Why programmers run away from customers - page 3

Evgeniy Zhdan:

Post the screenshots. The forum members will review and judge who's right.

Yeah, that's all they're waiting for, that's why they're here.)

катавасия с рождением внучки, вместо пары дней пришлось задержаться больше, чем на неделю.

I could still understand if they were giving birth themselves.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Friends, one woman comes up with something and everyone repeats it.

More like one narcissist, who also happens to be a sexist, wanted to get some likes, and then ran into normal people who gave an adequate assessment of his "professionalism".

Alexey Volchanskiy:

That's a bit of a turn-on.

I took an order, not from here, from another forum. The customer started complaining to me about how all the programmers were so uncommitted that they disappeared and got away with it. I could hardly get him to write the TOR, he kept trying to explain it in words.

I decided to divide it into logically independent stages, with 100% pre-payment for each. Ok, started to do the first phase, then this katavassiya with the birth of my granddaughter, instead of a couple of days had to delay for more than a week.

I come home, I get dozens of letters from him with dirty swear words and I find out a lot of new things about myself. I do not give a damn about the opinion of assholes for a long time, but I am used to do a paid job, moreover, there is not much left.

Wrote what was the reason for my absence, said I would finish it and bye-bye. He started to apologize for the insult, and I said, "I'm not sorry, the topic is closed.

Have you ever had such cases? And how to identify them in advance? Comes to mind - if you started the conversation with complaints about the previous performers, something stinks here. А?

Quite a few developers scammers, they take upfront payment and do not do anything. Maybe a person has met them.

I think you have to warn the customer that he has an urgent matter and apologize. Yes, and do not take an advance payment of 100%. So you can avoid the three-storey swearing).

Ramiz Mavludov:

Quite a few developers are scammers, they take an advance payment and don't do anything. Maybe a person has already met them.

I think you need to warn the customer that something urgent has come up and apologise. Yes, and do not take an advance payment of 100%. So you can avoid the three-storeyed mat).

If you don't take an advance payment, it's called working for a "thank you" at best.

Not even that, here's a couple of options:

1. thank you, I don't need it.

2. i will pay as i make some money with this Expert Advisor

3. he is losing money, I will not pay

4. it is cheaper.

5. let me develop it further, and then I will pay

6. ....

In general, you need to work through "Freelance", I do not take orders on the side for a year and a half now exactly.

Delays can occur on the part of both the contractor and the customer, and there is no getting away from it.


The reverse happened today: the laptop decided that it was time to retire - it started typing hard from the keyboard some characters, so hard that it was impossible to write a message and in the process it kept freezing, so that I could only turn it off. While I was tinkering with it for an hour or two I changed my mind about what to do and where to go. At that time the customer created a job for me, I got indignant because I didn't respond, and then he recreated the job and chose another one. One emotion))

But it is not normal not to respond for a week, I always found an opportunity to write once a day.

Vladimir Gribachev:

If you don't take an upfront payment, it's called working just for a 'thank you' at best.

not even that, here are a couple of options:

1. thank you, I don't need it.

2. i will pay as i make some money with this Expert Advisor

3. he is losing money, I will not pay

4. it is cheaper.

5. let me develop it further, and then I will pay

6. ....

In general, you need to work through "Freelance", I do not take orders on the side for a year and a half now exactly.

Delays can occur from both the contractor and the customer, and there's no getting away from it.

You do not understand)

I did not say to finish the job, and make a layout, to show that you do the work, pobobolnyh do it. That's all there is to it)

Vladimir Gribachev:

If you don't take an upfront payment, it's called working just for a 'thank you' at best.

Not even that, here are a couple of options:

1. thank you, I don't need it.

2. i will pay as i make some money with this Expert Advisor

3. he is losing money, I will not pay

4. it is cheaper.

5. let me develop it further, and then I will pay

6. ....

In general, you need to work through "Freelance", I do not take orders on the side for a year and a half now exactly.

I have not taken orders on the side for about a year and a half now. Delays can occur on both sides - the doer and the customer - and there's no getting around it.

What's so hard to put in a robot a line like "if the time is more than a week from today, then return" and it just won't work in a week

Mickey Moose:

what's so hard about putting a line in the robot like "if the time is more than a week from today, then return" and it just won't work after a week.

There's nothing hard about it. What's the point? The job's done - time's wasted.

I understand only those who have never dealt with a customer or have been one themselves.
Mickey Moose:

What's so hard to put a line in the robot like "if the time is more than a week from today then return" and it just won't work in a week

Without full prepayment, the customer receives the Expert Advisor and runs it in the tester. He gets sure that his TOR and trading strategy is a bullshit, decides that there is nothing to pay for and vanishes into thin air. This is 100% of the time.