Cluster methods of market forecasting. - page 2


And you, Yuri, are very good at it, I see.

I've got everything - don't worry. We're about to start distributing to all the poor and needy.

Me too. No need to look.)

Only I'm not planning to give it away). By the way, handed out strategies, if applied, cease to work.) So your charity will not benefit anyone.

Yeah. Orljanka is not a random process. the number of sides, the players are known and all possible variations can be counted.

You call yourself a combinator, but you don't know combinatorial games.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Me too. And you don't need to look.)

Only I don't plan to give them away.) By the way, the handed out strategies, if applied, stop working), so your charity is not good for anyone.

Seriously - I've been thinking about it. Of course, I am sorry to squander my work and the work of people who have helped me - including you. But I want to help the lost and the desperate. We must think how to do it properly. For example, why don't you open a signal? Let people earn money.
Petros Shatakhtsyan:

You call yourself a combinator but you don't know combinatorial games.

well if you call yourself a trader )) i can call myself anything
In all seriousness - I've been thinking about it. I certainly feel sorry for just squandering my work and the work of people who have helped me - including you. But, the lost and the desperate want to help. We must think how to do it properly. For example, why don't you open a signal? Let people earn money.

I play forts. As soon as more than one person enters at the same time, there's not enough liquidity in the glass. That's the end of both strategy and tactics.) Everyone's in the shit, and I'll be blamed.)

Remember the joke - the entire arena is in the shit, the entire audience is in the shit and I'm the one riding out on a white tuxedo and a white horse. (с)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Read the efficient market hypothesis.

this hypothesis is a hoax. and utter nonsense.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Any card game, is not a random process. The number of cards and the number of players are known and all sorts of variations can be calculated.

Forex, on the other hand, is a completely random process. There is only a limitation of prices from above and below.

Forex is not a completely random process.


volume is usually distributed in the same way as the average quotations for a given period (i.e. randomly), so you can do without it

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I play forts. As soon as more than one person enters at the same time, the liquidity in the glass is not enough. That's the end of both strategy and tactics.) Everyone's in the shit, and I'll be blamed.)

Remember the joke - the entire arena is in the shit, the entire audience is in the shit and I'm the one riding out on a white tuxedo and a white horse. (с)

on fx futures this will not happen, the market maker will add liquidity

so let's have a signal on forts mt5 :)

Олег avtomat:

forex is not a completely random process.

Forex is very much like football.

And in football, the movement or trajectory of the ball during the whole game, isn't it a random process ?