A pattern. - page 27

Serqey Nikitin:

You can obviously GUARANTEE the RELIABILITY of your theory...?

of course why would I write anything...

I've been applying it for a long time and successfully.

If it were only a theory I would listen to you believe me and probably believe you).


of course why would I write anything...

I've been applying it for a long time and successfully.

If it were only a theory I would listen to you believe me and probably believe you).

I can't argue with your convincing statement..., I can only confirm the thesis: The solution of the problem "Making a profit in the market" has several different variants...
Serqey Nikitin:
I cannot argue with your convincing statement..., I can only confirm the thesis: The solution to the problem of "making a profit in the market" has several different variants...

I'm not arguing) I agree) there are several in principle and an infinite number in variety.


and I'm not arguing) I agree) there are several in principle and an infinite number in variety.

there are many methods that give great results and they are based on amazing things...there are a lot of gifted guys out there who are probably using them successfully.

But you have to be persistent and you have to try your hand at real trading.

Of course, you may lose 20 times, but it's better than trying your hand at a demo.

You may be up to 20 times but that's better than trying your hand in the demo.

The brokers will be shocked.

You don't want to put a stop on a trader's martinet, you'd better watch out.)

They get hit by missiles by evil brokers from Tagil.

The trend ends if demand for the currency is exhausted. The fundamental data confirms this. Price spikes can be from inadequate players.
Uladzimir Izerski:
The trend ends if the demand for the currency is exhausted. The fundamental data confirms this. Price spikes can be from inadequate players.

An inadequate player just needs to buy or sell currency in order to secure his transactions here and now, and does not care about emissions etc.

Any real market is not primarily about players, but about real economic relationships, which only indirectly depend on where the price is.


But you have to be persistent and you have to try your hand at real trading.

Of course, you may lose 20 times, but it's better than trying your hand at a demo.

You may be up to 20 times but that's better than trying your hand in the demo.

The brokers will be shocked.

You don't want to put a stop on a trader's martinet, you'd better check it.)

they get hit by missiles by evil brokers from tagil.

I used to take the expression "only cowards place stops" with a sneer. But today stops are an important component of the TS, news + additional information.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

An inadequate player just needs to buy or sell currency in order to secure his transactions here and now, and does not care about emissions etc.

Any real market is not primarily about players, but about real economic relationships, which are only indirectly influenced by where the price is.

Inadequate players, it seems to me, are the cream skimmers. The challenge is to find common ground with the actions of those.