From theory to practice - page 321


That's what I'd like to know. I need a parameter that tells me exactly when the trend is over. That's it. This is the only difference between the market processes and the Wiener process. I know there is one. Only Hearst does?

There is no such parameter, there isn't.)


That's what I would like to know. I need a parameter that tells me exactly when the trend is over. That's it. This is the only difference between the market processes and the Wiener process. I know there is one. Only is Hearst?

Hearst is way overdue, by any measure.


I need a parameter that tells me exactly when the trend is over.

That is, that the trend has ended in the past and will not continue in the future? Or do I not need a prediction for the future?


You mean that the trend has ended in the past and will not continue into the future? Or do you not need a forecast for the future?

That the trend is over in the present. And the future is already known - a return to the average. To the macro expectation. This is as clear as day.

Gentlemen! I am really close to solving the problem without junk and goggling. Just tell me one thing - whether Hearst is applicable in the market or not. If not, I'll trash the non-entropy and it's in the bag.


That the trend is over in the present. And the future is already known - a return to the average. To the macro expectation. This is as clear as day.

Gentlemen! I am really close to solving the problem without junk and goggling. Just tell me one thing - whether Hearst is applicable in the market or not. If it doesn't, I'll break down the non-gentropy and it's a done deal.

Saw, Shura, saw, they're solid gold. (с)


That the trend is over in the present. And the future is already known - a return to the average. To the macro expectation. It is as clear as day.

To say that the trend is over, we must wait until the future to see the start of a flat. ))

Or you can ask a fortune-teller - she can tell you ahead. ))


That the trend is over in the present. And the future is already known - a return to the average. To the macro expectation. This is as clear as day.

Gentlemen! I am really close to solving the problem without junk and goggling. Just tell me one thing - whether Hearst is applicable in the market or not. If not, I'll trash the nagentropy and we're in business.

There is
a green oak tree by the Lukomorye;
A golden chain on that oak tree:

Both day and night the cat scientist

Everything walks round the chain;

Goes right - a song starts,

To argue that the trend is over in the present, you have to wait until the future to see that a flat has begun. ))

Or go to a fortune-teller - she can tell you ahead of time. ))

Andrei, I know you're smart. But, your speeches are good in the nursery. I am a physicist. A real one, without any fools. I don't care about the fortune-teller. I need a parameter.


I am a physicist. A real one, no fooling around. I don't care about the fortune teller. I need a parameter.

Look at your profits. ) You can't look at it without tears. Physicist - eclmn.


I am a physicist. A real one, no fooling around. I don't care about the fortune teller. I need a parameter.

Alexander, what do real physicists do to know the future without going to fortune-tellers?