Let's discuss joint projects in the editor - why and where they are going - page 2

Renat Fatkhullin:

No article on the projects?

I would like to see an overview article.

Evgeny Belyaev:

No article on the projects?

I would like to see an overview article.

I join in the wish.

Anatoli Kazharski:

Maybe, as an option, to involve arbitration in this scheme to resolve disputes?

Another option. We could try distributing shares of the volume of work done. The system could automatically calculate the contribution of each participant and everyone will immediately see how much he has done and what his share will be.

Several schemes could be devised, and before starting work on a joint project, the participant would know which scheme was adopted, that is, they would understand what they were doing and when the shares could be reallocated.

Such ready-made templates could simplify the contractual process between the participants and reduce the time it takes to resolve such issues.

No, our arbitration will not exist in principle on this issue.

Options won't help either, as there is still the right to edit, which blows it all out of proportion. The position must be absolutely clear - we will not deal with and arbitrate the financial and legal issues of the participants.

Evgeny Belyaev:

No article on the projects?

I would like to see a review article.

There will be one later.

What's so complicated about it? There is documentation on F1 and we have simplified the functionality. You just take it and use it:

Unfortunately, there's no hope for the article at all - more than a couple of thousand people will read it during a year. People have completely lost the ability to read and understand information. Even programmers.

We are going the other way.

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MQL5 Storage - Справка по MetaEditor
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это персональное хранилище исходных кодов на MQL4/MQL5, предназначенное для версионного хранения файлов и удобного управления всеми вашими проектами прямо из редактора MetaEditor. Основные преимущества подключения MQL5 Storage: Безопасное хранение исходных кодов. В случае выхода из строя жесткого диска, локальная копия кодов может быть...
Vasiliy Pushkaryov:

I would also like to see a step-by-step example of creating a project from start to finish, showing all the benefits.

Select the New Project command and you will see the wizard.

There is nothing to explain - everything is so simple and automatic. In collaborative projects, it will even pour everything into the repository automatically.


I, as the author of the project, can give away the rights to use the project. As far as I understand from a cursory reading.

Is it possible to give rights to everyone to use.

As far as I understand, you need authorisation to use the code?

Evgeny Belyaev:

I, as the author of the project, can give away the rights to use the project. As far as I understand from a cursory reading.

Is it possible to give rights to everyone to use.

As far as I understand, you need authorisation to use the code?

You can give the right of public project with free participation.

In this case, the project will be added to the Public Projects list in the editor and any authorized MQL5 user may join the project as a reader (read only). Now to raise the user write access, he/she has to contact the project owner manually and ask for it. For example, via chat.

In future versions we will simplify this, and directly from the editor you can send such a request to the owner.

Renat Fatkhullin:

You can give the right of public project with free participation.

In this case, the project will be added to the list of Public Projects in the editor and any authorized MQL5 user can join the project as a reader (read only). Now to raise the user write access, he/she has to contact the project owner manually and ask for it. For example, via chat.

In future versions, we will simplify this and directly from the editor you can send such a request to the owner.

If the project is public, do you still need authorisation?

Evgeny Belyaev:

If the project is public, do you still need authorisation?



Will it be possible to write plugins for ME ?

What do you need to do to add folding? And other facilities similar to the VS you mentioned?