MT5 is for programmers, not traders - page 4

Renat Fatkhullin:

Maybe unfortunately, but trading has long been algotrading.

Without automation of trading strategies and their testing it is almost impossible to do any meaningful trading.

Have a look at the sections:

  1. Documentation - complete documentation on the language and algotraining.
  2. Articles - hundreds of articles with practical lessons.
  3. Codebase - thousands of programs in source code
  4. Freelance - freelance software ordering service.

What you wrote:

  1. Documentation - complete documentation for the language and altotraining.
  2. Articles - hundreds of articles with practical lessons.
  3. Codebase - thousands of programs in source code
  4. Freelance - freelance software ordering service

is called an "excuse".

You are asked to make simple, clear, official lessons.

When you need it, you do it. You're not referring to someone else.

Besides, it's not that expensive.


Just in case you don't understand what you're being asked about).


You can trade manually. Open a new order, specify price, lot size, and put....

If you need to place an order according to a certain condition/plan, that would be programming!

With zero entry level, it will take six months or a year to get the hang of it.

As far as I understand correctly the company's policy - the higher the entry threshold the better, only top developers who will collect the cream.

Mickey Moose:

As far as I understand the company's policy correctly - the higher the entry threshold, the better; only the top developers will be left to collect the cream.

the company's policy is to use its resources as efficiently as possible

I bet none of the complainers have ever written serious documentation.

and i have, it's worse than writing 20 advisors

and you have to translate everything into a bunch of languages, you have to find someone who has writing talent at least in russian

you sit around, playing tanchiki and everything seems so simple from the outside ))

I could write several articles on OOP, but I bet MQ will disagree

and about loops/arrays there's plenty of general c/++ literature

Alexey Volchanskiy:

the company's policy is to use its resources as efficiently as possible

I bet none of the complainers have ever written serious documentation.

and i have, it's worse than writing 20 advisors

and you have to translate everything into a bunch of languages, you have to find someone who has writing talent at least in russian

you sit around, playing tanchiki and everything seems so simple from the outside ))

I could write several articles on OOP, but I bet MQ will disagree

And about loops/arrays there's plenty of general C/C++ literature

Are you saying that they don't have enough brains, or are greedy, or just don't have a clue anywhere?

Got your own version ))) ?
Vitaly Stepanov:
Reading the forum I come to the conclusion that most of the people here are hardcore programmers. Also it seems to me that MT5 with its programming language was created more for programmers than for traders. And the programmer must use MQL5 to create possibilities for earning, but what should trader apply to freelance trading every time he or she want to check a new nuance of the strategy on the historical data? Besides, I can't find MQL5 courses where I can learn the language. If you are a humanitarian, it is very difficult to educate yourself in this field.
First, master the MQL4 tutorial. Everything is described there in an excellent and accessible way, from the ground up. This is the base on which you can build upon. If you have mastered everything, MQL5 documentation will be enough.
Учебник по MQL4
Учебник по MQL4
В настоящее время персональный компьютер стал незаменимым помощником в жизни каждого человека. Благодаря развитию Интернета и увеличению мощности современных компьютеров открылись новые возможности во многих областях деятельности. Ещё десять лет назад торговля на финансовых рынках была доступна только банкам и узкому кругу специалистов. Сегодня...
Ibragim Dzhanaev:

Are you saying that they do not have enough brains, or are greedy, or just do not have a cloud anywhere?

I spelled it out clearly in Russian letters.

You don't understand Russian well?

If you want to have a hullabaloo, hullabaloo with yourself quietly) ciao.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I spelled it out clearly in Russian letters.

you don't understand russian well?

if you want to have a chorus, chorus quietly with yourself) ciao

Ciao is not a Russian word, what does it mean?

A computer -- it's iron. It only understands programs.
Ihor Herasko:
For a start, master the MQL4 tutorial. Everything is described there in an excellent and accessible way, from the ground up. This is the basis on which you can build upon. If you have learnt everything, MQL5 documentation will be enough.

I don't want to argue with anyone, but why so stubbornly pretend that you don't understand what we are talking about?

Ibragim Dzhanaev:

What you wrote:

is called an excuse.

It's called "we've done everything we needed to do and more.

There are no shortcuts to becoming a physics programmer by taking a "simple video course". And no amount of "I want, I ask" is going to help.

You are being asked to do simple, clear, official lessons.

When you need it, you do it. You're not referring to someone else.

Besides, it's not that expensive.


I wrote this in case you don't understand what you're being asked about.)

Fortunately, not only do I understand, but I have tried and implemented many things in practice.

There is only one way to learn - go and spend enough of your own effort to fill your head with enough information with maximum practice. The bare minimum is a couple of hundred hours to start understanding something in reality.