You have a technical mind, don't you? - page 6

Georgiy Merts:

How is it wrong? A monopolist cannot put volume and price higher than demand. By raising the price, the sales volume will decrease. The monopolist acts within the same rules, just that he can choose an equilibrium point at which supply and demand are balanced. However, he cannot influence the principle of price formation.

State excise duties also shift the equilibrium, but they do not change the principle itself.

The only possibility of changing the principle is centralised pricing, as it was in the USSR. However, the centre must still take supply and demand into account, otherwise it will be like the USSR, when there were huge quantities of products no one wanted on the shelves, while other products were in terrible short supply.

A monopolist can shape both the demand and the price - for example, Apple. After all, an iPhone is not just a smartphone to a fan.

For natural monopolies (like the post office or driving licences), prices are set by the state and the claim that supply and demand is used to do so is impossible to verify.

Demand-supply does not work in principle on the market for public goods - the state decides everything.

Maxim Romanov:
Forex is not a spring, it is more like the sea in which you stand, scoop out water with a bucket and pour it next to you.
Well, I've got my 5W)

In forex everyone's spring breaks, but I wonder where does the energy accumulated by the spring go?

Aleksey Nikolayev:

A monopolist can shape both demand and price itself - for example, Apple. After all, an iPhone is not just a smartphone to its fan.

For natural monopolies (like the post office or driver's licences), prices are set by the state and there is no way to check the claim that this uses supply and demand.

Demand-supply does not work in principle on the market for public goods - the state decides everything.

When the state intervenes, it is no longer a market.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Dedicated to all with PGMs:


There are people (there are an awful lot of them)

Whose lives have been given

To shit on the idea of God,

By their service to Him.

- Huberman.

Yes, and it wasn't written by Jew Huberman, it was written by another Jew, Ezekiel, (in his own words) if I tell you to do it, try not to do it and you'll go straight to the furnace. And good or bad, it's not for you to know. And the 144000 will be only those who will not divide the world into good and evil, and I assume that they are chromosomes - their number is somewhere in man, and about the superfluous it is said: do not touch the aliens, if they do everything right, then let them live, otherwise I will ask for them. And this number, which nobody knows, breaks their brains, let's think logically, 144000, for example I am 144001 and you are 144002, so if we take into consideration this nonsense of God then you and I will not go to paradise, but (but pay attention to this), by our pious deeds we knock out those, who are already in this number. How then: Love thy neighbour as thyself! Do you think that some of those righteous people will give up his place for all of you? No way, he will tell you such polemics about his life that you will get sick and regret that you wanted to take his place and to be righteous. So it's one thing for some people and the next for others. None of the people know where he is going, while he who obeys the law without regard (I emphasize) for anything (this is pessimism), is going the right way, while all the rest go to hell. And programming is the future, so we prescribe in our DNA and improve it - right.

And in general, it is necessary to drag priests and these sectarians to forex closer to robots. They had Paul 2000(a thousand) years ago, who cheated the richest and diminishing Greece, all their rich people with his letters, then became lazy and sent Luke for money. There is more capital there than the Rothschilds together with their finance chiefs. So, the priests should sit on their ears and pull them into the Forex market, they won after tomorrow there is another church in the taiga for the bears, and why should they suck their paw all winter, let them live in a monastery and they need food there, and that is how they keep everything going for the time being. It is written there that the sceptre will not depart from Judah until the conciliator comes. And the conciliator is from another tribe. That's where we disagree with the Jews.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

When the state intervenes, it is no longer a market.

It is no longer a "free market", but it is still a market. Any market is regulated in one way or another by some state (or inter-state organisation), even the stock exchange or forex.

A market is a set of processes and procedures which ensure the exchange between buyers (consumers) and sellers (suppliers) of particular goods and services.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

In forex, everyone's spring breaks, but I wonder where the energy stored in the spring goes?

It doesn't go anywhere, it dissipates into heat. Conventionally speaking, we have a share in a large sea of money and this share is no more than a conditional boundary. Trading on the market, we try to expand those boundaries at the expense of other people's boundaries. But money is and always was, it is not coming from anywhere and is not going anywhere (or rather its number is constantly increasing). So all energy is not spent on earning money, but on fighting with other participants, and in fact in warmth. The value of money is determined by the desire to get it. That is, the more intense the struggle, the more expensive it is. If people stop fighting for money, its value will drop to 0.

(It was technical, it became financial.


Renat Akhtyamov:

Technical, now financial.


And everyone is such a financier, you could promote them to the Nobel Prize :)


The concept of force is only introduced by defining it through Newton's second law, F=ma, which also introduces the concept of mass. There is no means of measuring force separately and mass separately unless this law is applied. Energy, unlike these two concepts defined only through each other, can be measured in independent experiments. Even its units of measurement show a connection with phenomena of a non-mechanical nature, the calorie = 4.16 joules. A calorie is how much energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water (1 litre) by 1 degree; a joule is how much energy it takes to lift 1 kg of mass to a height of 1 metre against the force of gravity at an acceleration of free fall of about 10 metres per second per second.

That is on the contrary, it is for calibration of springs that a force standard is required, and there is nothing to measure the force itself, one can only compare weights on a lever scale in the field of earthly gravity. And to distinguish hot water from cold water is possible even by hand, without thermometer and scaling of temperatures from freezing to boiling water in the range of 0-100 degrees Celsius - that is what mothers do, with their elbow, before bathing their little children, precisely and responsibly. Energy in all its various forms has a law of conservation, but force does not. Mass, momentum, energy have it, but force does not. Force has little basis for claiming objective existence, it is the result of calculation. Much more so for energy.

Exactly,... that's what I'm saying: while in the heads of our people "... the concept of Force is introduced only by defining it through Newton's second law, F=ma...", in real nature - it is not Force that depends on Acceleration, but it is Acceleration that is EXPENSED by the presence of an uncompensated vector of Force.

People do not hesitate to "put the cart before the horse"... confuse cause and effect... and the entire General Education System indulges in it as much as possible.