Cost of writing the TOR - page 5

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Remembering earlier - any quantity surveyor can justify the construction of the century out of "sinking a sewer pipe" :-)

That's right. Because the quantity surveyor has a basis on which he can rely.

And here there is nothing to rely on, everything is in limbo, so everything is smeared ...

And if you take a base (at least some), then everything becomes clear and understandable. And on the basis of such a base will be much easier to talk with customers, justifying the prices, pointing to the base points, applying different coefficients of complexity and so on. And it will be closer and clearer to the customer.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
The question is simple. The customer is not able to write TOR, he sent me a video, also cloudy. How much can it cost to write the TOR for him?

You need to approach this question from the outside as well: are you sure that you will be able to deliver your work to this client later? - Otherwise it will be "that's not what I meant, an advisor has to earn money...".

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yura, he's already written an advisor and it's even working, but here's the trouble - the programmer is missing )) Why do you think the programmer suddenly disappeared, if there is still a stage with payment ahead, eh?

I think the customer so pissed him off that the poor guy could not stand it and laid low))

There is an option here, if there is a suspicion, roll up an inflated prepayment of 100%. If you are not willing to pay, the first sign, take the order is not necessary.

If I see that there is no prospect, I usually do not take it.

It used to be more difficult, I was very polite in my communication.
There were times when he would jump in and bombard my inbox or call me on Skype, and a few times I had the misfortune to give my phone number.
Now usually after the first notes of a conversation, when it is clear that he himself does not know what he wants, or is unable to explain the task properly, I interrupt with a phrase such as "I do not see any constructive effect in our cooperation.

Sometimes I just stupidly roll out a decent bill, and only if he agrees, then write. And usually take either a 100% upfront, or an advance payment of 50%.
By the way, lately I've been seeing a lot of decent guys.
As for education, most of the adequate normal customers over 40.
With young people it is a bit harder, the statistics are worse, but more often there are normal guys.
Igor Makanu:

You need to approach this question from the outside as well: are you sure that you will be able to deliver your work to this client? - Otherwise it will be "that's not what I meant, an advisor has to earn money...".

You have to take a full advance payment and the TOR on paper.

In case of a disagreement, ask which point of the ToR is not working. Usually, the next step is mooing and sniffling

Evgeniy Zhdan:

You have to pay in full upfront and have the ToRs on paper.

In case of disagreement, ask which point of the ToR is not working. Usually, it is followed by mooing and sniffling


There is a subtlety with normal customers, if I see a problem beforehand, I usually discuss it.
For example, if the indicator is redrawing, I tell him right away. If he is happy with it before payment, then there is no problem afterwards.
Nikolay Kositsin:
Perhaps it is so, but we must take into account that every cloud has a silver lining. For example, I, in the eighties, wildly wanted to learn, but the education system of that time was rather lopsided and colossal layers of human knowledge were simply removed from Soviet culture. At the moment we can use the internet to get all kinds of information and raise our intellectual standards to unreachable heights. So against the backdrop of average degeneration there are also some pretty gruesome exceptions to the rules for the creators of this USE.

Yes, I was very interested in electronics at the time, I never thought about programming, there were no personal computers, not even a Sinclair.

So to buy a book on electronics or a reference book on transistors, I had to go to the Technical Bookshop once a year in advance, get the publisher's plan for the next year, make a fucking request, with one book in hand and wait with bated breath for the next year to hear that the book was out and my turn had come! At university I learned nothing new at all, I only escaped the army and Afghanistan, because there was a military department.

Now everything is available, but most people don't want to study and want to play tanchiki.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

They won't pay $200 for an adviser, because what is there to pay for? After all, he explained everything in a minute, which means that it was an hour's work. At the same time, the programmer does not understand that what he has explained is just a set of noises to the outsider.

Of course, everything is clear to him, so the programmer understands it too. They are such introverts.

The time commitment is the most sensible idea, in my opinion. I am a 1C person. When this situation arises, I immediately warn the client that the TOR will cost money, turn on the counter and we start talking. I know my business well, so I can immediately lay out the pitfalls the client has not thought of and flood him with clarifying questions. In this case, the client also becomes aware that the TOR, even in his "simple" case, is much more complicated than he thought, and there is something to pay for. If the client turns out to be inadequate - then why even take the job.

You are clearly a competent programmer, so I also recommend a counter.

Sergey Savinkin:

The time commitment is the most sensible idea, in my opinion. I am a 1C person. When such a situation arises, I immediately warn the client that the ToR will cost money, turn on the meter, and start communicating. I know my business well, so I can immediately lay out the pitfalls the client has not thought of and flood him with clarifying questions. In this case, the client also becomes aware that the TOR, even in his "simple" case, is much more complicated than he thought, and there is something to pay for. If the client turns out to be inadequate - then why even take the job.

You are clearly a competent programmer, so I also recommend a counter.

The counter is a thought. Although, I think that clients at 1C are, on average, much more adequate than at forex.


When this person heard that he would have to pay to write the ToR, he immediately became a writer ))))) went to write the ToR

Alexey Volchanskiy:

When this person heard that he would have to pay to write his TOR, he immediately awoke his writing talents )))))

Now get ready to read an essay in three volumes :)