is it possible to read the screen via MT - page 7

Alexey Volchanskiy:

That's it, I'm done talking about it. 95% here will flip without any shenanigans from DC, CIA, NSA or Replicoids.

I believe there is one!!! After all, there's a rumor going around that Linus Torvalds compiles Linux builds in his head for a reason.

Good Alexei, I like your humor though not much of a promise...

But we'll endure and stand up to you...


Kind Alexei, I like your humour, although it's not very promising...

But we'll hold out and stand up to you...

The main thing to remember is that tomorrow is the first day of spring, let's watch out for aggravations! Maybe we should tie a couple of pillows to our heads.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I hope you understand English, I do, I've read a couple of dozen reviews, not a word about plugins. Give me a direct link please. And about age - it is not determined by the numbers in the passport. Sometimes a man of 60 thinks and writes at the level of a schoolboy.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Well, then write clearly - the terminal, rather than a vague phrase "someone else's exe-shtnik". Now to the point. Do you really think that MQ gives DC the source code of the terminal that they can do whatever they want there? MQ is not a beginner and we understand that bad programming engineers of DC will make such mistakes that it will change the entire world. If we have an error in the terminal, it will be the developer's fault - MQ. And the forum will just explode with furious criticism of MQ.

The only difference is different logos and data in the "About" section. The same applies to the server part, no developer would distribute the source code of such a responsible financial system.

Be realistic. Being young is no excuse for fantasies.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I know about the API server, there were plugins for MT4 long time ago, GC was fined about 8 years ago for their use, I've seen the court order. So?

And how does Web API refer to server plugins in general?

I'm bored with bullshit. The 95% here will leak out without any shenanigans from DC, CIA, NSA and replictoids.

Where are you getting your information from? What does this have to do with 8 years ago? I've already given a list of 54 different companies that write add-ons for Metatrader platforms, and pointed out that this list takes into account the achievements of December 2017. They are still working now, and the fact that they write solutions not only for Web communication - read, for example, yesterday's article by a representative of such a company ("Vice-President of Institutional Sales at Advanced Markets and Fortex Inc. will talk about the mirage of the A-book dealing model")

By the way, it describes how to intervene in the trade of one client by, for example, aggregating his requests to the DC with a bunch of others by applying a plugin to the platform. Which, in my opinion, is much more serious than removing client screens. After all, aggregation means waiting. Or are you suggesting that MQs are the ones who have already built in this forced delay?

Мираж A-book | Forex Magnates
Мираж A-book | Forex Magnates
Редакция Forex Magnates Russia продолжает публиковать материалы и заметки, предоставленные профессионалами торговой индустрии, в рамках своего проекта «Коммерческий партнер». Наш постоянный эксперт Анна Аратовская, вице-президент департамента институциональных продаж в Advanced Markets and Fortex Inc., расскажет о мираже дилинговой модели...

So at the end of the day, sick is not sick enough? and spring escalation is just a gut feeling, not a disease!

There is no real delay plugin on IP portals... and no matter how many brokers you have... all are delaying the same, well it can not be so that as soon as you close a deal, the price immediately goes in the right direction, I'm not talking about the reverse, there is no delay here at all...

Why am I interested in this topic, because I noticed the following pattern: as you open a deal in the right side so the price is like a magnet returns to it tariemi sharp jerk and sometimes it seems that the volatility increases sharply, but when you open a deal in the wrong side of the dick, go without any pullbacks or returns,

The other option is that the growth of profits is so slow and the growth of losses is faster... I'm not talking about sharp jumps ...

I understand that this is schizophrenia, megalomania,... I know that no one wants my 100-1000 bucks. deposit, but the paradox is that it can not be so that 95% lose. there should be another percentage... lower.... but at least 70%.

I have two brokers. one Oanda, this broker is registered in Canada and works according to Canadian requirements and the second Australian, so there is a difference that the ADX indicator shows differently on the same TF. and the time difference does not affect it, have any ideas to check?

Yeah I remember I'm sick... no point in reminding... or to be clever...



So at the end of the day, sick is not sick enough? and spring escalation is just a gut feeling, not a disease!

I don't think it really matters how many brokers you have... All delay the same, you can't close a deal and the price goes in the right direction, I'm not talking about the reverse, there is no lag at all...

Why am I interested in this topic, because I noticed the following pattern: as you open a deal in the right side so the price is like a magnet returns to it tariemi sharp jerk and sometimes it seems that the volatility increases sharply, but when you open a deal in the wrong side of the dick, go without any pullbacks or returns,

The other option is that the growth of profits is so slow and the growth of losses is faster... I'm not talking about sharp jumps ...

I understand that this is schizophrenia, megalomania,... I know that no one wants my 100-1000 bucks. deposit, but the paradox is that it can not be so that 95% lose. there should be another percentage... lower.... but at least 70%.

I have two brokers. one Oanda, this broker is registered in Canada and works according to Canadian requirements and the second Australian, so there is a difference that the ADX indicator shows differently on the same TF. and the time difference does not affect it, have any ideas to check?

Yeah I remember I'm sick... no point in reminding... or to be clever...


from the director of forex.

Urgently punish Taras for $12 37.85 cents by putting left quotes and continue to move the price to where he wanted.
And also to draw to Taras personally ADX not the same as everyone else's !

The order should be distributed to the entire dealing department.

Hold the Chief Risk Manager and the Chief of Staff accountable, up to and including termination.

To execute no later than 15:31 GMT +2. FOREX Director's signature (illegible)

Dmitiry Ananiev:

from the Director of Forex.

Immediately punish Taras for $12.37.85 by posting left quotes and continue to move the price where he wanted.
And also to draw to Taras personally ADH not the same as everyone else !

Make the entire dealing department aware of the order.

Hold the Chief Risk Manager and the Chief Officer responsible, up to and including dismissal.

To execute no later than 15:31 GMT +2. FOREX Director's signature (illegible)

That's hilarious. It's obvious the director knows how to do it legally...

rated... taking on the team... as chief medical officer.


So what...

973% for February and the signal service has greyed them out, like there can be no such profit. (Paid signal link removed by Artyom Trishkin)

Now my account has a minus 1% profit. How can I not cry from happiness?

Dmitiry Ananiev:

So what...

973% for February and the signal service has greyed them out, like there can be no such profit. (Paid signal link removed by Artyom Trishkin)

My account now has a minus 1% profit. How can I not cry from happiness?

Yes, the only thing left to cry here is not from happiness, but from the crooked SS calculation.

Dmitiry Ananiev:

So what...

973% for February and the signal service has greyed them out, like there can be no such profit. (Paid signal link removed by Artyom Trishkin)

My account now has a minus 1% profit. How can I not cry from happiness?

It's nothing, I had it a few days ago - 100% with a real profit of about 200%+, I don't remember exactly anymore. I cashed out the account, closed the shit-signal. Fuck this kind of monitoring

Vitaly Muzichenko:

And a 51% drawdown =)

Yes, there is nothing left to do but cry, but not with happiness, but with a faulty calculation of SS.

What's wrong with the drawdown calculation? That's about the drawdown it was. I'm not arguing here.