Why programmers run away from customers


It's coming back to me.

I took an order, not from here, from another forum. The customer started complaining to me about how all the programmers were so uncommitted that they disappeared and got away with it. I could hardly get him to write the TOR, he kept trying to explain it in words.

I decided to divide it into logically independent stages, with 100% pre-payment for each. Ok, started to do the first phase, then this katavassiya with the birth of my granddaughter, instead of a couple of days had to delay for more than a week.

I come home, I get dozens of letters from him with dirty swear words and I find out a lot of new things about myself. I do not give a damn about the opinion of assholes for a long time, but I am used to do a paid job, moreover, there is not much left.

Wrote what was the reason for my absence, said I would finish it and bye-bye. He started to apologize for the insult, and I said, "I'm not sorry, the topic is closed.

Have you ever had such cases? And how to identify them in advance? Comes to mind - if you started the conversation with complaints about the previous performers, something stinks here. А?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Have you ever had one of these? And how do you recognise them beforehand? It comes to mind - if you start a conversation by complaining about previous Performers, something is starting to stink here. А?

I've worked as a car mechanic quite a lot.

And if a new client tells me that "here five people have looked, and could not do anything" - I understand that either the truth, the problem is terribly cunning, that none of the five did not figure it out, or the client - so shitty, that they want to get away from him "under plausible excuse". And in that case, I'm inclined to "bail" myself.

But generally speaking, if there is a "katavassiya with the birth of a granddaughter", clients should be warned about it.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

It's coming back to me.

I took an order, not from here, from another forum. The customer started complaining to me about how all the programmers were so uncommitted that they disappeared with no end in sight. I could hardly get him to write the TOR, he kept trying to explain it in words.

I decided to divide it into logically independent stages, with 100% pre-payment for each. Ok, started to do the first phase, then this katavassiya with the birth of my granddaughter, instead of a couple of days had to delay for more than a week.

I come home, I get dozens of letters from him with dirty swear words and I get to know a lot about myself. I do not give a damn about the opinion of assholes for a long time, but I am used to do a paid job, moreover, there is not much left.

Wrote what was the reason for my absence, said I would finish it and bye-bye. He started to apologize for the insult, and I said, "I'm not sorry, the topic is closed.

Have you ever had such cases? And how to identify them in advance? Comes to mind - if you started the conversation with complaints about the previous performers, something stinks here. А?

People usually value their time, especially the time they pay for. You yourself write that you have broken deadlines for over a week and still haven't done it, and instead of apologizing, you go off on your own. He is right to send you on your way) This is irresponsible. No one is interested in your explanations, you are not in school.

P.S. Take off your crown at last ))

Georgiy Merts:

But, generally speaking, if there is a "katavassiya with the birth of a granddaughter", customers should be warned about it.


Georgiy Merts:

I've worked as a car mechanic quite a lot.

And if a new customer tells me that "five people have looked at it and couldn't find anything", I realise that either the fault is really too tricky for any of the five to find, or the customer is so shitty that they are trying to get away with it "on plausible pretext". In which case, I'm inclined to "bail" myself.

But, generally speaking, if the "katavassiya with the birth of a granddaughter" - you should warn customers about it.

I told him I wouldn't be here for two days, but it's longer than that.

look, i have an armenian client like that, and he once texted me how it's going.

He's a nice, funny guy. I've been working with him for a long time.

and i erased skype from my smartphone, i'm fed up, i want some privacy


People usually value their time, especially the time they pay for. You yourself write that you have broken the deadline for more than a week and still haven't done it yet, and instead of apologising, you are lashing out. He is right to send you on your way) This is irresponsible. No one is interested in your explanations, you are not in school.

P.S. Take your crown off already ))

Take it off


People usually value their time, especially the time they pay for. You yourself write that you have broken the deadline for more than a week and still haven't done it yet, and instead of apologising, you are lashing out. He is right to send you on your way) This is irresponsible. No one is interested in your explanations, you are not in school.

P.S. Take your crown off already))

Do you also like to get hysterical with your foul language? Or are you trying to figure it out? I don't swear.


You don't have to say you can't do it. You should be warned. I would also be pissed off if I had paid and I was being stood up.

In this case, it was clearly the TC's fault.


When a contractor disappears without really explaining anything, he is disrespectful to the client, who is already wary and waiting for a catch. This does not only apply to the contractor-customer relationship, but also to other relationships. You promised to do something, you promised to meet somewhere and you can't, you have to call and talk about it. I have never had a problem with that. There's a delay, you get in touch and you tell them every time. They always say to me - "Thank you for letting me know, yes, of course, if it's a problem, let's postpone it". The disrespect is always outrageous.

I am always wary of customers who say, "What is there to do, a specialist has five minutes' work to do? I usually bail.

I always force myself (I do!) to act like a machine when communicating with a customer.
There is a video on YouTube about an American patrolman who stopped a driver on the highway at night. The driver was swearing at him, and I thought the policeman was going to shoot him.
But, like a robocop, he kept repeating the phrases he was obliged to pronounce, just continuing to do his job, even though the insults must have been bubbling up inside him.
And he got his way, did everything according to the law, without responding with even the slightest rudeness. (I'm not talking about the police system in the US, I mean the individual case).
Where am I going with this?
This video stuck in my memory and I often try to behave this way in situations of my life. No one gives a damn about your emotions, your fights or what you think about your opponent.
Robot will do its job even if you spit in his iron face. It's IMPORTANT TO DO THE WORK he's been given.
What will a robot do if he is insulted? He'll ignore it and politely ask exactly what you don't like and what you need to change. That is, zero emotion!

So. With regard to communication with the customers life shows that the very behavior of a robocop allows you to most constructively and productively work on the project.
And very often, the first "fierce" customers then apologize, and expressed surprise at my forbearance (and then I get my portion of satisfaction, and what a!!! ))))
Alexey Volchanskiy:

I come home, he sends me dozens of letters full of filthy swear words.

Where are you coming from? Was there a connection where you were? Internet? If so, you're completely wrong and this whole topic is an anti-advertisement for you. A man who paid you should not be interested in what prevented you to be in touch, who you were there to save from the fire or which grandmother across the street translate. If you took the job, be kind enough to stay in touch and be available for communication at least once a day.