A branch of clever and elusive critics - page 4


First of all, not everyone is willing to go through two life sentences and a bunch of smaller bans and continue to be an active member of the community.

Secondly, the conversation is not about being offended, but about the attitude towards the community and the spirit of the forum. exactly the forum. which already gives off more of a stink.

I don't know the details of this story. But it probably doesn't matter.

I just felt that this thread is permeated with resentment and mutual grievance.

Resentment and grievance are two sides of the same coin.

I just know that in a conflict there is no one guilty party. Just like there is no such thing as one being offended and the other not.

It is enough for at least one party to behave properly and there will be no conflict. And this is true in all areas. And "right" does not mean the way the other side wants.

So if I find myself on one side of a conflict, I ask myself the question - where did I go wrong?

The easiest and most correct way to level the conflict is to stop being offended.

I'm not saying it's easy. It's complicated. But it's really cool if you can do it for real and not in a "".

And it's to stop resenting, not to forgive.

As soon as one party stops resenting, the other automatically stops resenting too. Even without words. It's like quantum entanglement. ))

I, for one, have great respect for both Andrew and Rashid. And I'm a little saddened by their mutual misunderstanding. I might subconsciously want to side with Andreya because I'm in his camp, but I don't even want to go into details of what happened there, who said what and why they were banned.

I understand that they are not the parties to the conflict, but who cares - they represent them in the situation.

The whiff is the consequence. The insult is the cause.

Nikolai Semko:

I don't know the details of this story. But it probably doesn't matter.

I just felt this thread was permeated with resentment and mutual grievances.


The whiff is the consequence. The resentment is the cause.

Yes, yes, of course, "...it's not all that clear-cut...".

Denis Sartakov:

Why are you trolling? I, for example, am a very serious dude.

a very serious dude, get the silence.

Алексей Тарабанов:

very serious dude, catch the silence.

what kind of silence, what kind of gibberish?

Amused? I'm talking about a thread about clever and elusive critics.
Алексей Тарабанов:
Amused? I'm talking about the branch of clever and elusive critics.

OK, friend, really, as Nikolai Semko advises, you and I have nothing to share.

I was not amused by the branch, but rather outraged by the tone of the all-powerful lord over us all servants of God.

Denis Sartakov:

OK, friend, really, as Nikolai Semko advises, you and I have nothing to share.

I wasn't amused by this thread, but rather outraged by the tone of the omnipotent lord over all of us god's slaves.

in general, kerdish.

Denis Sartakov:

What's with the trolls? I, for one, am a very serious dude.

Only a man can be serious. And someone who calls himself a dude... I'm sorry, doesn't even deserve respect.

I read the posts of the "coryphaei" 10 years ago - they all say the same thing

that the spirit of the forum was gone, and that it used to be better...



I can't claim 100%, but there's no reason not to trust the information that there was a precedent of people being banned for a long period of time by moderators (plural does not indicate anything) and the corresponding customer support in Market+Freelance was terminated. And disabling the messages also created a serious reputational cost for the banned person, as clients could not contact them via PM. In other words, banning hit and hit the money interests of this category of forum users and has a lasting effect even after the ban is removed.


Oh how, I thought that the ban for violating forum rules, only applies to the forum. It turns out that it completely blocks access to the service.

In my opinion this is not right. If you break forum rules, you should only be banned on the forum, without restricting access to other services.