Let's discuss joint projects in the editor - why and where they are going - page 3

Vladimir Pastushak:

Will it be possible to write plugins for ME ?

What do you need to do to add folding? And other facilities similar to the VS you mentioned ?

No, no plugins are planned, as there is no critical mass of editor users.

We are capable of implementing almost everything we need ourselves. And plugins in this case would be crutches and require a lot of really useless effort. To implement a powerful plugin system means to plow through the entire system, surround it with a ton of hooks and pull out the cookies. The task is much more difficult than implementing the desired functionality on your own and correctly.

Plus we won't have to worry about compatibility (why can't VS get out of 32 bits?) and inevitable squeezing plugin-writers out by implementing their functionality as usual. Once again, consider how Microsoft killed its intelligences in VS C++, so as not to get a public howl from Visual Assist X.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Select the New Project command and you will see the wizard.

There's nothing to explain - it's so simple and automatic. In collaborative projects, it will even pour everything into the repository automatically.

Ok, I will try. I used to work at NetBeans long ago, but my projects were very primitive there, while I studied Java, and then I've abandoned them. I don't remember anything now. As far as I understood, I will be able to plug in images and sound files. I would like to get everything right from the start in terms of the organisational structure.

Anatoli Kazharski:

Maybe, as an option, to involve arbitration in this scheme to resolve disputes?

Another option. We could try distributing shares of the volume of work done. The system could automatically calculate the contribution of each participant and everyone will immediately see how much he has done and what his share will be.

Several schemes could be devised, and before starting work on a joint project, the participant would know which scheme was adopted, that is, they would understand what they were doing and when the shares could be reallocated.

Such ready-made templates could simplify the contractual process between the participants and reduce the time needed to resolve such issues.

Problematic. The quality of an idea is not measured by the amount of code written.

Perhaps the organizer himself should distribute the shares. He can negotiate the terms of distribution of funds with the participants in advance.


tried to connect to the storage, got an authorisation error, wrote to servicedesk. (First time decided...)

Vladislav Andruschenko:

tried to connect to the storage, got an authorisation error, wrote to servicedesk. (First time decided...)

Specify absolutely exactly before the MQL5 symbol the login and password and try again, please.

You are definitely not authorised.


I don't work with ME projects, as I don't need to. But I'd like to point out that you can only set your sights on even the faintest semblance of a widget when the editor and environment are at least as functional as EditPlus, not to mention the widget. Right now, you can't even create user tools to run external utilities. In EditPlus you can even pass selected text to console via $(CurSel) - just add code beautifier and enjoy. The only reason I use ME and not a third-party editor is because of intelligence.


The toolkit will of course come with the new customisable styler.

Look at the set of new commands in the editor, by the way.

Anatoli Kazharski:

Several schemes could be devised and before starting to work on a joint project the participant would know which scheme has been adopted, i.e. they would understand what they are getting into and in which cases there might be a reallocation of shares.

Such ready-made templates could simplify the contractual process between the participants and reduce the time needed to resolve such issues.

The idea of template schemes is interesting.

It would have to be tested in practice. Think of schemes and create several test projects, each of which would be conducted by a group of people according to one of the schemes of interaction of participants and distribution of funds.

Then it will be clear what works and what does not.

All problems can be identified and jointly solved on the forum.


It would be nice to get artificial intelligence involved, instead of scratching your head. TheMitsuku type seems to becommunicating at a decent level. Let it work for the benefit of the people. And programmingis easier than learning English.

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Renat Fatkhullin:

Specify absolutely exactly before the MQL5 symbol the login and password and try again, please.

You are definitely not authorised.

this is an interesting observation.

I select Vladon , but after pressing ok - and reopening the settings window vladon is returned to me

Maybe that's why?