Older items - page 7

Taras Slobodyanik:

you have the concepts mixed up, a point is a point is the minimum price value and a pip (Point In Percentage) is 10 pips.


Is this documented somewhere for MT? It's at the word-of-mouth level, as is 90% of all information for the terminal.

Artyom Trishkin:

Point value != the size of the minimum price change. These are two different figures.

In a shop there are matches - points. But they can only be sold in boxes - minimal change.

But in some places you can buy cigarettes by the piece, but the price is per pack. What does it prove?

Unfortunately the number of grams of brain also does not correspond to the development of the brain.

Dmitiry Ananiev:

But you can buy cigarettes in some outlets by the piece, but the price is per pack. What does this prove?

Unfortunately the number of grams of brain does not correspond to the development of the brain either.

No problem - live your illusions.

And I ask to speak without hints and insults - I wrote to you without hints on development and quantity of your brains, why you allow yourself so?

Artyom Trishkin:

No problem - live out your illusions.

And I ask you to speak without hints and insults - I wrote to you without hints on the development and quantity of your brains, why do you allow yourself to do so?

I wasn't hinting specifically at your brains. Luckily most of the people here are a little more evolved than the rest. I apologise for the two readings.
As for the topic of our conversation, I have made my point. Tell me the difference between a point and a minimum price change and why?
Dmitiry Ananiev:
I was not pointing at your brain. Luckily most of the people here are a little more evolved than the rest. For two readings I apologise.
As for the topic of our conversation, I have made my point. Tell me the difference between a point and a minimum price change and why?

It has already been written here. There is no difference for forex, but there are other markets.

Dmitiry Ananiev:
I wasn't hinting specifically at your brains. Fortunately most of the people here are a little more evolved than the rest of us. For two readings I apologise.
As for the topic of our conversation, I have made my point. Tell me the difference between a point and a minimum price change and why?

Accepted, moved on. I got it wrong myself - good one too...

And Alexey has already written to you about the difference.

Dmitiry Ananiev:


Artyom Trishkin:

No problem - live your illusions.

look at any broker - trader calculator or terms and conditions-advertisement, almost all have full points counted - all of them live in illusions and slang points?)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Is this documented somewhere for the MT? It is at the level of word of mouth, as is 90% of all information for the terminal.

it's not about MT, it's about economic terms - "out of the illusion"

Taras Slobodyanik:

look at any broker - trader calculator or terms-advertisement, almost all have full points counted - do they all live in illusions and slang points?)

Famous broker, trader calculator, price 4 digits

used terms "pip", "pips"

another broker, trader's calculator, same instrument, same lot, same leverage -- price 5 digits

used terms "point", "pips"

on the point value for 4 and 5 digits (10 times difference) -- it is clear that "pips" and "point" are understood as a single change in the very last digit of the quote -- the definition that was originally stated