Cost of writing the TOR - page 6

Vladimir Karputov:

Now get ready to read an essay in three volumes :)

I doubt it, as the video was for a minute

I'm asking, you say in the video you need to open on the lines, and how do you open?

- Well, it's clear, the MA crosses the line, then open

- No, it's clear to you, it's not clear to me, I'm not a telepath!

So the frame is from the series I wrote about yesterday, if it is clear to him, it should be clear to everyone else))

I'll read the ToR from the humor, then I'll probably take a walk

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I doubt it because the video was a minute long.

I ask, you say in the video you need to open on the lines, but how do you open?

- Well, it's clear, the MA crosses the line, then open!

- No, it's clear to you, but it's not clear to me, I'm not a telepath!

So the frame is from the series I wrote about yesterday, if it is clear to him, it should be clear to everyone else))

I'll read the ToR in humor, then I'll probably take a walk.

Put a price tag of $300. Either the customer will wake up or he'll bail.

Vladimir Karputov:

Put a price tag of $300. Either the customer will wake up or he'll bail.

that's too much even for me.
got it.

i actually sent him here to freelance but he's read my posts and wants me to do

trouble, you have to be tedious))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

this is too much even by my standards.
I get the idea.

i actually sent him here to freelance, but he's read my posts and wants me to do

Trouble, we need to be more tedious ))

Not much, if it's framed as a "consultation" category - in a way it would be a lecture, how to design a task, what are the basic terms. That is, training in the truest sense.

Vladimir Karputov:

Not much, if it is framed as a category of 'Consultation' - in a way it would be a lecture, how to design a task, what the basic terms are. That is, training in the truest sense.

I charge from 500 to 3000 rubles per hour for training

More precisely, 3,000 was offered to me myself, quite wealthy people, and the question was complicated.

it's not a question of a lot or a little, but whether you'll get paid or not.

If in the uS it's not even enough, but in poverty-stricken russia it's a lot.

Олег avtomat:

That's right. Because the quantity surveyor has a basis on which he can rely.

But here there is nothing to rely on, everything is in limbo, that's why everything is smeared...

But if you take a base (at least some), then everything becomes clear and understandable. And on the basis of such a base will be much easier to talk with customers, justifying the prices, pointing to the base points, applying different coefficients of complexity and so on. And it will be closer and clearer to the customer.

You can keep it as simple as in any "small-scale construction", where the other part is obvious from the introduction, or it is counted quite accurately:

Typically, the cost of design work = 12-20% of the final estimates. (In which 60% of equipment and materials, 40% of payroll and overhead costs, though we have no iron supplies, yet not building).
another layout on the percentage caused doubt, and with customers and accounting and any inspecting authorities.

And if we honestly calculate according to cost standards, then the designers should drive Maybachs en masse, though on those rare days when they return from their private islands :-)


Because of these pitfalls, I don't even want to get involved with freelancing. Peace of mind and harmony are more important.

Something a little tip to people who do not mind straining their gray matter - that I can do for free on the forum (a couple of points plus my BBB is enough). But to write something to TK with increased responsibility (since the work paid) - no way to hell.

And people are in vain attacking the USE. exam is very much the right one. Questions there are different levels, there is blatantly stupid, but for them, and given little. And there are some that in order to answer them you need to understand the subject. I think that in the USE the proportion of randomness is reduced, and the proportion of understanding is increased.

The USE is just another model. In a normal exam with tickets it is more important to "get it right". For USE it is more important to understand the subject. At least as far as subjects like maths, physics or chemistry are concerned.

Another thing is that today's kids have a lot more ambition than before. I was surprised by the report that the problem in the maths USE is "so complicated that it cannot be solved by university students". They even wrote a petition to the President. I took a look at it on purpose. I was convinced that the problem is indeed very difficult and tricky. But it is the most difficult task, and the most points are given for it. But it doesn't require any knowledge beyond that which excellent students should know. Moreover, the problem may be solved incorrectly, but if the solution itself is correct, it gets quite a big number of points, more than for simple problems. Finally, a student may not solve the problem at all, but simply tell the method of solution "by hand" and get a small number of points.

No, I think the USE is quite a decent exam option.

Georgiy Merts:

Because of these pitfalls, I don't even want to get involved with freelancing. Peace of mind and harmony are more important.

Something a little tip to people who do not mind straining their gray matter - that I can do for free on the forum (a couple of points plus my BBB is enough). But to write something to TK with increased responsibility (since the work paid) - no way to hell.

And people are in vain attacking the USE. exam is very much the right one. Questions there are different levels, there is blatantly stupid, but for them, and given little. And there are some that in order to answer them you need to understand the subject. I think that in the USE the proportion of randomness is reduced, and the proportion of understanding is increased.

The USE is just another model. In a normal exam with tickets it is more important to "get it right". For USE it is more important to understand the subject. At least as far as subjects like maths, physics or chemistry are concerned.

Another thing is that today's kids have a lot more ambition than before. I was surprised by the report that the problem in the maths USE is "so complicated that it cannot be solved by university students". They even wrote a petition to the President. I took a look at it on purpose. I was convinced that the problem is indeed very complicated and tricky. But it is the most difficult task, and the most points are given for it. But it doesn't require any knowledge beyond that which excellent students should know. Moreover, the problem may be solved incorrectly, but if the solution itself is correct, it gets quite a big number of points, more than for simple problems. Finally, a pupil may not solve the problem at all, but simply tell the method of solution "from his fingers" and get a small number of points.

No, I think the USE is a decent exam option.

What about the fact that most pupils cannot clearly retell the content of a page of a work they have read. Can't write an essay or even a phrase longer than 5 words?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What about the fact that most students cannot clearly retell the content of a page of a work they have read. Can't write an essay or even a phrase longer than 5 words?

There was an article a couple of years ago. Some university had a test among first-year students. Most of them got zeros. But all of them had passed the USE decently, and were accepted based on the results.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What about the fact that most students cannot clearly retell the content of a page of a work they have read. Can't write an essay or even a phrase longer than 5 words?

When I studied, we didn't accept essays of less than three pages, but now in the exam, if you can write a page, good for you, five.

Previously, in literature you had to read a story or a novella in full, but now you only have to read a short book description and a couple of excerpts.