Windows 10 doesn't think I'm human! - page 4

I read posts like this and am glad I stayed on 8.1
We should switch to hummingbirds
Alexey Volchanskiy:

But after installing it, Skype wrote that the version was out of date and would be replaced without my involvement by a new one, which was crippled. Well, let's look for an even older version, Google gave up a bunch of links to archives of old god-awful versions.

Skype started writing to me that the old version would soon stop working and it needed to be upgraded, so I upgraded. Yeah, I don't like the new one either.

Andrei Novichkov:
I read posts like this and am glad I stayed on 8.1

Stay on it, 10 as an OS is very good, but this kind of tar, when the user is considered a boor without decision making power, spoils the whole honey.

I remember Symbian OS, it was the leader in the smartphone world, I used to write games for it in C++ myself. There was a great community of developers on the Nokia forum. There was a Marketplace, like on this site. Then Nokia got greedy and started demanding all programs to be licensed on its license server for huge sum, like $200 per program. And that's all, licenses began to be broken, Nokia Market stopped filling up, community wiped Nokia with Russian slurs in English, everyone began to run away, mostly to Android, then to iOS.

And Nokia soon died because of the stupid policy that private developers are crap, and large companies can afford $200. Where is Nokia now, where is Simba? In hell )).

Alexey Valeev:

I got skype to write that soon the old version will no longer work and it needs to be updated, I updated it. Yeah, I don't like the new one either.

I wanted to make the folder "E:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone" read-only, but it already has this attribute. I'll try to make it hidden, maybe it will won't let me, even under the admin. I've given a write ban to the folder and all its subfolders in the access permissions.

Skype is working, let's see what will happen next.

Gotta go for the hummingbird

Interesting and old project, I bet a long time ago out of interest. It's not good for trading, just a curious toy, nothing more.


I don't get you.
As the chief executive of the Smallminds became Satya Nadella, the Winds are getting better and better in the form of Windows 10.
Of course I'd like something even better, and Windows is not a flawless OS. But there just doesn't seem to be a better one by the sum of the criteria.
I download all the updates. WIN10 runs like clockwork. No glitches at all. I violated it far and wide. During last year no virus has infected my computer, although I use usual free antivirus (Avast) and sometimes checkRescue Disk from Kaspersky.
I only monitor autoloading and have disabled internal spyware: Control Panel -> Administration -> Services -> Connected Users Functionality and Telemetry

True - of course for a fresh OS you need a fresher hardware too. Maybe that's the problem?

For reference, worldwide OS usage in the last year ( source )

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Bill works for the Freemasons and complies with their demands. User control is paramount.

Well, yes, Steve faltered and was treated like John F. Kennedy.
Nikolai Semko:

I don't understand you.
As the chief executive of the Smallminds has become Satya Nadella, the Winds are getting better and better in the form of Windows 10.
Of course I would like something even better, and Windows is not a flawless axis. But there just doesn't seem to be a better one by the sum of the criteria.
I download all the updates. WIN10 runs like clockwork. No glitches at all. I violated it far and wide. During last year no virus has infected my computer, although I use usual free antivirus (Avast) and sometimes checkRescue Disk from Kaspersky.
I only monitor autoloading and have disabled internal spyware: Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> Connected Users and Telemetry

True - of course for a fresh OS you need a fresher hardware too. Maybe that's the problem?

For reference, worldwide OS usage over the last year ( source )

The hardware isn't new, but it's quite capable of pulling everything. Disabled Services -> "Connected user functionality and telemetry" and also "Standard diagnostic centre collector service. Once started, the service starts collecting and processing live events from the Windows event trace service".

AMD FX 4170 Quad Core 4.55 Gz


Win 10 Pro 1803

Build 17723.1000

Could you please write your data?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The hardware isn't new, but it's fine. Disabled Services -> "Connected user functionality and telemetry" and also "Standard Diagnostic Center Collector service. Once started, the service starts collecting and processing live events from the Windows event trace service".

AMD FX 4170 Quad Core 4.55 Gz


Win 10 Pro 1803

Build 17723.1000

Could you please write your data?

My hardware is quite modest, just relatively new (less than a year old).
Strange - I thought the "Connected user functionality and telemetry" service was a renamed "diagnostics centre builder service". It's written about it here . Anyway, I only have the first service. Do you have both?