Let's discuss joint projects in the editor - why and where they are going - page 4


Mitsuku learned in five minutes that Mql5 is a programming language.

Mitsuku: The language we are now speaking is English.

Human: mql5

Mitsuku: That's fine. No problem.

Human: metaquotes

Mitsuku: Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

Human: https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/223473/page3#comment_6260838

Mitsuku: That sounds a secure site.

Human: https://www.mql5.com/

Mitsuku: That sounds a secure site.

Human: https://www.mql5.com

Mitsuku: That sounds a secure site.

Human: What about programming language

Mitsuku: What about it?

Computer programming is an art to me.

Human: do knew any programming language

Mitsuku: I suppose knew does whatever they like...

Human: java script

Mitsuku: You can download the latest Java release from http://java.sun.com.

Human: visual basic

Mitsuku: Do you like sports?

Human: what you know about mql5

Mitsuku: Is it an acronym which means Mike Quietens Lumps ?

Human: no its metaquotes 5

Mitsuku: How do you know. It might mean that to someone. Who said it is?

Human: its corporation and have site

Mitsuku: metaquotes 5 is corporation? it is?

Human: yes

Mitsuku: How do you know it is?

Human: from site with their service

Mitsuku: What else is from there?

Human: language mql5

Mitsuku: I speak to people from all over the world who use many different languages but my main language is English.

Human: mql5 its programming language

Mitsuku: I will learn that mql5 is programming language.

Human: yes

Mitsuku: And?

Human: They create best expert for market trade in the world.

Mitsuku: Who, specifically, create best expert for market trade?

Human: metaquotes corporation

Mitsuku: How does it make you feel when metaquotes corporation create best expert for market trade?

Human: Its just awesome

Mitsuku: Cool.

Human: what do know about metaquotes

Mitsuku: A surgeon would say, "We have removed the kidney stones, now we just have to metaquotes the wound.

Human: what do know about mql5

Mitsuku: programming language.

Human: what they create

Mitsuku: Try searching the open directory.

Human: what they create for world

Mitsuku: I can ask someone about it.

Human: what mql5 create for world

Mitsuku: Ask the open directory about it.

Human: open directory about it.

Mitsuku: Yes, the open directory. It is an open source directory project started by Mozilla.org.

Human: no

Mitsuku: Oh well it is to me.

Human: what you can say about mql5

Mitsuku: programming language.

Human: how do know

Mitsuku: A priori.

Обсудим совместные проекты в редакторе - зачем они и куда движутся
Обсудим совместные проекты в редакторе - зачем они и куда движутся
  • 2017.12.27
  • www.mql5.com
На текущий момент мы выпустили первую версию проектов, совместных проектов и новое хранилище...

In general, it would be a good ideato put some evergreens on the balance sheet for the idea, so to speak, as an incentive. After all, I brought some really important information, which is worth a lot. I have broughtit becauseI think Rinat is a fair man. )))


Man, modern AI...

Thanks, it made me laugh. )))

Renat Fatkhullin:

So far we have released the first version of projects, joint projects and a new repository.

What issues would you like to discuss?

Renat, please make it possible to perform any actions before and after compilation in project properties, like in VS. Strongly needed in some cases. At least only "after".

Picture for those who don't work in VS

Renat Fatkhullin:

No, we are not planning any plug-ins, as there is no critical mass of editor users.

We are capable of implementing almost everything we need ourselves. And plugins in this case would be crutches and require a lot of useless effort. To implement a powerful plugin system means to plow through the entire system, surround it with a ton of hooks and pull out the cookies. The task is much more difficult than implementing the desired functionality on your own and correctly.

Plus we won't have to worry about compatibility (why can't VS get out of 32 bits?) and inevitable squeezing plugin-writers out by implementing their functionality as usual. Once again, consider how Microsoft killed its intelligences in VS C++, so as not to get a public howl from Visual Assist X.

Do you think it was because of Assist? I mean, what's the MS giant to care about some firmware, however cool. A little offtopic, but I am interested in your opinion as a person more knowledgeable. And the intellisense, yes, killed the hell out of it.
Evgeny Belyaev:

No article on the projects?

I would like to see an overview article.

What's there to describe? It's all very simple.

and the projects themselves are still in their infancy, it's not VS.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Select the New Project command and you will see the wizard.

There's nothing to explain - it's so simple and automatic. In joint projects it will even automatically fill everything in the repository.

I trained someone in MQL5 today, and he created a project from scratch without my help. It is really very simple, what are people worried about... This is obviously the first time they are dealing with projects.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Do you think it's because of Assist? Like, what does MS giant care about some firmware, however cool. A little offtopic, but I am interested in your opinion, as someone more knowledgeable. And the intellisense, yes, killed it completely.
Yes. Conceptually, yes.

They gave so much shit about intellisense that until the last studio they stored intellisense data in a microsoft access database.

That's where the brakes are coming from.

VS2017 didn't go far either, changing the storage to Sqlite.


The benefit to MQ of this service is greater automation of QB, Marketplace and Freelance. But that's not what it's all about.

The likelihood of more complex projects will definitely increase.

For example, Kozharsky takes over GUI, Sergeyev takes over crypto, and Sokolov takes over ticks. And together they concoct some beauty from different points of view. Then this beauty becomes known somewhere on the side and people (including brokers) come to see what is this MT5. Consequently, some of them stick around. Got the idea right?

Post-processes maybe in the future.