You have a technical mind, don't you? - page 5

Yrii Kuksov:

Anything you like. I personally haven't had a drink at all for about 10 years now, although alcohol was the hardest stage of the jump for me, Dionysus got his teeth and claws into me, but it all passed. There was such a proverb, it was in the old days, when towns closed their gates at night and did not let anyone in until morning, and there goes an alcoholic on a horse, one who smokes hashish on a camel and one who smokes opium on a donkey and everyone tries to get to town before sunset; but the sun goes down and the gates are closed, they sit down, make a fire, the alcoholic drinks, that one scores and smokes hashish, and he boils tea and with tea consumes opium; the alcoholic drinks and says: I'll have another drink - let's go and break the gate and kill all the guards, and the hashish-smoker says: let's go through the keyhole, the guards will fall asleep and we'll go quietly, unnoticed and through; And the opium addict says, "No, friends, you can do as you like, you can beat your faces in, you can climb through keyholes, but I personally will not go into town, I'm fine here. This proverb speaks volumes about everyone's behaviour. I personally do not see the good in anything. There is another point that I do not remember, especially poetry and all that I do not need. And here with the Bible is a trap, I do not know it by heart and now ask me I will not say, but the situation I have statements, they used to occur very often (I read it without ceasing, especially since I'm an atheist, and I do not care about all the canons, etc.), but I was interested in finding all the possible patterns. And it's in the blood itself by the way. (I haven't touched it at all for about 10 years, the information has exhausted all connection and now I need information), and as I found it, it is programming, it is a person trying to be like created man, and since it is so, I will assume that DNA and RNA (acids) are the usual program code. I would say what is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, if it is said that it grows in the middle and to reason logically, it turns out that hope is precisely this tree, hope is exactly in the middle of everything and its fruit is doubt, which is also in the middle of everything. Smoking tobacco, the Indians are taking revenge on us, or rather the Europeans for their extermination.

Yes, we cannot go through the keyhole where we want to go, and neither hope nor doubt will ease the way.


Dedicated to all with PGMs:


There are people (there are an awful lot of them)

Whose lives have been given

To shit on the idea of God,

By their service to Him.

- Huberman.

Georgiy Merts:

Very simple to explain - the price of a good depends solely on the supply/demand balance

This is true for markets with perfect competition. Oil and gasoline markets are hardly one of them.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Oh, Georges the analyst is on the phone! Come on, explain to us why the ruble fell in December 2014?

Again - the price of an asset depends solely on the supply/demand ratio. Nabibulina decided it would be a good idea to offer more roubles in order to "gambol" on inflation, but most economic actors decided they didn't need that many roubles. When supply grows and demand falls, what happens to the asset? Its price falls. Which is what happens.

Unfortunately, in today's world, it is more profitable for central banks to make short-term profits from issuing unsecured money than to keep the exchange rate firm (a direct obligation of the Central Bank). And all modern central banks suffer from this in one form or another. It is even theorised that "inflation is better than deflation, and it is good when there is little inflation".

That is exactly the disadvantage that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were designed to correct. That's why governments freaked out, because they are used to profiting from inflation, but that requires economic actors to use their notes, and then there are new notes that they have no control over issuing.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

This is true for markets with perfect competition. Oil and gasoline markets are hardly any of these.

This is true for ANY market. A monopoly producer can simply make some extra profit compared to a perfectly competitive one by being able to change supply. But the very essence of pricing remains the same for absolutely any markets.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Another question is: how did people learn to work diamonds if they are the hardest substance on earth? After all, in order to work something with high hardness, one must prepare a tool with hardness no less, and preferably higher.

Or, to exaggerate the question in a harder form - how can a plasticine knife saw through a steel beam?

T... It's not a question - water cuts stones. A bit more plasticine and a thinner beam and you can cut it after a long time.

Georgiy Merts:

This is true in ANY market. A monopoly producer can simply make some extra profit compared to a perfectly competitive one by being able to change the supply. But the very essence of pricing remains the same for absolutely any market.

Wrong. The monopolist chooses the right volume and the right price. There is also state regulation. For example, the excise tax is a major part of the price of gasoline.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Wrong. The monopolist chooses the right volume and the right price. There is also state regulation. For example, the excise tax is a major part of the price of petrol.

How is that wrong? The monopolist cannot set the volume and the price higher than the demand. By raising the price, the volume of sales will decrease. The monopolist acts within the same rules, just that he can choose the equilibrium point at which supply and demand are balanced. However, he cannot influence the principle of price formation.

State excise taxes also shift the equilibrium, but they do not change the principle itself.

The only possibility of changing the principle is centralised pricing, as it was in the USSR. However, the Centre still has to take supply and demand into account, otherwise it will be like the USSR, when there were huge quantities of unneeded products on the shelves, while other products were in terrible short supply.

Georgiy Merts:

How is it wrong? A monopolist cannot put volume and price higher than demand. By raising the price, the sales volume will decrease. The monopolist acts within the same rules, just that he can choose an equilibrium point at which supply and demand are balanced. However, he cannot influence the principle of price formation.

Government excise taxes also shift the equilibrium, but they don't change the principle itself in any way.

The only possibility of changing the principle is centralised pricing, as it was in the USSR. However, the Centre must still take supply and demand into account, otherwise it will be like the USSR, when there was a huge amount of products no one wanted on the shelves, while other products were in terrible short supply.

George is right. I showed for the first time that the entrepreneur's profit formula in any type of market is the same and only depends on the sign of the elasticity Y, which takes into account supply and demand. If Y>0 this is a monopolistic market, Y<0 a competitive market. Out of ignorance of the situation, the market was divided into different kinds. The market is one with the same laws of profit. Carefully read the article and everything will become clear. There are 17 types of real and virtual prices on the market and they all need to be evaluated, in order to adequately determine the profit, according to the generalized formula, as the difference between the income and all kinds of expenses. There is no other way.

Теория рынка
Теория рынка
Рынок — это механизм товарно-денежных отношений, действующий на базе присущих им законов, связывающий покупателей (представителей спроса) и продавцов (представителей предложения) и формирующий цены на объекты купли-продажи. Цена — главный ориентир рыночных отношений. Она представляет собой (в соответствии с трудовой теорией стоимости) денежное...
Vitaly Stepanov:

Well, did you get your five watts back from forex?

Don't talk about black holes.

Forex is not a spring, it's more like the sea where you stand, scoop out water with a bucket and pour it next to you.
Well, I got my five watts back.)