From theory to practice - page 103


By the way, that's the difference between our non-Markovian process and random rambling.

Some of the most ingenious commoners here toss a coin in the air and stare at it with goggling eyes, thinking that they are solving all Forex problems. Well, what can I say, let them keep on tossing coins, all kinds of them. They'll end up with no trousers. Or maybe they already are. :)))))))))))))))))

No. You were asked if you could win a coin toss. You said you had to build a model in whissima and research it.
Even though every theorist book says you can't win on a coin.
So you've burned yourself that you don't know the theorem.)

Максим Дмитриев:

No. You were asked if it's possible to win on a coin. You said that you need to build a model in whissima and investigate it.
Even though every theorist book says you can't win on a coin.
So you've burned yourself for not knowing the theorem. )))

:))))))))) I know the theorem and there is no such thing as "earning". There's the concept of expectation, the problem of player ruin etc etc. So, here on this forum there are some people who say that it is possible to earn. And the personalities that well can not be suspected of stupidity. It is necessary to check and verify in practice - that's all.
Nikolay Demko:

True, but the opportunity is there, explain what you mean by the phrase "taking tics at exponential intervals" and I'll explain how to do it.

Although perhaps not explain, you've banned me in private)).

ZS Numerical series give me an example, either formulae or formula with the conditions.

I didn't ban anyone. I just shut down all the goddamn services - so as not to interfere with my work :))))))))))

Максим Дмитриев:

No. You were asked if it is possible to win on a coin. You said that you need to build a model in Wissim and investigate it.
Even though every theorist book says you can't win on a coin.
So you've burned yourself that you don't know the theorem.))

Although I'm too lazy to even check. There is no such thing as random wandering in forex, there hasn't been and there won't be. I don't want to waste my time on idiotic coins and I don't advise you to do it. Letbas do it - he knows everything :))))))))))))

I haven't banned anyone. I just turned all the services off so they wouldn't interfere with my work :))))))))))

I shouldn't even have replied to that line.

You have to explain the formula, because people often talk about the same things but understand completely different things.

The good thing about mathematics is that it is impossible to understand a formula differently.

Remember a question: how do you receive ticks at exponential intervals?
Nikolay Demko:

You should not even have responded to that retort.

You should not say anything about the formula, because it often happens that people on this forum talk about the same thing but understand completely different things.

The good thing about mathematics is that it is impossible to understand a formula differently.

SZS remind a question: the reception of ticks in exponential intervals like this?
Err... Read post #1004

Now I'm thinking - who's missing in this thread? There's something not right anyway. There's no fundamental power.

I remembered - there's a certain geniusVladimir missing.

Maybe he's confused by neural networks, too. If anyone is around - help the man out!

Um... Read post #1004.

I don't get it, but it's very interesting ))

MQL built-in oscillator gives IF from 0 to 32768, well, let's say you add 1, I understand what for, but why take a module?

Further, how do you expect the next tick to wait for 32768 seconds?

I gave you an example of misunderstanding, speak more clearly and people will catch up with you.

ZS I asked a simple question, what does exponential intervals mean, what is the formula for calculating the timing of n+1, and you feed me with rhumbas.

I have my own understanding, but what I want to hear is how you understand it.


Why read the ticks at exponential intervals at all? It's just... nonsense. ))

Nikolay Demko:

I don't get it, but it's very interesting ))

MQL built-in oscillator gives IF from 0 to 32768, well, let's say you add 1, I understand what for, but why take a module?

Further, how do you expect the next tick to wait for 32768 seconds?

I gave you an example of misunderstanding, speak more clearly and people will catch up with you.

ZS I asked a simple question, what does exponential intervals mean, what is the formula for calculating the timing of n+1, and you feed me with rhumbas.

I have my own understanding, but what I want to hear is how you understand it.

Can IFs in MQL be generated uniformly from 0 to 1?

If so, you take the natural logarithm of it at each program execution cycle, multiply by -1. This is a standard exponential MF generator. So you get 0.12, so you read a tick in 120 ms, the next value is 1.011, so in 1011 ms, and so on and so forth.

I add 1 and take the integer part to work on a scale of seconds, not milliseconds.

PS Whole part of course, not module - corrected.

PPS If there is no new tick at the current step - you don't read anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!