From theory to practice - page 1387

Don't spoil it))) All within the (existing) rules.
Uladzimir Izerski:
Don't spoil it)) It's all within the rules.

Far be it from me to ban statistics. Let them believe...

Алексей Тарабанов:

Well, of course it's a sham. With all due respect to probability theory, it is, in fact, the last chance to find a solution when you no longer understand what is going on.

Totally agree)
Wouldn't it be easier to arrive at what you're going to arrive at anyway, without torturing yourself and your brains to exhaustion?)
I certainly understand if it were the stock market... But phooorex)))
Martin_Apis_Bot Cheguevara:
Totally agree)
Wouldn't it be easier to get to what you're going to get to anyway without exhausting yourself and your brain?)
I certainly understand if it were a stock market... But phooorex)))

The stock market is several orders of magnitude riskier than the currency exchange market, which is why there is no margin trading. If we are talking about real securities and not a sweepstakes. My brain works at 5%, what about you?

Алексей Тарабанов:

The stock market is several orders of magnitude riskier than the foreign exchange market, so there is no margin trading. If we are talking about real securities, not gambling. My brain works at 5%, what about you?

I was referring to the possibility of technical analysis.

Have you heard of a*a+b*b=s*c ?

They say it's the purest grail there is.

Clear as a tear to Che and Renate when their next grail is smashed to smithereens and they drain another mum's $20.

Interesting WORD! THEORY is over the top, but no PRACTICE at all...

And THEORY consists mainly of bickering and poking fun at each other...

Maybe it's time to move on to PRACTICE...?

Serqey Nikitin:

Interesting WORD! THEORY is over the top, but no PRACTICE at all...

And THEORY consists mainly of barking up and poking fun at each other...

Maybe it's time to move on to PRACTICE...?

Topikstarter chops cabbage by the hour, not by the day.

Che and Renat are tearing up the demos.

All the rest just sit in raptures, adrenaline, endorphins and stuff like that.

What's not practice?

Or show them how to do it.

Serqey Nikitin:

Interesting WORD! THEORY is over the top, but no PRACTICE at all...

And PRACTICE consists mainly of bickering and poking fun at each other...

Maybe it's time to move on to PRACTICE already...?

It's time.

Occasionally, in their spare time and work, students of the Hing Shi school would play with students from other schools in ju-ju (the game that became the ancestor of modern football). The winning team received small privileges for a certain period of time, as well as a gift from the hands of their Master. So one day after class, on the eve of a new competition, the disciples approached the sage and asked him:

- Teacher, tell me why we so rarely manage to defeat our rivals in ju-ju, since we are as young, nimble and fast as they are. What is the secret of victory? Is it luck?

Hing Shi asked the students to wait for him, and after a while, he returned from the room carrying fragments of a vase. Giving each disciple one shard, Hing Shi said:

- I will only reveal the secret of victory to the one of you who, with wisdom and ingenuity, can draw the complete vase as it was before I broke it.

Having said this, Hing Shi walked out. The students, embarrassed by the daunting task, picked up their drawing utensils and, carefully examining each of their shards, began to draw. Since any of them wanted to be the one to whom Master would reveal the secret, they sat apart from each other and drew, covering their pictures with their hands so that no one else could see their drawing.

When they had finished their work, they came to the sage, each of them secretly hoping that his drawing would be the right one. But, after Hing Shi looked at their work, there was no one correct: all students drew different vases, beautiful and not very beautiful, but none of them was similar to the one which fragments were given to them by the wise man. Then Hing Shi gave the students their work back and asked them to try their hand again.

They were amazed at how unlike one another their drawings were. So they decided to put their crocks together and draw a vase together. They glued the pieces together and saw that one piece was missing. They turned the glued vase back to their sides and drew it back to its original state without too much trouble. Then they went to the sage to await his answer.

When they took the first drawing in their hands, Hing Shi smiled and said:

- I see you have already found the answer to your question. Indeed, victory only goes to those who, without fear of forgetting themselves, become one with their companions.

- Teacher, what is the meaning of the missing splinter, which did not prevent us from making a vase? - the pupils asked.

- Ah, yes," said Hing Shi, taking out the remaining shard, "it is the good fortune of your rivals which, if handled correctly, always remains in your hands.