Gathering a team to develop an IO (decision tree/forest) in relation to trend strategies - page 14


Topikaster does not understand anything in MO and post some nonsense.

Maxim has his own view of creating a forest.

And I, as the author of an open library , completely represent the upcoming work front and do not believe in the realization of this adventure. I'm just amused to read posts in this thread and catch lulz while waiting for Amazon + Spark to create a new forest for me.

The rest seems to have expressed a desire to participate, but almost no one has indicated their experience in this area.

Aleksey Vyazmikin : ... but did not see where you can store information, the result of intellectual work, so to speak.

Even a reputation cannot be organised ...


The topikaster doesn't understand anything about MoD at all and posts some nonsense.

Maxim has his own view on the creation of the forest.

And I, as the author of an open library, have a full understanding of the work to be done and do not believe in the realization of this adventure. I just find it amusing to read posts in this thread and catching lulz while waiting for Amazon + Spark to create a new forest for me.

The others seem to have expressed a desire to get involved, but almost no one has indicated their experience in the field.

Even a repu can't organise...

Do you want to be the main technical advisor in the team? Explain the purpose of your remarks, please.

Regarding your comments about the organization of the workspace, I will tell you that the work currently being done on the selection of sites, the rush of this is not, as the team is too small to begin real activity.

However, I am still considering different options for organising the workspace. Perhaps we will vote on the matter and decide what is best. Here it should be understood that we do not have a budget and therefore we would like to start initially on a site that does not require monthly financial expenditures.

Aleksey Terentev:

I deal with neural networks. Trees are interesting, but not in this context.

Trello and Jujail are board systems, for managing projects using the kanban method and similar. I take it you are still not familiar with kanban. If you're putting together an online team, that's for nothing.

What does "hoarding information" mean?
If you mean sources, it's GitHub and BitBucket.
If you're talking about files, it's cloud services.
If you're talking about knowledge, ideas and notes + project management - that's Trello and Yougile. Which also have the functionality to bind all of the above.

As for the team or help, I see the following options:
* You build your system and architecture, advise and accept help from participants, advise on pressing issues and challenges. If possible, participants help you with code, development, research.
* You create a interest group with an interest in MO and trading. You and those who are interested in your architecture, or are developing their own similar architecture, join forces, share tasks, lead discussions, etc. in your "development branch". And if you wish, you expand the group to related areas where there will be conversations about projects from related areas, where you can get new ideas, learn opinions about your project problem from the other side, and have other discussions.

Once again, I have become more familiar with kanban - I have watched videos and read a couple of articles on different resources. The kanban approach is suitable for a specific task, when there is an understanding of who has to do what, according to the job description (helping others if you have done your work is rubbish, when the work is for a fee), and when there is a project manager who monitors the execution of the process stages. Yes, it's not a bad option to monitor a company's production cycle.

However, I originally proposed an approach in the form of collective decision-making and self-regulation, when it is the team, not the manager, who chooses the direction of their activities and is stimulated not by remuneration in the form of money marks, but by the result of the activity itself. In this case, the active participants of the project are given a great opportunity to influence its development, including the priority of the tasks to be performed. This is the kind of environment I would like to set up initially. That is, at a minimum, need to have a kind of forum where you can discuss ideas and vote for their implementation, to find people willing to work on the project-idea (potentially they will be because those who have voted, probably wants to implement) - projects are not large, so 1-3 people maximum, and then, after testing, leave detailed information about the results, instructions for use and the resulting effect, and immediately give the opportunity to discuss achievement.

You propose a kind of cauldron where everyone will be boiling with their ideas, while it is not clear what the incentive will be to help anyone or to publicly demonstrate the results of the work.

Besides, no one will give me a crown, that I could set priorities of tasks, at least at the initial stage for sure.

Therefore, as an element of developing concrete idea "kanban" and services promoting it, is suitable, but doesn't cover all tasks of organizing team's activity. Apparently, it is necessary to register free forum and realize discussion of global ideas there, and introduce questions on concrete realization of tasks through similar service. Who thinks so?

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Apparently, we should just register our own forum for free and discuss global ideas there, while questions on specific implementation of the task should be implemented through a similar service. Who thinks so?

I can provide a forum site and a free engine to link with Python and R.

Ivan Negreshniy:

I can provide a forum site and a free engine to link with Python and R.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Is the forum site a server or something else?

Is the engine to bind Python and R together, or with MQL5?

Please, tell us a little more details about your generous offers!


List of people who responded

If I've forgotten anyone, please let me know!

So, for every big ship and not-so-big ship, you have to have a sound name!

I suggest we think of a name for our team.

Let's discuss your options!

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

So, for every big ship and not-so-big ship, you have to have a sound name!

I suggest we think of a name for our team.

Let's discuss your options!


Konstantin Nikitin:


So do you want to join the team?

<br / translate="no">

Of course the report is not perfect and there are many ways to straighten it out, I just want to show there is potential in the approach.

That's in how many days of EA work?