From theory to practice - page 1772

Who knows if swap-free accounts are only available in kitchens?

or does it also happen in euN accounts?

Instead of a swap, there is a commission of sorts. You still have to pay it.

Swap will be shoved into your commission. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Instead of a swap, there is a commission of sorts. You still have to pay it.

The swap will be stuck in your commission. Correct me if I'm wrong.

well, yes, but it seems to me that swap-free accounts are kitchen technology.

there will always be a swap in the market.

as these are central bank rates.


well, yeah, but i think swap-free accounts are kitchen technology.

there will always be swap in the market.

as these are central bank rates.

Don't bother.) Find out from your office where they hide the swap and that's it.


because everyone already knows how to make it a straight line.
Lock out losing trades.

It's enough to just sit out the losses. Take 2p, no stop. And you can start breeding suckers (it's a kind of animal breeding).

well yeah, but i think swap-free accounts are kitchen technology.

there will always be a swap in the market.

as these are central bank rates.

Yes, 99.9% of the forex market is a kitchen, so don't worry about it. The important thing is not to get bored as long as the deposit is alive)



How do you understand "locking losing trades"? How do you mean?


Okay, I won't keep you waiting.)

Forget the locks, please, completely.


Sounds threatening :) Come on, no one. Does it, this superpowered intellect, find anything like that on regular bars and watches? But it's there, on regular bars.) And how much more. About 92 by 8 minus the spread :):):)

I'll ask you to make it clear, I'll tell him.


Here's an idea, start a thread on "How to drain a deposit".

I already have one topic... (I mean I'm already running one).

I would be an active participant in such a theme ... For I know how to withdraw clearly! )))

It is necessary to clarify, so that there is a clear understanding of my message:

This topic will learn all options, how to drain the deposit. And it will help you not to do so. Know your enemy ;)


I have an idea to start a theme "How to lose a deposit".

Strange as it may seem, but for any strategy it is possible to drain the deposit faster than the spread/trade only by violating its rules and MM

or with a super-small deposit for the strategy. She, TS, has her own volatility, that's what knocks her out early.