MT5 is for programmers, not traders - page 3


OK, I'll describe it when I was learning it myself. I need a function. I go to the docks, see an example on three or four pages of completely unfamiliar functions and close it back.

I write on the forum, trying to understand all the unfamiliar functions, which are all unfamiliar to me.

As a result, I had to deal with all the functions in the example to understand how one function is structured.

Just for several pages ?
Can you show me an example from help?
It's true, there are very long examples, but they are usually not explained by single operator, but with all modifications. And as a rule, there are explanations of what applies and why.

Vitaly Stepanov:

Why can't MQL5 be made more modular? After all, MQl4 has functions for finding extrema. Why would the trader bother to create some basic functions?

For example, why should he bother to create some basic functions, or make automatic checks with their output, etc.

What extrema, for example?

Again, check what, with output where? ))

People, a general appeal, try to write specifically, otherwise, as in the former Secretary General - need to deepen multiply, improve!

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Good point, or go through the code under the debugger. And there wasn't one before, at least in MT4.

You don't say... I had to write the most detailed trace log... It was a nightmare...

Now it's all very "up to par". Anyone who really wants to understand and learn can do it in quite a foreseeable time.

Another thing is that mostly people want to get an understanding "by watching video courses without any stress". But, alas, "there is no royal path in geometry", and to programming - this is also quite relevant.

Vitaly Stepanov:

Why can't MQL5 be made more modular? After all, MQl4 has functions for finding extrema. Why would the trader bother to create some basic functions?

Why would a trader bother to create some basic functions? Or, for example, make automatic checks with the output.

Mql4 had h = iHigh (...)

in Mql5 became CopyHIgh(...) ;

h = array [ ArrayMaximum (...)];

i.e. one line complication. And there is a cry for 2 whole posts.

Dmitiry Ananiev:

Is it just a few pages long ?
Can you show me an example from help?
It is true there are very long examples, but they usually explain not a single operator, and expanded with all the modifications. And as a rule, there are explanations of what is applied and why.

It was on graphical objects (object types).

Dmitiry Ananiev:

Yep, in Mql4 h = iHigh (...)

in Mql5 became CopyHIgh(...) ;

h = array [ ArrayMaximum (...)];

i.e. one line complication. And there is a whole 2 posts worth of shrieks.

You'd have to be a programmer to see this difference.

I want a tool that will help me to test strategies without having a basic knowledge of programming.

I think there should be such a tool in MT5. And it also seems to me that a trader should devote maximum effort and time to trading strategy, not to learn the nuances of programming.

Vitaly Stepanov:

You have to be a programmer to see this difference.

I want a tool to help me test strategies without any basic programming knowledge.

MT5 is a TRADING terminal, and I think such a tool should be there. And it seems to me, that a trader should devote maximum efforts and time to trading strategy, and not to study programming nuances.

There is, of course there is

00000000.PNG  139 kb

Need to change MQL5

Thanks for the systematisation!

Dmitiry Ananiev:

Yep, in Mql4 h = iHigh (...)

in Mql5 became CopyHIgh(...) ;

h = array [ ArrayMaximum (...)];

i.e. one line complication. And there's screaming for 2 whole posts.


1. CopyHIgh may return an error - this should be checked manually and processed. At least 3 strings.

2. CopyHIgh may not return all values you give it - this needs to be checked manually and processed. At least 3 strings.

3) To use CopyHIgh you have to prepare first an array where Copy will do it. At least 1 line

4. To realize CopyHIgh benefits we need another stack of strings. With manual error checking, of course.


I envy who the complication is just one line


Vitaly Stepanov:
 Читая форум прихожу к выводу, что здесь в основном трутся махровые программисты. Также мне кажется, что МТ5 с его языком программирования создан больше для прогеров, чем для трейдеров.

You can trade manually. Open a new order, specify price, lot size, and put....

If you need to place an order according to a certain condition/plan, this is programming!

With zero entry level, it will take half a year or a year of training to get the hang of it.