Optimise an EA and get the best of the optimised ones. - page 8

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

It is not clear how it works, yes I mean the details of the TS, it is hard for me to trust the TS if I do not know how it works in detail, and it is not even about the code - it is just as hard to understand what is what. In general, just interested in new approaches to market outlook, and here, as I understand it, there are none, maybe they can be seen, but not now.

No, I'm just the opposite, I propose to take not "new approaches to vision" but the "sum of old approaches". All TCs are built on the simplest principles, and we try to reduce their tuning parameters. The main goal is to shift attention from the question "what to think of for a good TS" to the question "how to choose a TS that works well now, so that it will work well for some time in the future",

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

About explaining to newcomers - make a video where you show how to become a member of the project, what to set up and where to fit in.

Here is another controversial issue.

Apparently, you're right. (Let's be on a first-name basis, we know each other well from the forum !)

Personally for me, watching videos is a highly ineffective study of material. I am extremely annoyed by the current fashion for all these "video tutorials". I always try to find a text description of the same thing. Video can be used as a small illustration, but not as a basis. The most comfortable material for me is text with pictures.

But, the current "Pepsi generation" does seem to be more receptive to long videos than short text. So I'll probably have to do the recording.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Without the IP server I can't select the specified server, I just don't have it listed and nothing will be found by name, this is the message in the log


2018.03.17 16:50:43.675 Network '9968945': no connection to Alpari-ECN-Demo

Um... And where do I get this very ipi ? I only have this in my server list:

George Merts:

About the signals - not quite clear. Look, there are a number of favourites at the moment. Shall I open a signal for each of them? At any time, any favourite may show a "control joint", and will be expelled from the "League". And the signal to close?

There are some best TS that work for me on pre-real - here, it will be possible to put this score as a signal. But then again - first we need to work out a technique for selecting the most stable TS. But so far I spend all my time on improvement and reoptimization.

The signal is under MT4, where all these TS work on one account. There is no martin (any other averaging) in the TS, right?

George Merts:

No, on the contrary, I propose to take "the sum of the old approaches" rather than "new approaches to vision". All TCs are built on the simplest principles, and we try to reduce their tuning parameters. The main goal - to shift attention from the question "what to think up for a good TS" to the question "how to choose a TS working well now, so that it will work well in the future for some time",

Yes I understand what's being suggested, I'm just talking about myself - looking for new ideas... Although I haven't finished working with the old ones yet, I've grown bored with them over the years...

George Merts:

Here's another controversial issue.

Apparently, you're right. (Let's keep it on a first name basis, we know each other well from the forum !)

Personally for me watching videos is a highly ineffective study of the material. I am extremely annoyed by the current fashion for all these "video tutorials". I always try to find a text description of the same thing. Video can be used as a small illustration, but not as a basis. The most comfortable material for me is text with pictures.

But, the current "Pepsi generation" does seem to perceive a long video better than a short text. So we'll probably have to get on with the recording.

Let's be on a first-name basis, I'm just used to being on a first-name basis with everyone.

Videos with formulas are not effective to watch, but the information, which does not need to be deeply analyzed or which is overloaded with words (for example, working with the interface), goes quite well with video, and then, we must adapt to the audience, if we expect help from it ...

George Merts:

Uh... And where do I get that IP? It's the only one on my server list:

Apparently it's https://alpari.com/ru/faq/trading_platforms/server_ip_addresses/.

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Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Signal under MT4, where all these TS work on the same account. There is no martin (any other averaging) in the TS, is there?

No. Everything is exactly within the same 16TS mentioned earlier.

I repeat - the idea is that the TS should be as simple as possible, "dull". And all these martins, averaging - it's all "enhancers" that, in fact, do not improve anything.

If you want a "pseudo-martin" - take any RTS-system with "reverse-trailing". I've already told Her the essence - after opening we put TP, and SL - not. And with every bar - we bring the TP closer to the price - and until the close. On a strong flat - it's the bomb. Not worse than the same martin. The balance graph - a smooth rising line (when reinvesting - the curve). In general, it is not a system - it is a dream, just like a martin.

It's sad when we have not guessed the direction, and then the trend starts again. In "pure" reverse trailing - we still just approach TP to the price for the specified number of steps. But in case of an unguessable trend losses may be equal to tens or even hundreds of profits. Therefore, in my RTS-systems, SL is still set. I run the system for a year and see what the minimum SL should be set, so it won't be hit even once. As a rule, it comes out to three to five day ranges. As a result, such systems take a lot and often 1-5% of the daily range, and then they simultaneously lose three daily ranges. The Equity graph is eerily reminiscent of the "Martin one". Although, all this works with a constant lot.

Well, what about "opening a signal"... Open signal, which are all League TCs - no point at all, most of these TCs "hang around zero", every day stop one or two, and only two or three dozen more or less earn. Right now I'm just in the process of working out the "technology of selecting the most sustainable". When I see that the selected TCs are stable enough, then I will open them.

George Merts:

To reiterate my postulates, on the basis of which I came up with the idea of the "League of Trading Systems" (not actually by myself, of course, with the prompting of various traders on the internet).

1. Any system has periods of profit, and periods of loss. And the periods of loss are longer.

2. The "balance of time" of loss and profit in a system does not depend on its complexity.

The "postulates" are wrong... But it is clear - if there is no strict system in the strategy, and there is only the enumeration of options ("gut feeling" method), then there is no stability whatsoever.

But experience is a good thing and you should try it, because a negative result is good...

Serqey Nikitin:

... As they say: " You can't make a sweetie out of shit" . But experience is a useful thing and you have to try, because a negative result is also useful...

Senku... that's funny... :-)