After studying MQL5, how realistic it is to participate in Freelance. - page 3

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And those who feel sorry for them ))

All in all, it is possible to work

The main thing is desire and skill

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And those who feel sorry for them ))

Exactly, Alexei...

Renat Akhtyamov:

It is possible to work in general.

The main thing is desire and skill

Well, it's a blunt calculation compared to sitting on your ass in an office.

Office, perks:

  1. Guaranteed salary.
  2. Free tea, coffee, biscuits, often more serious
  3. Free health insurance, sometimes dental.
  4. Often free fitness and/or pool.
  5. There is someone to chat to in person.

Office, minus:

    1. Guaranteed salary. After a few years, the person turns into a non-initiative vegetable. Then it goes to the middle class, plankton class))
    2. All the time some asshole gets cold or sick, so they turn off the air conditioners, close the windows/freezers and everyone breathes through their ass. For that matter, never get in a room with the broads, they're cold in Africa too.
    3. Constant idle chatter, I worked with headphones on.
    4. In big cities it can take 1.5 hours one way.
    5. No rest hour in the afternoon and you want to take a nap.
    And working at home, it's the opposite. Except that if you make money only as a freelancer, for the level of the office salary of a good programmer you will have to plow like a black man on a plantation + stress from communicating with stupid customers.
    Renat Akhtyamov:

    All in all, it is possible to work.

    The main thing is desire and skill

    Says Renat, who doesn't have a single job on his profile )))))))))))

    Alexey Volchanskiy:

    Says Renat, who doesn't have any work on his profile )))))))))))

    Freelancing is a job, as I understand it.

    It's a full-time job.

    Don't have that much free time

    Alexey Volchanskiy:
    Well, working at home, it's just the opposite. Except that if you earn solely as a freelancer, you have to work like a Negro on a plantation + the stress of dealing with dumb clients to make a good programmer's office salary.

    Well, there is also downshifting.

    Renat Akhtyamov:

    Freelancing is a job, I take it.

    It's permanent.

    If only it were "full-time"...

    Freelancing is a little bit thick and a little bit thin.

    It just seems that over there is a pile of orders, and now I'll fulfill them, and the money will flow like a river... Alexey was right about "stress from customers". That's why I don't even look at freelance programming. I prefer tutoring.

    Alexey Volchanskiy:

    Says Renat, who has no work on his profile )))))))))))

    Alexey, I don't have any work in my profile either, however, I am quite capable of judging the pros and cons of freelancing. I think that Renat is quite aware of that, too.
    Georgiy Merts:
    Alexei, I don't have a single job in my profile either, however, I'm quite capable of judging the pros and cons of freelancing. I think Renat is quite aware of that, too.

    Come on, don't take my words so seriously )) I, too, in freelance I have only one request hanging, the customer took time out, and not one completed. Just all customers come to me in Skype, and pay greyhounds, piglets and eggs with sour cream )) That's why in freelancing you can't pay with a pig, eh? I'd take it...


    Or is this all just for MT5 programmers?

    Basically, yes,

    For me it is similar to the ordering statistics - all the "rubbish" like grid Expert Advisor and stochastic Expert Advisor get 15-25 responses from programmers, making your first job there is more like a lottery, the chances are minimal.

    To make a complex job, you need to be in the "mql theme" all the time - otherwise, the quality of your programs will be so-so, not to mention the speed of writing code and fixing bugs.

    Make a super complex job - here, alas, it is a matter of your talents, these tasks are usually related to mathematical skills, knowledge of Windows programming, knowledge of third-party trading platforms and all sorts of non-standard tasks.