Cost of writing the TOR - page 4

Alexey Volchanskiy:
The question is simple. The customer is unable to write the ToR, he sent a video, also muddy. How much would it cost to write the ToR for him?

Lyosha, why do you need to write the ToR?
It seems that the customer himself does not know what he needs.
In this situation, he is not acting as a director, but as someone who wants to buy a finished product.
And if you have a finished product that he is able to understand, then you can just sell it "off the shelf".
Alexander Ivanov:

hahahahahaa)) that's right.

After all, there are questions in the USE:

Who was Hitler?

1. the liberator of Europe.

2. Creator of the dictatorship and Nazism in Germany.

3. An eminent figure.

Even if today's schoolboy gets the question right,

he'll still have "Hitler was a great man who liberated Germany from Nazism" in his brain database.

it seems that these three EGE questions were created by a representative of the 3rd Reich.

well p3 is generally correct, if changed to outstanding bastard.

the first and third questions could be changed.

1. The enslaver of Europe.
3. outstanding scoundrel in the history of mankind.

Generally speaking, exams in the style of prompting questions are for morons.

To completely debilitate the learning process, you need to add the correct answer choices.

Correct p2 and p3.
Correct p1
true n2
true n1 n2 n3

Yuriy Zaytsev:

it seems that these three questions were created by a representative of the 3rd Reich.

well, p3 is generally correct, if you change it to outstanding scoundrel.

the first and third questions could be changed.

1. enslaver of Europe
3. outstanding scoundrel in the history of mankind

In general, exams in the style of prompting questions are for morons.

The whole point is that being defines consciousness. In the environment of office hamsters and so called cretivists, as well as all sorts of laborers, there is no other way.

Nikolay Kositsin:

The fact is that being defines consciousness. In the environment of the office hamsters and the so called creative activists, as well as all sorts of labourers, there is no other way around it.

It is easy to program on a subconscious level.
Talking to 20-25 year olds, you see the squalor of the current USE education, although some people have received it by inertia, in the 1990s the old school was more or less intact. Since the zero years, we are in trouble.
Dennis Kirichenko:

The easiest way to assess this: time expenditure. For example, spend 10 hours writing your terms of reference. Let's say an hour costs $20. Then the client has to pay $200. But, as a rule, the customer thinks that the programmer understood his idea (which he described in 3 words), and there is no need to pay for his TOR, to put it in literary terms...

Experience shows that fighting with such ghouls about payment of TOR is meaningless ... So they [for their "generosity"] get non-normalized prices, division by zero, etc. in their code.

They won't pay $200 for an EA, because what is there to pay for? After all, it has explained everything in a minute, which means that it's an hour's work. At the same time, the guy doesn't realise that what he has explained is just a bunch of noises to the outsider.

Of course, everything is clear to him, so the programmer understands it too. Such introverts.


A hint could be here. (don't just copy it, but take the idea itself)

Automated control systems

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Lyosha, why write the ToR?
It seems that the customer himself does not know what he needs.
In this situation, he is not acting as a director, but as someone who wants a finished product.
If you have a finished product that he can understand, you can just sell it "from the showcase".

Yura, he has already written an Expert Advisor and it is even working, but here's the problem - the programmer is gone )). What do you think, why suddenly disappear, if there is still a stage with payment ahead?

I think the customer so pissed him off that the poor guy couldn't stand it and laid low))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

They won't pay $200 for an adviser, because what is there to pay for? After all, he explained everything in a minute, which means that it was an hour's work. At the same time, the programmer does not understand that what he has explained is just a set of noises to the outsider.

Of course, everything is clear to him, so the programmer understands it too. Such introverts.

I know the picture. I usually send those who are not able to formulate TOR. They are not productive to work with.
Олег avtomat:

The clue could be here. (don't just copy it, but take the idea itself)

Remembering earlier - any quantity surveyor can justify the construction of the century from "sewage pipe burial" :-)

Yuriy Zaytsev:

It is easy to program on a subconscious level.
Talking to 20-25 year olds, you can see the squalor of the current USE education.
This is probably true, but it should be noted that there is a silver lining. I, for example, in the era of the eighties, wildly wanted to learn, but the education system of that time was rather lopsided and colossal layers of human knowledge were simply removed from the Soviet culture. At the moment we can use the internet to get all kinds of information and raise our intellectual standards to unreachable heights. So against the backdrop of average degeneration there are also some pretty gruesome exceptions to the rules for the creators of this USE.