From theory to practice - page 1730

Irina Kolosova:

No, no and no. Why argue...

No what? Absolutely all "exchangers" work the same way. Moreover, even if someone really wants to do something different, their "exchange", working "somehow wrong" - it will not work.


Unfortunately, without volatility clustering the market is pure SB, the entropy of market VR is similar to the entropy of SB in this case

with clustering - another random process

There is no way to make money from it in the long run, by any means

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Unfortunately, without volatility clustering the market is pure SB, the entropy of market VR is similar to the entropy of SB in this case

with clustering - another random process

There is no way to make money from it in the long run, by any means

Max, I'm not good at math and I don't know the terms. I'll tell you in local Forex terms. There are many different patterns used in forex that can be found in SB as well.So, when you study the behaviour of forex and SB after a pattern on the forward, you may see the difference. And seeing it, you will quietly trade.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Unfortunately, without volatility clustering the market is pure SB, the entropy of market VR is similar to the entropy of SB in this case

with clustering - another random process

it is not possible to earn on it in the long term, by any means

Yura Asaulenka was also convinced that the market was SB and fought it as SB. He built a channel, the price moved from the border of the channel to the midpoint (which is 66% of the time in the case of the SB), he closed the profit, went to the other side and triggered a stop. The strategy was as dumb as a hammer. Well, I was fooling around here with nothing to do....

And suddenly... At some point he shouted in my personal communication: "Uncle Sasha! I understood - what physical process corresponds to BP with its probability distribution of increments!!! I am a genius and everyone on the forum, including you, are pygmies!!!" And ran away from the forum forever, afraid to let it slip...

And physical processes have never been and never will be entirely random... SB is just an approximate model to describe them and nothing more. Every physical process has its regularities.


It's a miracle, isn't it?

Batska Mandelbrot wrote that they are accidental and very dangerous, and here some Asaulenka, an ordinary electrician, refuted this genius and even outdid Nobel Thomas

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

It's a miracle, isn't it?

Batska Mandelbrot wrote that they are accidental and very dangerous, and here some Asaulenka, a mediocre electrician, refuted this genius and even outdid Nobel Thomas.

But so it was. I could cite this correspondence to prove it, but it would be unethical.


But, so it was. I could quote this correspondence to prove it, but it would be unethical.

Asaulenko is a notorious crook, bigger than Rena.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:



Yura Asaulenka was also convinced that the market was an SB and fought it as an SB. He built a channel, when the price moved from the channel boundary to the midpoint (which is 66% of the time in the case of the SB) he took a profit, when it went to the other side, he triggered a stop. The strategy was as dumb as a hammer. Well, I was fooling around here with nothing to do....

And suddenly... At some point he shouted in my personal communication: "Uncle Sasha! I understood - what physical process corresponds to BP with its probability distribution of increments!!! I am a genius and everyone on the forum, including you, are pygmies!!!" And ran away from the forum forever, afraid to let it slip...

And physical processes have never been and never will be entirely random... SB is just an approximate model to describe them and nothing more. Every physical process has its regularities.

Given his specialty in the real world, he must have seen "capacitor charge from a noisy transistor"...or discharge :-)

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Asaulenko is a notorious trickster and cheat, bigger than Rena.

There has to be an expert in every game.

otherwise there's no one to learn from.