How much to sell a robot that brings in 10 to 15% each month - page 9

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I'm just talking about advertising. You show everyone the possibilities - you sell the system. It's common for know-how not to be revealed in any way. Or only to a real buyer.

It's common practice.

What for?

Mihail Marchukajtes:

What for?

It's up to you. Nobody's insisting.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

It's up to you. No one is insisting.

No one's given me that kind of gift, except for Doc's help with R..... I've tried to selflessly steer people onto ONE of the true paths, but people tend to shit on what they don't understand and what goes against their logic. And there is no logic in the market. It works like this. Why? I'll fuckin' say it works and take it for granted. And the answer is, no, it's not right....

Mihail Marchukajtes:

I haven't had any such gifts here, except for Doc's help with R..... I've tried to selflessly steer people onto ONE of the true paths, but people tend to shit on what they don't understand and what goes against their logic. And there is no logic in the market. It works like this. Why? I'll fuckin' say it works and take it for granted. And the answer is, no, it's not right....

There are a lot of ways in the market - both wrong and right. Everyone is free to go their own way.)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

There are many ways in the market - both wrong and right. Everyone is free to go their own way).

Yeah yeah... that's right. If you're offered a strategy and you're not interested in it, why torture yourself? That's my experience. Admittedly, you have to make everything up yourself. I haven't heard any common sense that I can use here. There are times when opinions do converge, etc. But most often I meet statists who think they will decompose a quote into a spectrum and find such a formula that no one else has. I've got a lot of them here, I was like that in my childhood.

Now I'm waiting for training set to be unloaded for regression. We could do some digging together...

Did the forum get exclusive advertising rights?
Evano how. In the old days, a thread selling a grail for 200 bucks (even less) didn't even make it to 5 posts.

Well, here's how much the Grail is now for the people... Nothing has changed, they are $100-$150 just like 5 years ago ))))

Good luck to the sellers in their Grail trade!

Igor Makanu:

Well, here's how much the Grail is now for the people... Nothing has changed, they are $100-$150 just like 5 years ago ))))

Good luck to the sellers in their Graal trade!

I'll now try an alternative option with the dough to decide here on the spot. If I do, you'll never hear from me. What are you doing? I have spent on this TS forces and knowledge not to sell it. You're a cardboard idiot :-) No offence...

Mihail Marchukajtes:

I'm going to try an alternative option with the money here locally. If I do, you won't hear from me. What's your problem? I spent a lot of effort and knowledge on this TS not to sell it. You're a cardboard idiot :-) No offense...

You're a cardboard fool yourself! :)

no offense? i don't know you personally, but you owe me... at your discretion, or a commission for anti-advertising, or to raise your self-esteem!

SZZY: do they decompile *.ex4 now or not? i myself have a Graalny tool, so i think i can implement it...

Mihail Marchukajtes:

I'm going to try an alternative option with the money here locally. If I do, you'll never hear from me. What's your problem? I spent a lot of effort and knowledge on this TS not to sell it. You're a cardboard idiot :-) No offence...

Mihail Marchukajtes:

So if you have any intention of investing a tenner...

ZS. Raphaello, instead of a thousand words.