Price signals, what will happen to them? - page 4

Kseniya Yu:

I was paying attention to trades, risks, etc., a second man opened a 36k balance. He lost it in one day, as it turned out he had a cent account. I do not know why, but there was no warning that it was a cent account.

The result is a loss of 20k and hatred for cents.

I don't know why, but he had a cent account. I'm sorry to hear that.

Sergii Stepiko:

A cent account!Provider can afford higher risks

This is the first warning that catches your eye when you start reviewing the signal information.

This warning is not always displayed.

Rustem Bigeev:

By and large, there is no difference in principle, whether it's a cent account or a normal one, even if it's a demo account.... If this account gives adequate signals, it is worthy of its subscribers. There is also such an issue as psychological burden, which over time tends to accumulate.... So if someone feels comfortable signaling on a demo account and most importantly - it works, so why not.... After all, when you subscribe you should pay attention to trades, risks, etc. and not to the account on which they are done....

I agree with you 100%.

After all, if someone doesn't know how to choose it doesn't mean that we should deprive everyone of choice.

I think we should give more information on how to choose correctly and more criteria to assess the signal.

Sergey Kutsko:

This warning is not always displayed.

What do you mean, not always?

There is a reason for everything. This warning has to be displayed and it is the responsibility of very specific people. It is definitely not the signal seller's fault.

Sergii Stepiko:

A cent account!Provider can afford higher risks

This is the first warning that catches your eye when you start looking at the signal information.

Why do you need to look at it? It's enough to look at the chart and the price of the subscription. And then try to figure out if it's good or bad.


Whichever account you choose to buy from, you can never know what its provider is prepared to risk in order to get the account out of a drawdown.

Alexey Viktorov:

Why look at it? It's enough to look at the schedule and the cost of the subscription. And then try to figure out if it's good or bad.

I take it you are being ironic. Like losing money and then wondering why it happened all of a sudden?


Cent accounts are underdeveloped accounts. Regardless of the balance. And any sane person who trades in a cent account themselves understands this.

The risks on a cent account are 100 times lower (1 dollar is 1 cent). We mean all the risks: money management when making decisions; psychological discomfort, etc. It is clear about all statistical estimations of signal quality.

Such accounts are not suitable for subscription. If the balance of a cent account is 10 000 cents while the subscriber has a $10000 balance, the risks of the subscriber and provider are not similar and to compare these risks would be an indecent imitation in the eyes of the subscriber.

We should not forget about responsibility for subscribers' balance, which is completely missing in Providers of any signal, be it cent or dollar. The Provider simply cannot check this balance in his account and does not care if the amount is 1 million or 1 billion. The dollar signal shows what Provider loses and Subscribers can adjust their risks in accordance with Provider's ones.

To allow paid subscription for demo and cent accounts is allowable only at the initial stages of the service, when not much is understood and statistics is not gathered yet.

The fact that cent accounts are removed in packs from the paid service indicates the stage of qualitative development of the service. We can only regret that it is done only now and not more than a year ago.

All this talk about subscriber's decision is irresponsible demagogy. A subscriber subscribes and that is all, he does nothing more, he does not analyze and evaluate anything. And if you make the number of subscribers bigger than common sense, they will get a lot of suckers who don't give a shit about the statistics and warnings. And it's not about suckers, it's about the fact that people are weak and need at least some basic protection and prevention.

Sergey Kutsko:

signing up for a signal that's one day old... I'm sorry to hear that.

Signal was 8 months old. Then provider opened second signal with decent deposit as it seemed.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Cent accounts are underdeveloped accounts. Regardless of the balance. And any sane person who trades in a cent account themselves understands this.

The risks on a cent account are 100 times lower (1 dollar is 1 cent). We mean all the risks: money management when making decisions; psychological discomfort, etc. It is clear about all statistical estimations of signal quality.

Such accounts are not suitable for subscription. If the balance of the cent account is 10 000 cents while the subscriber has a balance of 10000 $, the risks of the subscriber and provider are not the same.

You should also remember about responsibility for subscribers' balance, which is completely missing at any provider, be it cent or dollar. The Provider simply cannot check this balance in his account and does not care if the amount is 1 million or 1 billion. The dollar signal at least shows what Provider loses and Subscriber can adjust his risks to Provider's ones.

To allow paid subscription for demo and cent accounts is allowable only at the initial stages of the service, when not much is understood and statistics is not gathered yet.

The fact that cent accounts are removed in packs from the paid service indicates the stage of qualitative development of the service. We can only regret that it is done only now and not more than a year ago.

All this talk about subscriber's decision is irresponsible demagogy. A subscriber subscribes and that is all, he does nothing more, he does not analyze and evaluate anything. And if you make the number of subscribers bigger than common sense, they will get a lot of suckers who don't give a shit about the statistics and warnings. It's not about suckers, it's about the fact that people are weak and need at least some basic protection and prevention.

In the dollar signal at least it is visible what Provider is losing and Subscriber can adjust his risks to Provider's risks.

As well as in the cent signal. What is called "everything" for the subscriber, can be only the beginning for the provider. You can always top up the deposit, average and come out with a profit. But who will risk what.... Everyone has drawdowns.