From theory to practice - page 185

Mihail Marchukajtes:
Guys, what makes you think it's the Grail? No decent statistics, not even a series of trades provided, just single deals. The Grail is a very good model of a real brokerage firm that has a good reputation in the market. Why the grail????

Yeah, the local newsies are awake again... one of them's singing, the others are picking up on it.


So I, suffering from remorse, think how to be - giving it away to everyone is wrong. People have to suffer their Grail, with or without ears. And the promise I made? Here's the dilemma... So, the model will only be handed out on request to those who are just exhausted, tired, but fighting like a warrior with the market. And this is evident in the archived posts of forum participants.

Don't sweat it, we'll solve it now. Iron logic))).

In short - God loves a trinity, and Lenin five years.

5 - 3 = 2

The grail goes to Nikolay Demko and Dr. Trader. That's it!

The rest get a book, because a book is the best present!)))


Don't sweat it, we'll figure it out. With iron logic)))

In short - God loves three and Lenin loves five.

5 - 3 = 2

The grail goes to Nikolay Demko and Dr. Trader. That's it!

Others a book, because the book is the best present!)))

We already have the book.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

We already have the book.

and that's the maximum !!!

5 - 3 != 3

by the way, i downloaded it too, so i took a picture...
For example in the MO thread, well, not a grail, but a qualitative approach to the market is being implemented, where the TS needs to be monitored almost every week, etc. The authors are more like the truth there, and when they talk about testing periods of a year or more, it makes me feel uncomfortable thinking "Do the authors really see everything in a rosy light???".
Yuriy Asaulenko:

We already have the book.

Renat Akhtyamov:

By the way, I downloaded it, too.

Don't crowd in, pass by... No queue for the Grail...)))


Don't crowd in, pass by... Don't get in line for the Grail...)))

Who are you? Impostor, you weren't even supposed to be here.


Sorcerer is the first to understand what this is all about:

A tribute to him instead of the Grail. I was then very surprised that there were people here (humans? sometimes I think aliens with the widest range of knowledge) who understood anything about what I was writing about.

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От теории к практике
  • 2017.12.03
Добрый вечер, уважаемые трейдеры! Решил было на какое-то время покинуть форум, и сразу как-то скучно стало:)))) А просто читать, увы - неинтересно...
Hail to Lenin!

Sorcerer is the first to understand what this is all about:

A tribute to him instead of the Grail.

This is the right thing to do.