Windows 10 doesn't think I'm human! - page 3

Alexey Valeev:
I didn't even install Vista since I read some reviews saying it was very slow. About happiness the same, only with 7th after XR on which I had to reinstall the system once in half a year. I also have 64x installed.

Vista came with a laptop when it first appeared. By the way, at first, the first few years, it was quite adequate. I guess the updates from MS finished it off.

Alexey Valeev:

Yep, .NET has classes in seven, but they're not implemented, prototypes mostly. However, you can find almost all implementations of these classes on the internet or on a githab. I've never installed ten, sevens is completely fine with it. The system, which still amazes me after XP is probably 5 years old, whew, whew. I mean, seven is, well, a very stable system and totally fine with it, why even need ten.

Yeah, looked on MS website now, on win 7 SP1 you can put the latest version of .NET Framework 4.7.2

I switched from 7 to 10 at the time out of sheer curiosity. Everything is ok with it except for spontaneous telemetry launching, updates without user's consent and reboots also without consent.

Well it's understandable, MS just decided to make life easier for themselves with support. The American housewife does not have to think and decide whether she needs this update or not right now. Windows has decided everything for her, you can eat another gamburgurus and watch dotcom))

Nikolay Kositsin:

What are you so worried about, big brother Bill knows better than you what you need!

That's right, the update and reboot policy is designed for the average dumb user. What will he lose by rebooting without asking? A porn page in the browser? So the browser remembers it and opens it again.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Vista came with a laptop when it first appeared. By the way, at first, the first few years, it was quite adequate. I guess the updates from MS got the better of her.

Most likely, it just got littered. I reinstall the OS cleanly every 1-2 years, everything starts flying right away. And I don't trust the cleaners, I had a couple of times, cleaned my registry, many of the programs stopped running, rolled back.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

That's right, the update and reboot policy is designed for the average dumb user. So what does he lose by rebooting without asking? A porn page in the browser? So the browser remembers it and opens it again.

I've never had that kind of trouble with the 10 - pro before. But I've been tweaking something in it since the beginning in terms of updates. I don't remember, I didn't go back there.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

It's probably just a mess. Every 1-2 years I reinstall the OS cleanly, everything starts flying right away. And I don't trust cleaners, I had a couple of times, cleaned my registry with a cleaner, many programs stopped running, rolled it back.

No, I've reinstalled it (Vista) several times with formatting HP and reinstalling everything and everywhere - to no avail. It's more like she's been bothered by MS updates.))

Registry, too, the cleaners do not trust. I only trust them to look for errors - then I check and delete some of them manually.


Are you still using Windows?

Then we're coming to you ))

Damn, the new version wiped out my old skype again and installed MS's g***o skype. Why did they ruin a great program - the old Skype? In the new one you can't change the username in the contacts and I've always added notes to the name, e.g. Victor - wants to learn scalping. Took that cripple down, looking for the old one...
Sergey Chalyshev:

Are you still using Windows?

Then we are coming to you ))

Have you learned how to write EAs for other OS? Tell me how to do it


Alexey Volchanskiy:

Damn, the new version wiped out my old skype again and installed MS's g***o skype. Why did they ruin a great program - the old Skype? In the new one you can't change the username in the contacts and I've always added notes to the name, e.g. Victor - wants to learn scalping. Took that cripple down, looking for the old one...

Funny, found the link onкак/3464ae8f-553e-48f9-bf3d-a50c4763a6f5 , with a reply from the moderator ))))

Valentyna_C Reply Date March 23, 2018

Microsoft Agent | Moderator

Hello. Download the classic version here, please


But after installing, skype wrote that the version is outdated and will be replaced without my input with the new one, which is crippled. Well, let's look for an even older version, google gave up a bunch of links to archives of old god-awful versions.

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