Cost of writing the TOR - page 2

If he does not even know the strategy, and you will write the strategy for him, all his losses, losses, and sinking of deposits from the project will fall on you, mentally.

Before you write the code, say: I'm not sure you'll make a profit on this project.

The blacksmith will make a bulletproof sword, but the customer who is not a swordsmith will kill himself and be defeated. Even though that sword will be the best in the world.

I.e. before giving the sword to anyone, you have to teach how to use it and become a master of medium level, which is another price.
So, Alexei, you are going to take full responsibility for his subsequent life and his fate.

So he is a newcomer, he doesn't know anything, he has to be taught theory, then practice. Then there will be a loss - there will definitely be a loss, what can you do without him?
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yes I am not starving and there are many clear objectives. Tired of hemorrhoids. I'd rather stress out and finish a long-form article ))

In general, when a person asks how much it will cost to finish writing an EA, it's alarming.

Like I come to the repair shop on foot and ask how much does it cost to fix a car )))))

That's not a rebuke to you, I'm about the problem in general, it's there on both sides.

About the repair...

Before repairing, a person prices where it's cheaper to do the repair, and there are questions about how much it costs. The shop (coder) isn't the only one. And you described the case where you have no choice, being without a car and time to choose, fix the nearest in spite of the price. The Internet is not the case, you're not on the road abroad on the track broke down in conditions where bargaining is not appropriate.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

You see, there's already an advisor out there asking for "a little tweaking", so I have a feeling it's going to be a Big GAMORE.

it's more likely to be a wild goose chase.

But like any coin, there is a downside - if you by some miracle, fury and telepathy can finish the Expert Advisor, you will get a loyal customer.
Who will provide you with additional humor if you lack it :-)

I have had a customer, who also wanted to finish an EA - a good man, appealed through reliable hands, but one tricky thing - all the communication is a Skype dialogues and videos. The result is sad.
He gradually changed his "wants" from the expressed at once and all came to "make HFT scalper work in real life as on Demo".

He just saw it that way, he's not a trader. But if there had been a written statement from the beginning, at least it would have been possible to part at least not as enemies.

Alexander Ivanov:
I have already learned about the strategy and I have already copied it to the traders, and they have not even mastered it.

Before you write the code, say: I'm not sure that you will make a profit from this project.

A blacksmith will make a bullet sword, but a customer who does not know how to sword will kill himself and be defeated. Even though that sword will be the best in the world.

I.e. before giving a sword, you have to teach how to use it, which entails another price.

I don't care about that. What worries me is the stupid waste of time and nerves on dealing with a person who is unable to express his thoughts. I've had one of those.

One guy claimed that he knows a lot of C++, and he needs 10 lessons to master MQL. OK, I gave him a simple task for him to check, it wouldn't compile.

I look, and he has a function with several more deposits inside! And he believes that this has always been possible in C++)))). Of course, I was told off.

No, I am aware of that, it seems that the latest standard allows nested function but this code is obviously not at the cutting edge of progress. And the number of these keeps increasing in %.

I remember 2010-2014 when I got off work. I used to present MQL4 webinars for free, but people from my blog asked me to deliver clear course with regular classes and they all agreed and were ready to pay $200 each. That is, I didn't offer it to them, they offered it to me!

Where are such people now?

Maxim Kuznetsov:

it's more likely to turn into Wild Gamer.

But like any coin, there is a downside - if you can magically, with words and telepathy finish the Expert Advisor, you will get a loyal customer.
Who will provide you with additional hassle if you miss it :-)

I have had a customer, who also wanted to finish an EA - a good man, appealed through reliable hands, but one tricky thing - all the communication is a Skype dialogues and videos. The result is sad.
He gradually changed his "wants" from the expressed at once, and all came to "make HFT scalper work in real life as on Demo".

He just saw it that way, he is not a trader. But if there had been a written statement from the beginning, we could have parted at least not as enemies.

I want to get out of these hacks in the first place. There was no sense in quitting my normal job in order to waste my life messing around with idiots. I'd rather make my own plans.)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I remember 2010-2014, when I quit my job. I used to give free webinars on MQL4 for free, but people from my blog asked me to give a clear course with regular classes and they all agreed and were ready to pay $200 each. That is, I didn't offer it to them, they offered it to me!

Where are people like that now?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I don't really care about that. It's the stupid waste of time and nerves to talk to someone who can't express a thought. I've had people like that.

One guy shouted that he knew C++ very well and needed 10 lessons to master MQL. OK, I gave him a simple task for testing, it didn't compile well.

In fact, recently one guy asked me about the basics of MQL and terminal operation. I have never read anything in this book.

I have more than 10 given projects with great responses in my profile


In my opinion, the ToR is not a problem. You almost always have to write the TOR yourself, even if the client has provided it. Firstly, you write your TOR in slightly different words, which allows you to identify ambiguities already at this stage. Secondly, it helps to find inconsistencies in the task which the customer is unaware of. Third, with TK, set out their own style, much easier to work.

That's why I always have the cost of the job which includes the development and approval of the TOR.

Ihor Herasko:

In my opinion, the ToR is not a problem. You almost always have to write the TOR yourself, even if the client has provided it. Firstly, you write your TOR in slightly different words, which allows you to identify ambiguities already at this stage. Secondly, it helps to find inconsistencies in the task which the customer is unaware of. Third, with TK, set out their own style, much easier to work.

So I always have the cost of the job includes the development and coordination of TOR.

Well, with a calm, patient nature, this approach has its place. I am also prepared to write the ToR, but the client should at least be able to verbally state the idea. But when he's blubbering and mooing...

I have learned that my EA has not work properly and my friend tried to download it from Insta. I asked him to recompile it. Oops, a lot of compilation errors. I ask what version of the terminal - some ancient version 17**. I ask to install the latest one, in the lower right corner of

The reply was deadly, why should I download them, I'll download them from insta, they are the best broker and they have developed everything. Curtain...