From theory to practice - page 1636

Martin Cheguevara:
I guarantee that you'll get the same result in a week (a month or a year or whatever).

found a mistake, accidentally planted a heuristic

you can't do this, there should be no filters

something already...

a week of running the software:

as they say - fuck you and your warranty


Renat Akhtyamov:

found a mistake, accidentally planted a heuristic

You can't do that, there shouldn't be any filters.

something already...

a week of running the software:

Cool...but...but...but...what the hell week... Rena...
You understand that there is a statistical advantage to trading and there is a historical advantage.
If you don't know what's going on in your trading robot, you may use null hypotheses... If you don't know what's going on in your trading robot, you may use null hypotheses... and you don't know what's going on in your trading robot.
Don't try to kid know better than most about the market...unless you count your novel idea about dolls and formula...

You think the price reversed to the mean by a mysterious formula?
No...just the volatility was high and hence the noise too, hence the probability of hitting your imaginary average was high and that's all.

But you're free to think what you want, I'm not convincing you of anything, I'm just trying to make a theory out of the facts as I always say.
Martin Cheguevara:
Cool...but...but...but...what the hell week... Rena...
You understand that there is a statistical advantage to trading and there is a historical advantage .
The first tends to work constantly using laws that have always been in the market and have not changed ... like grids, the second works only on history for a short time day, week, month, year ... three years, only 2014, only not 2014 and so on ...
Don't try to kid know better than most about the market...unless you count your novel idea about dolls and formula...


You have no idea about the algorithm.

here you have to fumble with the statistics for years and the problem is solved in X?

if you see what time it is, you'll immediately start banging your head against the wall, because you just had no idea how easy it is, and that you've ruined your efforts in the wrong place

one action, just one action, and the problem is solved !!!!!

as a result, the result is a perfect copy of CME, just like twins, and liquidity is in your pocket

Renat Akhtyamov:


you have no idea about the algorithm.

You're sure you've been fumbling around in statistics for years, and the problem is solved in X?


Yes? I don't get it?) I don't get that your system is working for a return to the average?) It's not hard to guess by looking at the equity curve.)

Just... eh Renat You save your nerves...
Renat Akhtyamov:

found a mistake, accidentally planted a heuristic

you can't do that, there shouldn't be any filters

something already...

a week of work:

as they say, fuck you and your warranty.


about the filters, that's a good point.

who would have told me this ten years ago :-)

Martin Cheguevara:
Yes? I don't get it?) I don't understand that your system works to return to the average? It's not hard to guess by looking at the equity curve.) Renat You save your nerves...

I have no idea what's going back in there, it just works itself, I just watch

I can't even figure out what it's doing.

No calculations.

Just one action.

just saw the same thing on the CME, exactly the same, go figure.
Renat Akhtyamov:

I have no idea what goes back there or where, it just works itself, I just watch.

I can't even figure out what she's doing.

no calculations

Just one action.

just saw the same thing on the CME, exactly the same, go figure.
One action, one decision. In the market there are two - trend and flat. I understand how you open, you probably have a flip working for you. But it will pass. And again Renat will appear in front of us - with a new idea and new developments that are about to end...
I'd be happy for you if you found a solution, believe me.

I've already been through and out of this forest and you just went in and got lost, but thought you got out - mistook wishful thinking for reality.
Martin Cheguevara:
One action - one decision. In the market there are two - a trend and a flat. I understand how you open, most likely you have a flip-flop. But it will pass. And again Renat will appear in front of us - with a new idea and new refinements that are about to end...
I would only be happy for you if you found a solution.

I have already been through and out of this forest, and you have only entered and lost your way, but thought you were out - mistaking wishful thinking for reality.

There are no trends and no flotsam.

you just have to see it and understand why it's trending and why it's flat

(pain charts, graphs (numbers, lines, etc.)

charts show volumes of buys and sales

i.e., the volumes are changing, so we've got a schedule of rattling prices.

now removed the last heuristic



Renat Akhtyamov:

there are no trends and there are no flotsam

you just need to see and understand why there is a trend and why there is a flat

the volume of buying and selling charts draw, just the volume

So the price is fluctuating and that's why we have the chart.

Charts, charts, charts.

Now I've removed the last heuristic.

Sync by honeybunny


Trend because there was a flat, flat because there was a trend, simple as that.
And what you call price jitter, it's just random wandering.

there are no trends and there are no flotsam

You just need to see and understand why there is a trend and why there is a flat
