Subscription to OnBookEvent sometimes falls off - is there such a thing? - page 10

Stanislav Korotky:

This doesn't help in the general case where the software is from different vendors and there is no control in common. So all this tambourine dancing is initially useless. And this has already been said before. You are cluttering up the thread off-topic.

At least I suggested something as a short-term solution (many people write for themselves).

Why bring up a thread if you know you cannot do without developers?

Instead of thanks - slop.


Instead of thanks - slop.

Thanks for doing all these tests - saved a lot of people a lot of time

I had an idea how OnChartEvent works... the tests convinced that OnBookEvent works on the same principle... which means it's a single concept and changes are probably unlikely here


Thanks for doing all these tests - saved a lot of people a lot of time

I had an idea how OnChartEvent works... tests convinced that OnBookEvent works on the same principle... so it's a single concept and changes are unlikely

You're welcome.

But not any more tests, but a ready-made solution.

Of course, it is not suitable for paid writers, but for everyone else (who writes for himself), it works.


The bad thing is that the developers are always watching this forum, but never commenting on the "bottlenecks" in the terminal.


There is no counter. And if there was one, the documentation would explicitly state that it exists and only Add\Release paired call is allowed - otherwise the counter would get lost and the meaning of its existence would be lost

And if you say that you need a reference counter... then you could go further and abolish broadcasting altogether

There is a counter.

At least I offered something as a short-term solution (many people write for themselves).

Why bring up a thread if you know you can't do without developers?

Instead of thanks - slop.

You still do not read a thing. It was originally a question - whether the problem is reproduced by others. It could have been my fault too. If there's something to say thank you for, I always do. But here you don't. You're even rude.

There is a counter.

Can you be more specific? If there is a counter, then unsubscribing one instance should not disable the notification of other instances.

Stanislav Korotky:

You still don't read a thing. The original question was whether the problem is reproduced in others. It could have been my fault too. If there's something to thank me for, I always do. But here you don't. You're also being rude.

You don't have to pull snippets out of the whole sentence, and it was this:

"Has anyone ever seen anything like this? How to defend yourself? So far in terms of detection, the idea is to watch the timeout between the last event of the tumblr and the new ticks. But what if the timeout is exceeded? Is it enough to callMarketBookAdd again? "

I'll gladly apologise if anyone but you can confirm that I'm the one being sassy.

There is a meter.

Don't we know how to use it?


You don't have to pull snippets out of the whole sentence, and it was like this:

"Has anyone observed something like this? How can we protect ourselves? So far, in terms of detection, the idea is to watch the timeout between the last stack event and the new ticks. But what if the timeout is exceeded? Is it enough to call MarketBookAdd again? "

I'll gladly apologise if anyone other than you can confirm that I'm the one being sassy.

Yeah, and in response to that you first claimed at length that there was no problem, then started suggesting various options for an ostensible solution, but they don't work in the general case. You are doing a disservice to people by claiming to have provided a solution. There is no need for an apology. It would be advisable to get to the bottom of it from now on.

Stanislav Korotky:

Can you be more specific? If there is a counter, unsubscribing one instance should not disable notification of other instances.

Subscribing increases the counter by 1.

Unsubscribe decreases the counter by 1.

If your EA needs tumblr events, he must not depend on other EAs to enable the subscription. He should subscribe himself in OnInit. And in OnDeinit - unsubscribe