Are there any wave traders here? - page 8


this is what a serious person who decides to trade on VTE needs:

it's long and tedious, but if you follow through,

success is assured.

ELWAVE® Elliott Wave Software
ELWAVE® Elliott Wave Software
Studying the patterns is very important in order to apply the Elliott Wave Principle correctly. The pattern of the market action, if correctly determined, not only tells you to what price levels the market will rise or decline, but also in which way (or pattern) this will happen. When you are able to recognize the patterns, and apply these...
Denis Sartakov:

I'll be honest with you, it's a load ofcrap. The same way Elliot waves are nonsense!!!


I'll be honest with you, it's a load ofcrap. The same way Elliot waves are bullshit!!!

Yes, yes, of course, the price goes where it goes,

as one interesting guy with a suspicious surname - Ivanov said.

Denis Sartakov:

yes, yes, of course, the price goes where it goes,

as an interesting guy with a suspicious surname - Ivanov - used to say.

For me, the wave... Total harmony and nothing extra. I don't make any markup, I just look at the chart.

I don't need indicators and I don't place stops! Deposit up to 100,000% disperse! (In short, I am trading at 10$).

Mihail Matkovskij:
If we take Elliott waves, he discovered them in the 30s, i.e. a very long time ago. Regarding other types of wave analysis, it is better to take classical figures of technical analysis, and even better, harmonic patterns, and based on them build your TS. But any trading system needs to be tested. That's why don't trade in a hurry on a real account, try it better on a demo or tester.
I would not have known about this without you ))))
And how do you propose speeding up the process?


Dmitry Sumsky:
Thanks for your help, without you I didn't know about it )))

In the stock market especially in the 30s, it is considered that there is a floor and a ceiling, i.e. a top and a bottom. From this the conclusion follows...


In the stock market especially in the 30s, it is considered that there is a floor and a ceiling, i.e. a top and a bottom. The conclusion follows from this...

The conclusion is that EURUSD has neither ceiling nor floor, i.e. there is no up and down (weightlessness).

The Earth laws do not work in the space