From theory to practice - page 1485

Олег avtomat:

In the desert, it soaks up sand, but nothing grows on it...

Everything is relative. Water is not fertile either. However, hydroponics is grown on it.
The peppermint blooms beautifully. It doesn't need anything but sand. It doesn't freeze in winter, even on the balcony, it doesn't need watering).

It's one thing when you're a coder with a big limitation on the terms of reference
And it's another when you are a programmer writing by image.
A coder has sand in his head like a filter and the water of the idea leaves rubbish in his head.
That's all the relativity.
Aлександр Антошкин:
Everything is relative. Water has no fertility either. However, hydroponics is grown on it.
The milkweed blooms beautifully. Apart from sand, it doesn't need anything. It does not freeze in winter, even on the balcony, no watering is needed).

The way can't be grown, it can only be invented).

Aлександр Антошкин:
Everything is relative. Water has no fertility either. However, hydroponics is grown on it.
The milkweed blooms beautifully. It doesn't need anything but sand. It doesn't freeze in winter, even on the balcony, it doesn't need watering).

It's one thing when you're a coder with a big limitation on the terms of reference
It's another when you're a programmer who writes from an image.
A coder has sand in his head like a filter and the water of the idea leaves rubbish in his head.
That's all relativity.

Soil is fertile.

But if there's sand in his head...

Олег avtomat:

Yeah... like in the sand...

There is no point in trying to use small-dimensional dynamics approaches in statistical physics.

Олег avtomat:

Fertility is in the soil.

But if there's sand in your head...

Then the idea grows on waste .
In the context of the previous post.
In order to avoid distortion of the real dynamics, in a statistical study it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations (linking dynamics series), which precede the statistical analysis of the dynamics series.
Actually that's what (crows) do in swalek. But they have a thyroid that will help them live to be 300 years old. And maybe invent something like GMO)
In general, all this is strange, Uncle Fyodor is already in orbit, and we are all looking for where the price will go with metocwot....
Shallow Emelya...
Aleksey Nikolayev:

There is no point in trying to use small-dimensional dynamics approaches in statistical physics.

The automaton is absolutely right.

In our case, take mass m = const (not necessarily =1) and be done with it.

The momentum and energy become proportional to, respectively, velocity v and v^2.

In fact, analysis of these quantities comes down to analysis of the increments and their squares - instantaneous, or some system.

Going deeper, these things are clearly valuable in creating a discontinuity indicator and somehow come down to the analysis of the central moments of the increment distribution and the price itself.

Sorry, writing cursorily - busy preparing for the unrestrained signal and PAMM opening.


The automaton is absolutely right.

In our case, take mass m = const (not necessarily =1) and we're done.

Momentum and energy become proportional to velocity v and v^2 respectively.

In fact, analysis of these quantities comes down to analysis of the increments and their squares - instantaneous, or some system.

Going deeper, these things are clearly valuable in creating a discontinuity indicator and in one way or another boils down to the analysis of the central moments of the increment distribution and the price itself.

Sorry, writing cursorily - busy preparing for the unrestrained signal and PAMM opening.

you got it right ;) but only the first part.

the analysis is not limited to the analysis of increments and their squares.

Having q and p, we sham the HamiltonianH, recalling the Pontryagin maximum principle.

Олег avtomat:

Well, I've done some formulas for instantaneous energy and momentum at m=1, then for energy and momentum of the system. I have again reduced it to the analysis of increments at uniform deltaT.

I mean, one way or another, it all leads to working with distributions anyway :)))

It's a long known fact - if a person has grasped something once, no force in the world will ever make him look at the market in a different way.

Von in the thread about some Bablikokos people have been sitting for years, and Georges will never part with his league, even if he has to live in a roadside ditch and suffer from hunger and cold. Psychology... There's nowhere to go...



You should have published the signal.

Why do you need pictures of the trades?