From theory to practice - page 1661


Whose depot? Yours?

The tram depot or the trolleybus depot, whichever you prefer.

К одиноко сидящей, грустной, уставшей женщине обращается мужчина: — Dоdе ра? 
У женщины в голове мелькает: "Француз"! Настоящий ФРАНЦУЗ В Ее ЖИЗНИ! 
Все, конец серым будням! Прощайте, русские мужчины со своими хоккеями, рыбалками и разбросанными носками. 
Теперь будут шампанское и танго у подножия Эйфелевой башни, солнце и белый морской песок. И, разумеется, Шанель! Но надо же что-то ответить! 
Она: — Пардон мсье! Кес ке се? 
— Автобус, я тя спрашиваю, до депа идет? 
Renat Akhtyamov:
the trader

Let's say I had a $1,000 deposit. I added another $500. How will the law of the price change? Can you explain?


Let's say I had a $1,000 deposit. I added another $500. How will the law of the price change? Can you explain?

I added how.

added or earned?

Renat Akhtyamov:

added as.

Did you add to it or did you earn it?

Throw in.



balance > equity=1500-1%.

the price will go in such a way that this inequality holds

close the loss, the bar will decrease, i.e. equity=1500-loss1-1%

and so on:


same for profit

but still the equity will be equal to the initial equity (before the last profit) - 1%

Certainly not immediately, a little later
Renat Akhtyamov:

balance > equity=1500-1%

The price will go in such a way that this inequality is fulfilled.

If you close the loss, the bar will go down, i.e. 1500-loss-1%.

and so on.

This is all nonsense, increasing my deposit by $500 will not affect the law of price movement in any way.


It's all nonsense, increasing my deposit by $500 won't affect the law of price movement in any way.

You shouldn't do that.

So, I'm just saying...

I'll ignore it.

Open a real account, re-read it, check it out first.

before jumping to conclusions.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Rena, I recall that Yura Asaulenko (I still regret that he left the forum) said that he understood the nature of the unusual island-shaped and thick-tailed distribution of increments. Found analogues in physics (nuclear, I suspect) and understands - where the huge price jumps come from.

Please explain where 100 pips jumps in literally 1 second in price come from, in terms of your theory.


Rena, I recall that Yura Asaulenko (I still regret that he left the forum) said that he understood the nature of the unusual island-shaped and thick-tailed distribution of increments. Found analogues in physics (nuclear, I suspect) and understands - where the huge price jumps come from.

Here's an explanation, please, of where jumps of 100 points or more in price come from, in terms of your theory.

Yury Asulenko left the forum when I told him in a private message how to trade by the example of MYEX.

He understood that everything is simple and at the same time realized that it's not interesting and there's nothing to read.

And the bounces are a check on the calculation.

And they jump right up to the place where the inequality is in their favour.

Thinking of closing the profit? No, think about it first - will you really win, especially when there is more than one pair?


:))) Nobody pissed anywhere. I just pissed on the Canadian a little bit on 02.10.2019 and did not do any forex for a month. I was sad. And you're still raging? How old are you, Dima?

Am I right in assuming that you are ready to repeat in real life what YOU wrote to me? You can also apologize publicly - I'm not an animal.

And as for the "little bit of a slip" - it's not an accidental phenomenon, it's systemic. Only YOU, because of your blind faith in authority, seem unable to understand it. You need to have an independent mind for that, uncle))