From theory to practice - page 195


... В самой цене законов нет...

That is, there has been an impact, there has been a change in price, a law, a pattern, or a condition has been formed. And in order to make money, you need to be able to calculate the impact and know which way it happened.

There is. The price is quite enough.

Laws and patterns are not formed by exposure. They are already there, as stable as the land behind a collective farm. No, not even super-influences (transactions, with many zeros) can change the structure. What's the use of trying to "predict" them...

Exposure is like the wind over a puddle. The cause of the waves, yes, but it's not the wind that determines the structure of those waves at all. What's in the puddle, what's in the market. There is no need to calculate "exposure" if the goal is simply to "make money". Unlike natural wind, the market wind is always blowing and there is no need to predict its direction and strength either.

You are mistaken in the formulation of the problem. And then, you may be seven brain teasers, or neural networks, or wavelets, or arimas and God forgive me Garchas. Nothing will help. You can roam forever, the market is a funny thing, it gets into your nets and models sometimes, purely by accident, and teases you that "just about", there's still a little "tweak" left. Try to understand this, I do from the bottom of my heart. Above is a link to a good book. It says a lot about the market.


Can I have the link again? I don't know how to look for anything here.

I liked your prelude, very poetic, it made me want to go to the mountains and spring.

Ah, the synergy thing... found it. Yeah, okay.


Check. The price is quite enough.

Laws and patterns are not formed from exposure. They are already there, as stable as the land behind a collective farm. No, not even super-influences (transactions, with many zeros) can change the structure. What's the use of trying to "predict" them...

The impact is like the wind over a puddle. The cause of occurrence, yes, but it's not the wind that determines the structure of these waves at all. What's in the puddle, what's in the market. There is no need to calculate 'impact' if the goal is simply to 'make money'. Unlike natural winds, market winds are always blowing and there is no need to predict their direction and strength.

You are mistaken in the formulation of the problem. And then, you may be seven brain teasers, or neural networks, or wavelets, or arimas and God forgive me Garchas. Nothing will help. You can roam forever, the market is a funny thing, it gets into your nets and models sometimes, purely by accident, and teases you that "just about", there's still a little "tweak" left. Try to understand that, I do from the bottom of my heart. Above is a link to a good book. It says a lot about the market.

It is genius.

It would seem that I have to tear out the claws from this forum together with the Grail, but I cannot.

Where else am I going to find people like that?


You see. Alexei - everything you do is good. But it's not good, either.

You know what's missing from your formulas?


That's when you understand the relationship of estimated polynomials or EMA to the current time, then the physical meaning of all the formulas will be clear and this thing can be used for forecasting.

Not so far. I do not see this correlation. Maybe I'm blind? Maybe... Old age is no fun...

I have a similar understanding too. I.e. the quote as a periodic signal changes in both X and Y.

However, you tend to think that on X the quote (it has some window allotted to it) shrinks/unshrinks according to the exponential law.

Incidentally, this was first stated and plotted graphically in this thread:

However, this is not the case, or rather not periodically, but depending on trading activity.

Рынок -- управляемая динамическая система.
Рынок -- управляемая динамическая система.
  • 2017.12.31
Прежде всего необходимо дать определение, что из себя представляет управляемая динамическая система, и как это соотнести с рынком, явлением, в пред...

You see. Alexei - everything you do is good. But it's not good, either.

You know what's missing from your formulas?


That's when you understand the relationship of estimated polynomials or EMA to the current time, then the physical meaning of all the formulas will be clear and this thing can be used for forecasting.

Not so far. I do not see this correlation. Maybe I'm blind? Maybe... Old age is not a joy...

Many traders trade quite successfully using Renko charts. And there time is not used and plays no role at all.


While Sorcerer tortures Rena:


Deals for this week:

In just 3 incomplete weeks +130%

Learn how to get drunk! Ugh... What am I talking about? Oh, yes! Learn to trade, my friends!!!


Wait for the signal. I'll leave the thread.


Alexander_K and Schrodinger's cat.


Without this deal:

the farewell to this branch would be incomplete.

In 3 weeks, +150%.

Not even interesting, gentlemen. Expected to meet a more serious opponent.

NOT INTERESTED. There you go.


Without this deal:

the farewell to this branch would be incomplete.

In 3 weeks, +150%.

Not even interesting, gentlemen. Expected to meet a more serious opponent.

NOT INTERESTED. There you go.

The enemy is waiting for the moment to attack when you are relaxed, or if you are now relaxed.
Vitali Kadel:
The enemy is waiting for you to attack when you're relaxed, or if you're relaxed now.

We're all set as it is. You just need to start dividing your profits by 50.

14 cents to go.