From theory to practice - page 1934


By the way, for the sake of interest, I will occasionally post my time series. Perhaps someone will check them on their TS and get the Grail. In this case, I will tell this sufferer - where and how they are obtained. Sort of stationary Palm streams :)))

Fear not, guys!!! -11% is nothing. So I haven't prayed hard enough.... We'll fix that.


By thunder, these two pairs EURJPY and CHFJPY have given force majeure...

What you call "force majeure" is a regular occurrence in financial markets)


By the way, for the sake of interest, I will occasionally post my time series. Perhaps someone will check them on their TS and get the Grail. In this case, I will tell this sufferer - where and how they are obtained. Sort of stationary Palm streams :)))

Fear not, guys!!! -11% is nothing. So I haven't prayed hard enough... We'll fix that.

I didn't pray hard enough... and that's what you're gonna fix. More prayer. And what answer do you expect from God?


What you call "force majeure" is quite a regular occurrence in financial markets)

A trend of 300 old pips without a pullback is normal???

I've only observed this on a Wiener process model. By the way, I'll check at the weekend - whether the random sequences on those pairs at the time were exactly with a normal distribution. If so, I'll fix that too, although I thought I'd already got the coveted mean reversal gamma process in the Palm flow...

Vitali Kadel:

Not praying hard enough... And this you will correct. More prayer. And what answer do you expect from God?

:))) You'll have to work harder... So far I've cut off everything on top of the gamma process I'm looking for, and I need to go to the bottom as well... I'll have to think about it...

That leaves a fat middle ground))

A trend of 300 old pips without a pullback - is that normal???

You take the euro-yen chart, press the D1 button, scroll back a bit... and...


:))) I still have to work hard... So far I've cut off everything on top of the gamma process I'm looking for, but I've got to go to the bottom as well... I need to think...

On increasing the power of gamma radiation?

then surely guided by these calculations and consulting with you the price will run


A trend of 300 old pips without a pullback is normal???

I've only observed this on a Wiener process model. By the way, I'll check at the weekend to see if the random sequences on those pairs at the time were exactly with a normal distribution. If so, I'll fix that too, although I thought I'd already got the coveted mean reversal gamma process in the Palma flow...

The old point is how?


-11% is nothing.

Not -11%, but -18.91%. At the lowest possible transaction volume. This is obvious over sitting.