Canvas is cool! - page 69

Nikolai Semko:

so you don't have this picture?

Then download this archive.

It's okay, I got it! I just opened the wrong index! Thank you.

Probably not on the subject of MQL5 forum, but on the subject of this thread.
I'm just sharing with those who're interested.
I've been working on some interesting web-project(Django + YouTube Data AP + MongoDB + JS) for the last couple of months. More than half of the code is frontend in Canvas Vanilla JS.
I was pleasantly surprised by the speed of the JavaScript.
Recall that JS is a programming language"embedded" in the browser along with a kernel, which is such an atomic mixture of compiler andinterpreter.
I wanted to compare its speed with MQL5 by the example of the script, which generated this thread.
Here is the JS code (embedded in one index.html file) and the same code (or rather algorithm) in mql5.
I expected MQL5 performance advantage many times over, but MQL5 wins only by 10-20% (if you set the window size equal).
Now I understand why the most popular IDE VS Code is written in JS and even Microsoft 365 (Office) is said to be mostly written in JS.

LSD2.mq5  5 kb  2 kb
Nikolai Semko:

Probably not on the subject of MQL5 forum, but on the subject of this thread.
I'm just sharing with those who're interested.
I've been working on some interesting web-project(Django + YouTube Data AP + MongoDB + JS) for the last couple of months. More than half of the code is frontend in Canvas Vanilla JS.
I was pleasantly surprised by the speed of the JavaScript.
Recall that JS is a programming language"embedded" in the browser along with a kernel, which is such an atomic mixture of compiler andinterpreter.
I wanted to compare its speed with MQL5 by the example of the script, which generated this thread.
Here is the JS code (embedded in one index.html file) and the same code (or rather algorithm) in mql5.
I expected MQL5 performance advantage many times over, but MQL5 wins only by 10-20% (if you set the window size equal).
I now understand why most popular IDE VS Code is written in JS and even Microsoft 365 (Office) is said to be mostly written in JS.

How to use it in trading or data analysis?

It would be better to write a coordinate scalable grid with 1 millisecond resolution.

That would be cool and everyone would need it in trading (analysis)!


How can this be used in trading or data analysis?

It would be better to write a coordinate scalable grid with a resolution of 1 millisecond.

That would be awesome and everyone would need it in trading (analysis)!

For meditation in case of deposit loss.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
To meditate on the loss of a deposit.

I'm sorry...


How can this be used in trading or data analysis?

It would be better to write a coordinate scalable grid with a resolution of 1 millisecond.

That would be cool and everyone would need it in trading (analysis)!

Do it. Nikolay showed a lot of possibilities and ways to implement them.

There is no way. It's clear to everyone that this is just an abstract example. The truth, as it turns out, is not very good for everyone.


How can this be used in trading or data analysis?

It would be better to write a coordinate scalable grid with a resolution of 1 millisecond.

That would be cool and everyone would need it in trading (analysis)!

Don't you do anything else in life? Only eating, sleeping and Forex? Ouch! FORTS!


How can this be used in trading or data analysis?

It would be better to write a coordinate scalable grid with a resolution of 1 millisecond.

That would be Cool and everyone would need it in trading (analysis)!

I've already answered that many times here. In short, there are many other discussions on this forum for ready-made solutions. This same thread is a discussion about a tool for finding solutions.
But this my last post is largely addressed to developers in the matter of ME. Well, it is very far behind modern IDE standards.
But it's very hard to get off C++. I understand.
Yes, I forgot to mention that I've done a similar comparison with Java before:

Artyom Trishkin:

Do it. Nikolai here has shown a lot of possibilities and ways to implement them.

I don't have time, I'm building a house...

For me, all I would need for trading is an API.