You have a technical mind, don't you? - page 4

Maxim Romanov:

What's wrong with the energy in the spring? It makes sense, we spent 5 watts to compress the spring, and now if it uncompresses, we get that 5 watts back. The watts are a very real thing, which is .... How much work we can get. Everything can be calculated. With power and drag you can calculate the maximum speed. The good thing about science is that everything is connected and depends on each other.

Well, did you get your five watts back from forex?

Don't talk about black holes.

I sometimes wonder about these followers of Einstein's ideas?! I've been reading the Bible since I was 16, five years ago I spent a month and a half in intensive care, I forgot everything and everyone, I only remembered my brother, the Bible and the formula for finding the discriminant - the square equation; no light etc., I did not see and by the way, that woman who described this vision in Reader's magazine woke up the next morning a millionaire and then people's attempts to make money out of it became dominated by consciousness, the same happens about Einstein's ideas with inexperienced consciousness, but which tries to stand out from others - this is a common instinct - the back of brain - nervous system (at this stage of development). In Genesis 2, after the seventh day, begins the story of the creation of man (this is where Darwin derived his brilliant idea), it says that when there were no bushes on Earth - man was created (in my own words, otherwise Jews for torah will kill), turn the page back and read in the first chapter, when were bushes created?and we see that on the third day - so the man was created before, ok, but in this first chapter it says that man was created on the sixth day; brrr - it is not clear and something does not fit together?!, or maybe he was created on the third day and on the sixth day he began to develop?!, we should check, and so Darwin being well aware of zoology (and the genealogists knew the Bible by heart) got up to check it all. He did not take into account and did not take into account one point, which is that man gave names to all animals, and this indicates the degradation of the individual, and the developing individual gives another name to an individual below himself in his development, assigning them to animals, and those degrading more and more eventually disappear; all this happens at the level of DNA and RNA, but RNA is in everything and everywhere. In general, everything is made of acid and alkali and from here water appears as a precipitate in the reaction; I am not a scientist, but I can reason correctly. And about the Bible, I will tell you this, in the third book of the preacher Ezra describes the moment when he wrote the whole Bible from the beginning to the end, almost the whole Old Testament, 94 books, 70 books were told to him: Hide these books, a selected few will read them, and the rest let everybody read them. So, these 70 books have nothing to do with religious fans, but fans themselves by their actions help the chosen to decipher these seventy books, as they are written in the language of slaves and for slaves, and human EGO and instinct including will never let these books to read, and there are mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy and many more useful and good things. And the Cabala is someone's attempt to decipher these books with EGOM, so someone also knew where they were, by the way, Adam betrayed his wife, saying, the wife you gave me, she ate, and she gave me, and I ate. All human beings have this betrayal in their DNA, and by it, one is recognized as a human being, and he who will deny it, by his mind and actions and thoughts will eventually be relegated to the animals. And so I, as a traitor, will tell you where to find them: they are all written in the first five books of Moses, the rest of the Old Testament Bible acts as a clue to decipher; you know biology and if you have imaginative thinking, you will find there and educate yourself on biology, etc. I'm going to go smoke.
Yrii Kuksov:
I sometimes wonder about these followers of Einstein's ideas. I've been reading the Bible since I was 16, five years ago I spent a month and a half in intensive care, I forgot everything and everyone, I only remember my brother, the Bible and the formula for finding the discriminant - the square equation; no light, etc., I did not see and by the way, that woman who described this vision in Reader's magazine woke up the next morning a millionaire and then people's attempts to make money out of it became dominated by consciousness, the same happens about Einstein's ideas with inexperienced consciousness, but which tries to stand out from others - this is a common instinct - the back of brain - nervous system (at this stage of development). In Genesis 2, after the seventh day, begins the narrative of the creation of man (this is where Darwin derived his brilliant idea), it says that when there were no bushes on Earth - man was created (in my own words, otherwise Jews for torah will kill), turn the page back and read in the first chapter, when were bushes created?and we see that on the third day - so the man was created earlier, ok, but in this first chapter it says that man was created on the sixth day; brrr - it is not clear and something does not fit together?!, or maybe he was created on the third day and on the sixth day he began to develop?!, we should check, and so Darwin being well aware of zoology (and the genealogists knew the Bible by heart) got up to check it all. He did not take into account and did not take into account one point, which is that man gave names to all animals, and this indicates the degradation of the individual, and the developing individual gives another name to an individual below himself in development, assigning them to animals, and those degrading more and more eventually disappear; all this happens at the level of DNA and RNA, but RNA is in everything and everywhere. In general, everything is made of acid and alkali and from there comes water to form a sediment in the reaction; I am not a scientist, but I can reason correctly. And about the Bible, I will tell you this, in the third book of the preacher Ezra describes the moment when he wrote the whole Bible from the beginning to the end, almost the whole Old Testament, 94 books, 70 books were told to him: Hide these books, only chosen people will read them, and others - let everybody read them. So, these 70 books have nothing to do with religious fans, but fans themselves by their actions help the chosen to decipher these seventy books, as they are written in the language of slaves and for slaves, and human EGO and instinct including will never let these books to read, and there are mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy and many more things useful and good. And the Cabala is someone's attempt to decipher these books with EGOM, so someone also knew where they were, by the way, Adam betrayed his wife, saying, the wife you gave me, she ate, and she gave me, and I ate. All human beings have this betrayal in their DNA, and by it, one is recognized as a human being, and he who will deny it, by his mind and actions and thoughts will eventually be relegated to the animals. And so I, as a traitor, will tell you where to find them: they are all written in the first five books of Moses, the rest of the Old Testament Bible acts as clues to decipher them; you know biology and if you have imaginative thinking, you will find there and enlighten yourself on biology, etc. I'm going to go smoke.

What, are you smoking?

Vitaly Stepanov:

Why, do you smoke?

I have encephalopathy and if I were you, I would not argue about it, if you have not smoked and do not smoke marijuana, then I will lie to you now and you will believe me and the most important thing is that you will deny it here, so why ask silly questions?

Yrii Kuksov:

I have encephalopathy and if I were you I wouldn't argue about it, if you haven't smoked and don't smoke marijuana then I'm about to lie to you and you will believe me and the most important thing is that you will deny it here, so why ask silly questions

Not a stupid question at all. It's just that I haven't meditated in a long time, I want to, too.


And what is marihuana is shit. The Nazis invented a stronger drug - it is also an acid, just like RNA and DNA, in general the acid in our body behaves differently and affects our thinking. In small doses it clears the brain. Salt is an alkaline, and Neanderthals (history) lived about 30 years, as they ate meat without salt, but we eat salt and live longer, the meat is DNA, or acid, and salt (alkali) helps us break it down. It's just the usual logic. There's no marijuana.

There's something about the spring and Einstein all over again?!I once made something in OpenGL with Newton's laws, and there is not a single slip, everything moves as it should, and everything is visible and visually confirmed, while Einstein all that he invented - all on paper and everything, and while people will take his ideas to calculations - will only create a fake - to destroy it and do everything anew; The usual perception of optimists, for neither city nor town, just to have something, and what and how, those who need it will figure it out, like a black square.

Yrii Kuksov:
And what's marihuana is shit. Fascists invented a stronger drug - it is also an acid, as well as RNA and DNA, in general the acid in our body behaves particularly and affects thinking. In small doses it clears the brain. Salt is an alkaline, and Neanderthals (history) lived about 30 years, as they ate meat without salt, but we eat salt and live longer, the meat is DNA, or acid, and salt (alkali) helps us break it down. It's just simple logic. And no marijuana.

I see a lot of unorganised information in your head, mate. Salt, acid, MTD, etc. But a good headache really clears your head.

Vitaly Stepanov:

I see a lot of unorganised information in your head, mate. Salt, acid, MTD, etc. But the good stuff really clears your head.

I don't smoke marijuana, it's not a drug for me, it dries the brain, and if many people say that it has no withdrawal, the withdrawal is real and concrete, but it will happen in time with the consciousness that a person will never connect these circumstances with each other, and dried out brains will have another attitude to the situation and remembering the subconscious brain that at this moment, he would kill himself laughing and sobering up, I knew one man who used pliers to pull out half of his teeth with a pair of pliers. Another thing that provokes this aggression is alcohol, which the man thinks of and blames on, but in reality it is marijuana that has changed the balance in the nervous system between neurons and ions, and some receive things that are not theirs.

Yrii Kuksov:

I do not smoke marijuana, it's not a drug for me, it dries the brain, and if many people say that there is no withdrawal from it, there is a withdrawal and a concrete withdrawal, but it will happen in time with the consciousness that a man and never between these circumstances, and dried out brains will have another attitude to the situation and remembering the subconscious brain that at this moment it would kill itself from laughter, and sooting, I knew someone who used pliers to pull out half of his teeth with a pair of pliers. Another thing that provokes this aggression is alcohol, which a person thinks and blames on alcohol, when in fact it is marijuana that has changed the balance in the nervous system between neurons and ions, and some get what is not theirs.

What do you have to offer?

Vitaly Stepanov:

What can you offer?

Anything you like. I personally haven't had a drink at all for about 10 years now, although alcohol was the hardest stage of the jump for me, Dionysus got his teeth and claws into me, but all passed. There was such a proverb, it was in the old days, when towns closed their gates at night and did not let anyone in until morning, and there goes an alcoholic on a horse, one who smokes hashish on a camel and one who smokes opium on a donkey and everyone tries to get to town before sunset; but the sun goes down and the gates are closed, they sit down, make a fire, the alcoholic drinks, that one scores and smokes hashish, and he boils tea and with tea consumes opium; the alcoholic drinks and says: I'll have another drink - let's go and break the gate and kill all the guards, and the hashish-smoker says: let's go through the keyhole, the guards will fall asleep and we'll go quietly, unnoticed and through; And the opium addict says, "No, friends, you can do as you like, you can beat your faces in, you can climb through keyholes, but I personally will not go into town, I'm fine here. This proverb speaks volumes about everyone's behaviour. I personally do not see the good in anything. There is another point that I do not remember, especially poetry and all that I do not need. And here with the Bible is a trap, I do not know it by heart and now ask me I will not say, but the situation I have statements, they used to occur very often (I read it without ceasing, especially since I'm an atheist, and I do not care about all the canons, etc.), but I was interested in finding all the possible patterns. And it's in the blood itself by the way. (I haven't touched it at all for about 10 years, the information has exhausted all connection and now I need information), and as I found it, it is programming, it is a person trying to be like created man, and since it is so, I will assume that DNA and RNA (acids) are the usual program code. I would say what is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, if it is said that it grows in the middle and to reason logically, it turns out that hope is precisely this tree, hope is exactly in the middle of everything and its fruit is doubt, which is also in the middle of everything. Smoking tobacco, the Indians are taking revenge on us, or rather the Europeans for destroying them.