Windows 10 doesn't think I'm human! - page 7

Алексей Тарабанов:


The build number of interest is Control Panel - System - About System

Mine says

Windows 10 Pro

version 1803

Build 17723.1000

Yrii Kuksov:

Ten is also nimble, but when and what - it needs to be set; I personally have updates coming in and it asks in the startup, "shutdown" tab with a separate item - install and restart, or what?! And it's fine. And then I installed an update assistant for myself just in case, I met a time when my brother couldn't install updates because of some error, so I installed an assistant for him and everything was up to date immediately. Ten is not a bad machine.

What kind of helper is it?

The foreigners there are perplexed, they say, what a country, everyone works for the same company judging by the activation - the country is a corporation. And there is nothing they can do about it.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

What's the assistant?

They seem to have built this assistant quite recently, it's the one I'm using to update my Windows not mine, mine just went there to look and download it, but the updates are so bad, it only puts cool ones in my start screen on reboot, and I have a corporate one. A lot of issues are resolved in the settings there, the control panel is about to go to the bottom. I haven't done much digging with the helper yet, so I can't say anything for it exactly, but it's there and it's a Microsoft copy for sure, which means it's needed for something.

No, the control panel won't disappear though. There's some useful utilities in there, accessed via the panel, but if they're just throwing everything into options, it's already expanding by leaps and bounds, I've got a couple of new tabs in the middle of it?! No - they've changed though, they're smaller and more compact.
Not stood up, but became
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yesterday, Friday, around 12 am Moscow time, working, suddenly computer is slowing down a lot, hard light is on, CPU load is 99%.

Ok, I got into Update Center, new build Windows 10 Insider Preview 17723.1000 (rs5_release) is installed. I'm the one who somehow foolishly joined the

Insider Preview to get new versions before the official release. But the thing is that I have my working hours set to 11:00-21:00,

and that's when any updates aren't allowed. But apparently Winda doesn't think I'm a user and decided to update. Postponed the update, worked in peace,

wrote a report to MS about the outrage. I switched it on for the night and it still updates.

Built a new computer on keby lek semper did not want to install, barely pushed, now works only constantly throws up a message "incompatible hardware" But it's better than a ten)


My 8.1 also has enough of a quirk. It sends telemetry too. To avoid this, you have to stop some services, remove tasks from the scheduler. I've got step by step instructions for this somewhere. On 8.1, there's what's called "maintenance" that happens periodically. System checks, defragmentation happens, some cleverly useful stuff like that. These times are extremely difficult to work with. But this is configurable and can be turned off altogether. From time to time problems with updates occur. Sometimes they stop installing for unclear reasons. I can get an error code, but it does not help. Then everything resolves for some reason and starts installing.

I think Wine's site has some words about metatrader in both versions. I looked a long time ago, there were problems with templates then. What happens now is unknown. The best thing to do is just try to install it on Ubuntu at least

Алексей Тарабанов:
Nothing's going off. I'm probably the wrong one.

It's not just you, I'm wrong too, I'm using Win10 x64 Home.

The only thing that has been bothering me is the lag when installing updates, I don't think there will be any sudden lags after the latest update.

But I've never had to reboot on my own after an update. They always ask.