After studying MQL5, how realistic it is to participate in Freelance.


Or is it all only for MT5 programmers?

It is not clear how access to participation is granted, to fulfil orders, to participate in Freelancing as a programmer


Or is it all only for MT5 programmers?

It is not clear how access to participation is granted, for execution of orders, participation in Freelance as a programmer

All is simple: You chose the job, carefully read the description and only after you KNOW that you can do this work click on the button "I agree to do this job". And then the lottery and a fraction of chance. Someone is bound to get selected.

Vladimir Karputov:

It's simple: You choose a job, you read the description carefully, and only when you KNOW you can do the job do you click on the "I agree to do the job" button. And then the lottery and a fraction of chance. Someone is bound to get selected.

That's just the beginning of the movie, what's next?

First you have to be verified, i.e. you have to send a scan of your passport.
Vladimir Karputov:

It's simple: You choose a job, you read the description carefully, and only when you KNOW you can do the job do you click on the "I agree to do the job" button. And then the lottery and a fraction of chance. Someone is bound to get selected.

Thank you. Just see a lot of projects that are based on MT5 but are not bidding with them. And the more serious the project, the less possibility to find it here.

That begs the question how so? Tiger trade works separately.

Cool cluster analysis indicators are also separate.

The question arises why they are not here, may be it has to do with politics.

For example (link removed by Artyom Trishkin)

Serious developers are separated! Reason?


Thanks. I just see a lot of projects that are MT5 based but don't trade with them. And the more serious the project, the less and less chance of finding it here.

That begs the question how so? Tiger trade works separately.

Cool indicators for cluster analysis are also separate.

The question arises why they are not here, may be it has to do with politics.

For example (link removed by Artyom Trishkin)

Serious developers are separated! Reason?

Please read these rules carefully.

Условия использования MQL5.COM
Условия использования MQL5.COM
Внимательно прочтите данные Условия использования сайта В рамках данных Условий используются слова и выражения, определенные в разделе 1 настоящих Условий. 1. Термины и определения 1.1. В рамках данных Условий следующие слова и выражения будут иметь следующее значение: MQL5 Ltd означает компанию MQL5 Ltd, являющейся владельцем и...

Thanks. I just see a lot of projects that are MT5 based but don't trade with them. And the more serious the project, the less and less chance of finding it here.

That begs the question how so? Tiger trade works separately.

Cool cluster analysis indicators are also separate.

The question arises why they are not here, may be it has to do with politics.

For example (link removed by Artyom Trishkin)

Serious developers are separated! The reason?

If you plan to communicate with the customer in this language, forget about Freelance and programming in general. A programmer must be very precise and informative in his/her statements. I have marked the yellow spots where there is zero information, just a muddy stream of consciousness.

It is realistic to participate, but only on other resources. It's not possible here.
Mickey Moose:
It's real to participate, but only on other resources. You can't do it here.

Is this just to stir things up? As usual without proof? You don't have a single order or job completed.

Vladimir Karputov:

Is this just to stir things up? As usual without proof? You don't have a single order or job completed.

For you personally. I don't have any orders because I don't do any work, and it's impossible to take work here.

Here, take a look for yourself. I opened the first one I saw.

555.png  140 kb

Or is it all only for MT5 programmers?

It is not clear how access to participation is granted for order fulfilment, participation in Freelance as a programmer

MQL programming is only the first and not the most important step in participating in Freelance.

Much more important is to build up reputation and "track record".

Say, I don't see the point of Freelance - it's too much work, and the income is not worth it. If anyone needs advice - I'll do it for free. And payment implies responsibility, which I do not want to take on.