Looking for a trader - page 12

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Yeah, you're right there.

If you are sure that "I'll make two or two hundred from a couple of hundred" then you should probably hire an employee to do your basic work and you will have time to do some trading :-)

That's a good point!

Not so long ago I posted an estimate of how to make $1,200,000 per year with reinvestments from $100.

ProbablyDmitry's main job bringshim more than a million quid a year, and trading is just an addition.)


sana bır robot gonderıyım

abu adamın demosunu ındırdım ve ılk ızlenımlerım olumlu,

demoda bıle kazandırıyor

tam surumunde daha da ıyı oalbılır

Good evening. Can you advise me which brokerage company I should work with so I can trade on my own? Or who trades on the stock exchange themselves?

sana bır robot gonderıyım

abu adamın demosunu ındırdım ve ılk ızlenımlerım olumlu,

demoda bıle kazandırıyor

tam surumunde daha da ıyı oalbılır

I didn't write this......


sana bır robot gonderıyım

abu adamın demosunu ındırdım ve ılk ızlenımlerım olumlu,

demoda bıle kazandırıyor

tam surumunde daha da ıyı oalbılır

let me translate it into Russian

sana bir robot gonderim

abu adamın demosunu ındırdım ve ılk ızlenımlerım olumlu

demoda ble kazandırıor

tam surumunde daha daha ıııı oalılır

In the meantime, I have a lot of experience in this field. Can you tell me which brokerage company is better to work with so that I can trade on my own? Or who has a brokerage firm that can trade on its own?

Depending on what you want to trade, there are many markets, there are american, russian equities, the crypto market, and then there is just forex.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Depending on what you want to trade, there are many markets, there are american, russian equities, there is also the crypto market and then there is just forex.

Most likely just forex, and maybe crypto as well. I was a trader at Teletrade about 5 years ago, but now I have some time, and I want to start, I still have some knowledge.
Most likely just forex, and maybe crypto too. I have been in Teletrade about 5 years ago, but now I have enough time, and I want to start trading, I still have some knowledge.

Then google a search phrase and search the ratings for dealing rooms that fit your needs. When you have chosen a dealing desk, read about it on other resources, and if all is well, trade there.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Then google a search phrase and search the rankings for dealing rooms that match your requirements. Once you have chosen a dealing desk, read about it on other resources, and if all is well, trade there.

I have been dealing with a few leading brokers and the reviews are suspicious all the time. I hoped that here will prompt the best to begin with.
That's the thing, I've looked at several leading companies and the reviews are suspicious everywhere. I was hoping you could tell me the best one to start with

Try IG.