantities - length (distance) and volume. everything! If something interacts, it is matter, if it does not interact, it is not matter. Space does not affect matter, does not limit it - so space is not matter. Consequently, only matter can warp, contract, expand. Matter in space. Hence it is correct to say "matter in space curves".

Clearly, the difference between space and matter:

Place a balloon in a sturdy vessel. Close the vessel and start feeding it with pressurised water. The balloon has decreased in volume, the water has increased in volume, the vessel that provided the space (volume) has NOT increased and has NOT decreased in volume. That is, volume is NOT dependent on matter. Matter does NOT depend on volume. Matter only depends on other(!) matter (water compresses air). Consequently, only matter in space, not space itself, can warp, contract or expand.

Ivan Butko:

This is a logical error.

A material object moves. The immaterial cannot move. Matter is one concept. Space is another concept. If space moves, then it is material. Hence space=matter. We get two identical concepts, it is not absurd, it is a logical error.

Space does not have material properties (temperature, rigidity, pressure and so on), it is matter that has those properties. Therefore it is correct to say "Matter in space", not "Matter is space".

Hence, space has only one property - freedom of motion for matter, the same property - absence of restriction of motion, because only other(!) matter (collision, repulsion) restricts matter in motion. Space gives us extended quantities - length (distance) and volume. everything! If something interacts, it is matter, if it does not interact, it is not matter. Space does not affect matter, does not limit it - so space is not matter. Consequently, only matter can warp, contract, expand. Matter in space. Therefore it is correct to say "matter in space curves". This is where Einstein got burned.

Clearly, the difference between space and matter:

Place a balloon in a sturdy vessel. Close the vessel and start pressurizing it with water. The balloon has decreased in volume, the water has increased in volume, the vessel that provided the space (volume) has NOT increased in volume.

That's right - matter in space. It is a single concept - matter cannot be imagined outside of space and space cannot be imagined without matter.

Ivan Butko:

This is a logical fallacy.

A material object moves. The immaterial cannot move. Matter is one concept. Space is another concept. If space moves, then it is material. Hence space=matter. We get two identical concepts, it is not absurd, it is a logical error.

Space does not have material properties (temperature, rigidity, pressure and so on), it is matter that has those properties. Therefore it is correct to say "Matter in space" rather than "Matter is space".

Hence, space has only one property - freedom of motion for matter, the same property - absence of restriction of motion, because only other(!) matter (collision, repulsion) restricts matter in motion. Space gives us extended quantities - length (distance) and volume. everything! If something interacts, it is matter, if it does not interact, it is not matter. Space does not affect matter, does not limit it - so space is not matter. Consequently, only matter can warp, contract, expand.

Clearly, the difference between space and matter:

Place a balloon in a strong vessel. Close the vessel and start pumping water into it under pressure. The balloon has decreased in volume, the water has increased in volume, the vessel that provided the space (volume) has NOT increased in volume.

You are talking about a kind of speculative space. Real space is more complicated. Look at the Casimir effect, for example.