How to make an elephant out of a fly when the fly is one's own - page 12

Aleksey Ivanov:

Oh, great! You don't have to think, either.

In general, although, of course, it is not my place to give advice to the esteemed mql5 management, but I can express my wishes. There's an advanced bank in electronic payments - VTB-24, it even provided brokerage services. We should conclude a contract with them and withdraw money directly to their cards.

VTB24 no longer exists, they have been taken over by VTB Bank.

Evgeniy Zhdan:

VTB24 no longer exists, it has been taken over by VTB Bank

It has always been under it. It's their internal reorganisation.

Aleksey Ivanov:

Oh, great! You don't have to think, either.

And, in general, although, of course, it is not my business to give advice to the esteemed mql5 management, but I can express my wishes. VTB-24 is an advanced bank in electronic payments, it even provides brokerage services. We should conclude a contract with them and withdraw money directly to their cards.

the idea is good, and it's a good idea to return WebMoney as well.
But here, someone is just interested in selling their cards, MQ you forget we are the people on whom your profit is based. we are not slaves


Let's go straight to alfa bank then, broker, great conversion rate, widespread

but they will not pay kickbacks to mql people (probably)

As some are ready to bang on the wall, the thread will be taken down.

There's no need to raise the level of hysteria here.

Rashid Umarov:

As some are ready to bang on the wall, the thread will be taken down.

No need to raise the level of hysteria here.

Five points for the title of the fly and elephant thread :))

What is the connection between webmoney and the fly?
Irek Gilmutdinov:
What is the connection between webmoney and the fly?

WM's avatar resembles a fly.

Rashid Umarov:

There is no need to raise the degree of hysteria here.

The degree of hysteria raises the silence

Denis Sartakov:

WM's avatar looks like a fly.

and the methaquotes logo is a flyswatter, oh no good...