From theory to practice - page 1589

It's obvious to me that the working things are the moving average as a measure of drift (drift) and the dispersion channel. Naturally, these are not Bollinger Bands, as some Bass is trying to put the sufferers on here. It is in the calculation of these values (average and dispersion) that the mystery of the market lies.

You can take my word for it - trading in a channel relative to the average is the right way to go.
I just have to keep working. Let's see...

Carry on. This direction is really working, but its potential is not great. Especially since you are fixated on returning to the average, while I, for example, am much more interested in the movement from border to border. As I wrote before, the graphical analysis has a much higher priority and potential, but the deviation from the moving average may also give something.
I will try to give some tips where to dig (based on my own experience in this area).
Volatility (deviation from the average) tends to be characteristic of certain, rather long periods of time. The average volatility parameters found for some period can be valid (within the trading system) for 1.5-2 years, after that they fall out of the acceptable range and the system needs to be reconfigured. If we consider changes in volatility dynamically, then after surges (crises, Brexits, force majeure, etc.) it tends to fade, i.e. decrease. However, when volatility decreases to a certain, sufficiently low level, it surges again. Such behaviour is typical for long periods of time as well as within a day.
The spread of deviations from the average is not symmetrical, for risky assets it is slightly higher on Buy than on Sell. At any rate, most of the time this is the case. In the event of a crisis, when everyone is getting rid of risk, the bias could be in the opposite direction.
All of this data can be taken from the history processing, there you will also get specific numerical benchmarks (in a more advanced version - ratios of values, because the market is not static) for your trading system.


Ahhhh! Bravo, madam! You are beautiful.

That's Maksimka, Master of the Whistle, lots of nicknames, need to maintain his image, etc...
He's going to cut out another useless whistle and sell it at the near-market bazaar.
And we do not mind)))) Let's watch...

Aleksey Nikolayev:

There used to be less flattery and rudeness, but as far as content is concerned, I don't see much of a difference. Just like now, there are a lot of meaningless, meaningful posts. It is true that before they were often in quasi-mathematical form, but now they are simply and uncomplicatedly meaningless - but it is not immediately obvious which is worse)

Alyosha, what are you not happy about? Spit any nonsense, spit not only at Sank,
but at sorcerer.... as well. Is it bad in the family? Wife nagging? Tired of the black and water?
Come on in! Get all the nastiness out, fill it with bile, get your self-esteem up! All for you!)))

Martin Cheguevara:
Let me put it simply: you won't find palm trees when you go back to the taiga, even if you look very hard, no matter how many times you go back there))



That's Maksimka, the Master Whistleblower. He's got a lot of nicknames...
He's going to cut out another useless whistle and sell it at the marketplace.
And we do not mind)))) Let's watch...

you're so fucked up that you're getting paranoid.


Alyosha, what's wrong with you? Spit all kinds of nonsense, spit not only at Sank,
but also at sorcerer..... Is it bad in the family? Wife nagging? Tired of the black stuff and the water?
Come on in! Get out all the hate, fill it with bile, boost your self-esteem! All for you!)))

A more melodic and realistic "all-seeing" song than yours:

Martin Cheguevara:

I meant the palm tree of the palm family).

And what is on the picture is also called palma,batyga,pal,laht, and even the Evenkscalledthis tool"koto".

So alas, you simply took as a fact what is written on the picture without really going into the essence ... sorry ...

By the way, I gave a good example of how great is the probability of wishful thinking;)

Palma is the name of a dog.)

Martin Cheguevara:
I wonder if there's anyone here who can somehow substantiate the results of finding patterns in the forex market with real calculations and explain why this pattern occurs? Will show it in such a way that anyone can do the same and be convinced of the actual existence of the fact? without any formulasE,graphE, and so on...
Of course, apart from the occasional wandering, as hopefully at least at this point most people won't have any doubts)
If there aren't even a couple of people like that and there are a bunch of delusional sofa divisions again, then the plant isn't such a bad idea...)

if we all go to one plant - not a bad company will be, it will be the most expensive)


Tired of the blackjack and the water?

"blackjack" has been a hard drug since the '80s and '90s, I doubt there's anyone alive who was familiar with it back then

Martin Cheguevara:
I wonder if there is anyone here who can somehow substantiate the results of finding patterns in the forex market with real calculations and explain why this pattern occurs? Will show it in such a way that anyone can do the same and be convinced of the actual existence of the fact? without any formulasE, graphE, and so on...
Of course, except for random wandering, because hopefully at least on this point most people will have no doubts).
If there aren't even a couple of people like that and there are a bunch of delusional sofa divisions again, then the plant isn't such a bad idea...)

There are no random walks in the markets. There are only regular movements.