Why programmers run away from customers - page 6


I don't need them in any way, why are you so stupid?

So you're staying true to your programmer who sits somewhere in the basement in a dark corner and satisfies all your needs anyway?

(in writing code of course, this is a thematic forum)
Mickey Moose:

What would you like? Would they break into friends and send photos of me in a leather mackintosh, or without it, or at the pool, or in my underwear, or without it. And here's me pooping...

... And programmers, they might not be bad.

Honestly, I'm too lazy to read them all.

I suggest that the Moderators close the thread, it is now nothing interesting



it's a mass mailing, not allowed by the rules here.

Adding you as a friend, for example, activates a subscription to your posts.

That is, if I add you as my friend, I start to see your feed, but you don't see mine.

When I friend you, a counter offer is automatically sent to you. If you confirm it and add me as a friend, only then will you subscribe to my feed.

Thus a friendship suggestion is not spam (a person's desire to get news about changes in his friends' feeds or the feeds of people he is interested in can't be spam. Spam is a malicious mass mailing of messages, often not on the topic of the resource at all). If you receive a friend request, that means the person is subscribed to your feed and sees everything you post there. But you will not see his feed (where he sells his products) until you add him as your friend. But even after adding him as a friend, you can unsubscribe from his feed in the settings if you are not interested in it. You will still have the person as a friend.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

It's coming back to me.

I took an order, not from here, from another forum. The customer started complaining to me about all the programmers being so uncommitted that they all disappear. I could barely get him to write my TOR, he kept trying to explain in words.

I decided to divide it into logically independent stages, with 100% pre-payment for each. Ok, started to do the first phase, then this katavassiya with the birth of my granddaughter, instead of a couple of days had to delay for more than a week.

I come home, I get dozens of letters from him with dirty swear words and I find out a lot of new things about myself. I do not give a damn about the opinion of assholes for a long time, but I am used to do a paid job, moreover, there is not much left.

Wrote what was the reason for my absence, said I would finish it and bye-bye. He started to apologize for the insult, and I said, "I'm not sorry, the topic is closed.

Have you ever had such cases? And how to identify them in advance? Comes to mind - if you started the conversation with complaints about the previous performers, something stinks here. А?

Alexey, it's precisely because of such topics.

But it's just the opposite :-) from a contractor (programmer) the client cannot escape physically, because the source of money is the client.
Everything is strictly the other way round, "he who dances with the girl, dances with her" - he who pays the money is right in this conflict.

Raising muddy water from relationships with customers, does not beautify the performer in any way. I myself in this role is not sugar, tete-a-tete can explode into foul language, but there is an immutable rule - money loves silence.
If things don't work out, they don't work out, and this discrepancy stays strictly between us.

You can screw up a product, you can screw up a deadline, you can screw up an order altogether... You can't just talk.
The customer asked - and now all the relationships, correspondence, ideas, codes, etc. must not go into the public domain. At most - if there is a mediator (freelance service), he can complain about the hard fate :-)

Artyom Trishkin:

Adding you as a friend, for example, activates a subscription to your posts.

That is, if I add you as my friend, I start to see your feed, but you don't see mine.

When I friend you, a counter offer is automatically sent to you. If you confirm it and friend me, you'll subscribe to my feed.

So a friendship suggestion is not spam (a person's desire to get news about changes in their friends' feeds or the feeds of people they are interested in can't be spam. Spam is the malicious bulk sending of messages, often not on the topic of the resource at all). If you receive a friend request, that means the person is subscribed to your feed and sees everything you post there. But you will not see his feed (where he sells his products) until you add him as your friend. But even after adding him as a friend, you can unsubscribe from his feed in the settings if you are not interested in it. You will still have them as a friend.

Artem, you're one of my favourites, I don't want to argue.


If you agree to add a friend, you can turn off the new friend's feed. There is a gear to the right, next to the friend's name, and a small menu pops up when you move the cursor. The item "show in news". By default it is ticked, so your feed gets cluttered with other people's spam. Just uncheck it and there's no subject for conflict anymore. I accept everyone as a friend and disable everyone this way. That's why my feed is clean and spam free.

The topic has turned into some kind of hilarious buffoonery (

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Alexei, it's topics like this that are exactly why.

But it's just the opposite :-) From a doer (programmer) the customer cannot run away physically, because the source of money is the customer.
Everything is quite the opposite, "he who dances with the girl, dances with her" - he who pays the money is right in this conflict.

Raising muddy water from relationships with customers, does not beautify the performer in any way. I myself in this role is not sugar, tete-a-tete can explode into foul language, but there is an immutable rule - money loves silence.
If things don't work out, they don't work out, and this discrepancy stays strictly between us.

You can screw up a product, you can screw up a deadline, you can screw up an order altogether... You can't just talk.
The customer asked - and now all the relationships, correspondence, ideas, codes, etc. must not go into the public domain. At most - if there is a mediator (freelance service), he can complain about the hard fate :-)

Have I called a person? I'm the only whipping boy here )) We're having a hypothetical conversation in general, maybe I made the situation up.

I wanted to know the public's attitude. The public is divided, as usual, into poisonous trolls who I don't give a damn about and those who have expressed sensible thoughts, for which I thank them.

Or maybe I didn't make it up...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Did I call a personality? I'm the only whipping boy here )) We're having a hypothetical conversation in general, maybe I made the situation up.

I wanted to know the public's attitude. The public is divided, as usual, into poisonous trolls who I don't give a damn about and those who have expressed sensible thoughts, for which I thank them.

Or maybe I didn't make it up.

It's doubtful that there will be "trolls" on such a great resource, people have quite adequately explained to you in what and where you are wrong, someone simply can not speak in more detail and simply makes a clarification on the trivial for you. The question is rather what is the point of this cholivar....

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Did I call out an identity? I'm the only whipping boy here )) We're having a hypothetical conversation in general, maybe I made the situation up.

I wanted to know the public's attitude. The public is divided, as usual, into poisonous trolls who I don't give a damn about and those who have expressed sensible thoughts, for which I thank them.

Or maybe I didn't make them up.

The thought here might be one - you took the money, you need to report your forced delays. Then there won't be any such topics.

What prevented you from contacting him?

What prevented you to write him after his foul language and lunacy to say something like "Shh, I'm sorry - the devils have taken away, I'm in touch, and I'll finish it.

That's all. And it's kind of not worth bringing it in here.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Did I call a person? I'm the only whipping boy here )) We're having a hypothetical conversation in general, maybe I made the situation up.

I wanted to know the public's attitude. The public is divided, as usual, into poisonous trolls who I don't give a damn about and those who have expressed sensible thoughts, for which I thank them.

Or maybe I didn't...

are you sure an unnamed person isn't on a public forum ?

this is a bit of an exhibitionist topic... what did you expect when you started this thread?

that you'd find support in the idea that the customer is a hysterical asshole/goat... i don't think you're that naive.

PS/ so it happens, so there is no code, "well, I couldn't" or force majeure, or binge... read my words, apologize and take it into account for the future (quit drinking / start warning in advance). What's the point of the topic?