A branch of clever and elusive critics - page 7

Rashid Umarov:

We translate Articles and Codes in-house. But in the order of possibilities. The Market is translated into English and Russian.

And in Freelance, any such user with the status of verified can translate.

You have an excellent translator on your site. It helps a lot when communicating with clients. It's a pity that it has been removed from the email account for the time being. I hope it will appear in personal correspondence.

I agree, I'm not someone an administrator would want to discuss this with.

As for the bans in the service - what prevents you from getting them? Or getting them in a different place than you're using

Vitalii Ananev:

Oh man, I thought the ban for violating forum rules only applied to the forum. Turns out it's completely blocking access to the service.

In my opinion this is not right. If you break forum rules, you should only be banned on the forum, not restricting access to other services.

Completely agree.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I totally agree.

I think it's now possible to reply to clients by PM.

It used to be a problem, yes, there was no communication after BAN and customers went crazy.

For example, if you withdraw money from another country or update 5-10 products at once - leads to a ban from the server.

I won't assert, but I think now you can reply in products after the ban in the forum.

Sitting in a ban recently/long ago, warmed up, I do not remember. Kinda like in products and freelance I could write. It's fine...

Don't want to go to the Bath anymore. 'Writing' with caution.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I totally agree.

You should read it out of the diagonal first before agreeing.

Banning means banning you from posting and writing posts. What does this have to do with services?

Rashid Umarov:

You should read it non-diagonally first before agreeing to it.

Ban means a ban on sending messages and writing posts. What does this have to do with services?

Rashid, I was banned once for a week, I didn't understand why. And recently, about a month and a half ago, I got a strange ban. Saturday afternoon I got banned, Sunday I got unbanned, I did not understand anything at all.

The ban on sending messages and writing posts is understandable and correct. But people have repeatedly written that access to services is also stopped. If that's a lie, then I made a mistake with the post.

Rashid Umarov:

You should read it off the diagonal first before agreeing to it.

Ban means a ban on sending messages and writing posts. What does Service Desk have to do with it?

... including Service-Desk.

Yes and the messages have nothing to do with it at all - incomprehensible. Let the recipient of the message be banned personally.


О. They're letting bots in here, too.

And then they get killed.


the job was created on march 8 this year in the english freelance section. the number 10 was not accepted. 30 was accepted.

Reproduction failed, that could be the explanation:

If something else was ticked off along with the translations, like this:

Then, the minimum would be $30.

$10 for clean transfers only. You may have ticked something else that you considered irrelevant, such as "consultation" or "other".

Rashid Umarov:

The translation could not be reproduced, so this could be the explanation:

you can see the tags and requirements in the work. there translation | text translation

It doesn't play for me either. maybe it's been fixed.